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25% of the US is complying with Kyoto.

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posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 11:24 PM
The US never signed the Kyoto accord, but one-quarter of the country has adopted similar pledges.

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 22 (UPI) -- Though the United States doesn't participate in the Kyoto protocol, a study indicates about one-quarter of the nation is complying with the Kyoto accords.

A report published in the Nov. 17 issue of the journal Nature indicates one-quarter of the U.S. population lives in states, counties or cities that have adopted climate change policies similar to those of the global initiative.

If regions classified as "probable" and "possible" adopters that have pledged to reduce emissions are included, more than one-third of the U.S. population lives in such areas, say co-authors Brendan Fisher and Robert Costanza of the University of Vermont.

Some states are trying very hard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


States with GHG Reporting & Registries

States with a Carbon Cap or Offset Requirement for Power Plants

States with Public Benefit Funds

States with Renewable Portfolio Standards

States Participating in Regional Climate Action

States with Net Metering Programs

States with Green Pricing Programs

States with Climate Action Plans

States with Greenhouse Gas Inventories

States with Appliance Efficiency Standards

States Poised to Require Vehicle GHG Emissions Standards

Last June Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for California, leading the Way on Fight Against Global Warming.

1. That the following greenhouse gas emission reduction targets are hereby established for California: by 2010, reduce GHG emissions to 2000 levels; by 2020, reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels; by 2050, reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels; and
2. That the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (“Secretary”) shall coordinate oversight of the efforts made to meet the targets with: the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Secretary of the Department of Food and Agriculture, Secretary of the Resources Agency, Chairperson of the Air Resources Board, Chairperson of the Energy Commission, and the President of the Public Utilities Commission; and
3. That the Secretary shall report to the Governor and the State Legislature by January 2006 and biannually thereafter on progress made toward meeting the greenhouse gas emission targets established herein; and
4. That the Secretary shall also report to the Governor and the State Legislature by January 2006 and biannually thereafter on the impacts to California of global warming, including impacts to water supply, public health, agriculture, the coastline, and forestry, and shall prepare and report on mitigation and adaptation plans to combat these impacts; and
5. That as soon as hereafter possible, this Order shall be filed with the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and notice be given to this Order.

I applaud these States in their efforts and I hope more States join them in the fight against global warming. extra DIV


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