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Playing one side against the other

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posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 03:57 AM
I have felt for a long time now that we as a people are being played against one another in an effort to keep us distrustful of one another. Such examples as Race, Religion, Political Alignment, Abortion Rights, Gun Control all do there part to keep us apart.

The question is this. Is it by design or just human nature?

I'm beginning to believe it could be by design. Much like slight of hand magic it keeps our focus on the wrong things.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 04:47 AM
I except the theory that we are being played against one another as fact in the same way that I know the sun rises in the East every day.

You left one out though, and that is how the politicians use the issue of class to set different groups against each other. It happens all the time anymore in political debates and just look at last years elections as proof to the fact that politicians will use class to put people at odds with each other, just to achieve their goal of aquiring more power and to get re-elected. That is all they care about. And the overall health of the Nation doesn't really seem to matter to them at all.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 04:58 AM
It's all about control...

"Devide and conquer"

"United we stand, devided we fall"

Cliches but so true!

Whilsed we fight and argue amongst ourselves we pay no attention to what "they" are doing.

It's a method as old as government itself.

If we were to turn our eyes away from each other and towards the "powers that be" we would see them tremble in fear.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 07:02 AM
I have noticed a great shift in the political conspiracy arena. I came into the whole conspiracy theory community while researching the JFK assassanation, at that time Clinton was in office and it was all about Waco and Gun control and the coming police state. Now it's all about Bush and 9/11 and the coming police state. So it seems to me we are perpetuating the game they play. Until we can put down the left vs. right rhetoric and stand for ourselves as strong freemen we will forever be running in circles.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 10:57 AM
Oh, of course! Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book, and it's a classic, because it works so well.

That's the whole basis for fear-based politics - which we're seeing played out so very well in the media now - with Terrorism, playing the Judeo-Christian West against the big bad Islamic Middle-East.

I hope every saw, or managed to download the brilliant 3-part BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares - It explained very well how the politicians use the mass-media in order to manipulate the population through fear-based psychology.

Similarly, the series Century of the Self - by the same documentary maker, was equally as revealing in it's exploration of public relations and the media.

They were shown here in the UK a while back now, but I know you can still get them from the larger torrent sites - they are well worth seeing.

[edit on 25-11-2005 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 06:47 PM
i believe neversubmit is right on point with his take. the whole basis of our government is to play one against the other. republicans and democrats will never agree. this perpetuates the debates on issues like abortion, gun rights, gay marraige etc. if they give us something to argue about and "vote" on, this entertains the illusion that we do have a say and our opinions matter.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:16 PM
In direct reply to the original post:
Congradualtions on becoming awakened.

That's exactly how things are, how they've been, and likely how they will be.
It's malevolance that controls the deseption of humanity, but unfortunatly it's human nature to accept it.

All you can really do is (as the cliche goes) Deny Ignorance.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:51 PM
Sadly, I must say I really don't think the government even has to interfere in this regard.

Mankind does a good enough job on their own being pathetically biased and hateful. The government may exploit it, but it's mankind that is to blame and I think government or not, it would still be just as bad.
I'm going with human nature on this one. The design would not be possible without it.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
It's all about control...

"Devide and conquer"

"United we stand, devided we fall"

Cliches but so true!

Whilsed we fight and argue amongst ourselves we pay no attention to what "they" are doing.

It's a method as old as government itself.

If we were to turn our eyes away from each other and towards the "powers that be" we would see them tremble in fear.

If I had a prize to give U
SO on point Anok and also nevesubmit
on posting this.

Relentless, to a degree I agree but I don't believe it would be of this magnitude I am seeing today if not for the governments' hand in it. And it will only get worse

[edit on 29-11-2005 by ImJaded]

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 03:04 AM
The Nature Of The Beast

Originally posted by neversubmit
The question is this. Is it by design or just human nature?

The answer: yes.

We tend to coalesce into groups, which then tend to compete with one another, which ultimately leads to conflict.

Additionally, there are those among us who take advantage of this tendency and cultivate it to achieve control over others in attempts to gain perceived benefits.

All human history basically amounts to this.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 01:49 PM
And to further muddy the waters, lots of time one "side" is actually right...and you get moral relativism coming into play.

"The sky is blue!"
"No it's green!"
"Well I BELIEVE it's blue! You can believe it's green all you want."

Truth of the matter is it's blue. See what I'm getting at?

My mother is what one could call a moderate liberal. Her brother is a Bushbot. My uncle said my mother is far left because she's against the Iraq invasion.

Now he'd probably think me an anomaly because I'm a conservative and against the invasion--I don't spout the "party line." I believe in this--what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. You have to take each thing, each idea, and evaluate it. It helps if you don't believe in moral relativism.

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