posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 05:00 AM
Alright then back again for a post. I am now currently investigatiing my own paranormal research on my own involvoing several research activities in
my own area and elsewhere as well. This does include Time Travel experiments In St Louis, MO and somewhat else when as well Seeking out EVP's Time
Travel photos And some ghostly stuff as well and investigating into my own research as much as i can involving a very lot of this whole world which is
indeed fasciating I have been out taking pictures with an old 35mm camara and am trying to get going now with other aspects of it all So if you are in
my area and would like to help I am out here I am in Missouri About two hours out from St Louis. So let me know Thank's Jay The Eleventh Doctor Oh
and by the way hat name is from Doctor Who which I made up myself a few years back any who fans out there I am into Scifi from way back Trek Doctor
Who and the lot. Hope to hear from you let me know if and when you are interested and might be able to get with me on my research I have a few outside
resources and some help somewhat. Thank's. Jay