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ALERT NW Manipulation of JET

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posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

If it is above your head, either ask for clarification, or move along...
slamming somthing that is outside your knowledge base is asking to be ignorant...

What about slamming something that is well within my knowledge base?

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 09:58 AM
Feel free to slam anything you want, we cant stop you...
but we do look at comments like yours as ignorant, when others can very well understand the links being theorized...

Sat images show a black spot, that is supposidly a sat glitch in the exact shapes that coincidentally becomes the same shape of the clouds later in the same day...
add to that:
1. HAARP -proven to be able to heat up areas of the sky
2. the recent weather modification bill that authorized many methods of weather manipulation (which Bush has openly said "we will do")
3. The wierd weather this last hurricane season
4. the military report that stated global warming is a fact, and needs to be addressed to moderate the effects (top military brass's suggestion).
5. the dangerous decrease in flow of the ocean current that heats the U.K.
(also indicated in the previous military report- now proven independantly)

we are trying to test this theory against known science... so please feel free to add any known science factors that can add to or take away from the discussion.

if you want to say that these are being misinterpreted, please show how.

I am not trying to be rude at all... i apologize if it seems that way... I am only trying to preserve a thread from being slammed, that others seem willing to discuss.
There seems to be some credibility... especially as our resident skeptic (the honorable Howard Roark) seems to be open to debate and consideration of the theory...

so, simply... please give the respect you would want if you had a new theory with some evidence to propose...

More than a few times, this board has been able to debunk theorys for the good of all with facts presented... if you have knowledge in this area, you could be of benefit in testing this theory... but it takes an open mind.
and lets always try to avoid getting personal.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Christodd

The group of WV images show the disruption in the clouds as the beam moved on the coast. I also want to point over to East to that rip in the clouds by Los Alamos NM. The last time one of these occured there was a good cross breeze and strange burning smells were reported in Texas.This is not the whole series of WV images I just cut a few out as I wanted to get this up as it is a current event.

You can see several within.And when you animate they do not move everything moves around them.This is prob still viewable on the 12 hour loop.That is why I wanted to get this up ASAP. One of my other forum watchers alerted me to this

You do realize that New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada are desterts, don’t you? Why are they deserts? Because they don’t get much rain. What happens to the rain? The water vapor gets knocked out of the clouds when the air mass crosses over the mountains.

Please account for this in your analysis

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

1. HAARP -proven to be able to heat up areas of the sky

The ionosphere, yes. Did you know that parts of the ionosphere reach temperatures of over 400 F though natural processes alone? ? ?

How does this affect the weather in the troposphere?

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 05:31 PM

This storm walloping New England any sat's on that? It was a normal storm till joining with something out in the Atlantic by Virginia. I think this storm's main body was a result of the subject of the original post.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Sat images show a black spot, that is supposidly a sat glitch in the exact shapes that coincidentally becomes the same shape of the clouds later in the same day...

Except they don't.

Take this latest image:-

Note the area for which no data is available

And now compare with the current WV image:-

And note there is no similarity at all. And I guarantee that if you look at subsequent WV images they will show no similarity either.

Furthermore, the initial image depict microwave radiation. If the black areas are not simply areas for which data is not available, then the only other possibility is that those areas have suddenly ceased to emit microwave radiation. Which I assume means they are at 0 degrees kelvin?

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 06:34 AM
I think that the black spots were a known phenomonon which are being exploited in the care of the weather manipulation. Missing data is real and exists, but the question here is: are there times the data goes missing on purpose?

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 07:44 AM
I'm still waiting for an explanation on how HAARP can affect the troposphere.


posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
I'm still waiting for an explanation on how HAARP can affect the troposphere.


I think it is an issue of layering... if one layer is pushed up or down (expanded with additional kinetic energy) then the layers above or below fill the void... kind of like a drum skin... as it is struck... it vibrates causing the air on either side to move. The drum skin being the ionosphere... the air being the troposphere.



posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle

Originally posted by HowardRoark
I'm still waiting for an explanation on how HAARP can affect the troposphere.


I think it is an issue of layering... if one layer is pushed up or down (expanded with additional kinetic energy) then the layers above or below fill the void... kind of like a drum skin... as it is struck... it vibrates causing the air on either side to move. The drum skin being the ionosphere... the air being the troposphere.


You forgot about the 40 km or so of stratosphere that is located between the Ionosphere and the troposphere.

In addition, the layers are not membranes like a drum. Yes, if you heat up a section, it will expand upward, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you pull the heavier, denser lower layers upward. I don’t think that you appreciate the huge disparity in density between the ionosphere and the troposphere.

That is not to say that there can’t be any interaction between the two, I just don’t think that there is any evidence that the ionosphere has any direct bearing on tropospheric weather systems. If anything, it tends to go the other way. Troposphere weather patterns have been shown to affect the ionosphere.

We simply do not have the capability to produce enough energy to significantly affect a simple weather system.

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

I'm still waiting for an explanation on how HAARP can affect the troposphere.


We simply do not have the capability to produce enough energy to significantly affect a simple weather system.

So you are saying the atmosphere is composed of largely unrelated singular systems? That do not significantly impact one another? That the atmosphere is not a complex system?


posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 04:12 PM
No, I’m saying that the energy required to significantly impact a single weather system is far in excess of what we can currently produce through conventional anthropogenic means (i.e. short of detonating a bunch of nukes in the atmosphere).

The ionosphere is susceptible to heating via RF energy, simply because it is so thin that it doesn’t take much energy to affect the free electrons zipping around up there. That is what is being heated, BTW, free electrons.

The troposphere is a different situation entirely.

It would be like trying to stir a glass of beer by blowing on the foam.

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