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ALERT NW Manipulation of JET

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posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 11:53 AM
I can see it quite clearly. More than likely they will try to fix the sat images.

I think this has more to do with the big picture than you may be aware of. I'm not convinced its the government doing this. I believe personnaly that we are under the care of an advanced alien race. Some will call them GOD etc. I simply believe they are the caretakers. Anyway to get back to the point. I think you may be seeing some of their work. We tend to belive that everything around us is in balance naturally. I do not. I see it as being very well planned and managed. It seems quite possible to me that if our weather is not kept in check by something then it will get out of control. I believe you have photographic evidence of this and give the US government way too much credit.

One more thing .If you use that ignore button under a posters name they dissapear forever.:> i love it.

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 12:05 PM

One more thing .If you use that ignore button under a posters name they dissapear forever.:> i love it.

Never understood the need for that. Even some people I do not agree with ever won't be ignored, I will still listen to what they have to say.

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 12:06 PM
On this I agree . I guess I should have just started with some basics instead of shock and awe. I'm sorry I went about it the wrong way this is my fault entirely.I think with my backround everyone knows all this stuff but often times I forget that training and schooling is how I know what I know.
I will make a effort going forward to try to slow down and make time to answer questions.My goal here is to make freinds and allies and to come up with answers. This forum has some of the best minds out there I was told this and I know it to be true this is why I have set up shop here .
I want to bring you all up to speed.HowardRoark for your question I will bring the answer in another post I promise and I will write it in a way that all can understand.
I wanted to share these observations with the forum

Once created my thinking is the disruption in this case the geometric shape the Triangle moves with the flow.

The first image is a WV from 5:15 UTC . I have been tracking this area. In general in the past a triangle has been used to block or to change flow.This is moving East

The second image is a WV from 15:15 UTC. It shows the progression of the Geometric oddity that I have been tracking.1 I have highlighted in yellow to show the outline of the triangle.

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 12:20 PM
Initially, Christodd, I was drawn to your posts on these phenomenon because of the amazing sat shots you presented, but I was as in the dark on their interpretation as much as some of the others have mentioned being.

Now that you've begun more detailed explanation, I think this is becoming a thread to follow here at ATS.

Thanks for taking the time to coddle us Luddites. Now that I understand things better, I'm really interested!

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Whilst I think I understand the part about the blacked out bits, then the corresponding weather patterns, the pictures above have confised me.

I just dont see the triangle in the image you have highlighted....I think I do, but then it moves...

Sorry for my ignorance......

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 01:27 PM
So you were saying that it is too much coincidence that the abnormal weather patterns are matching up with the blacked out information in the sattelite pictures. That if the weather were being manipulated, the sattelite feeds would have to be darkened in places that show the manipluation taking place. As ther are observable effects from the areas being blacked out, it is too coincidental that the "imaging errors" would constantly line up with the bizarre weather patterns.

Do I read you correctly?

[edit on 30-11-2005 by Mainer]

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 02:37 PM
I thought that the blacked out regions were suposed to be caused by HAARP.

OK then, what is causing these areas you say are abnormally high temperature?

Where is the heat energy coming from?
- The sun?

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 02:56 PM
Mainer, That is kind of the idea however, Natural Blackout coverage happens make no mistake about that. I will be working on a new thread all about Satt coverage where I will try to cover the basics and go indepth on the issues. Noaa says this and for years I never thought twice. One day this year I started overlapping Visual ,I-R4 ,WV images to SS85 and AM89 GHZ imagery.I started to notice while yes black outs right where they were supposed to be and where they were not. And where they were not supposed to be things would happen. Sometimes storms would get stronger and sometimes they would get weaker. Sometimes I noticed a change in flow. I said nothing just kept watching saving images and then the Hurricane season came. Beyond doubt in my head I felt I was on to something but where could I go who could help.I posted on other forums. Most were lost I could not teach nothing I tried. They all bought into the blackout and refused and other idea despite every effort and showing changes. A few caught on and they are working with me to this day.
I will try to get the Satt page up in a day or so. I want it to be as simple and down to earth as I can. For me that is not always easy

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 03:13 PM

Haarp and Satt cause some of the area's I reference too.Other area's are infact lack of satt coverage. They both play a factor. Perhaps this is why it has taken so long for anyone to catch on. At school they teach to overlook all blackout area's period. And most do and do not think twice about it. For years I did. I never thought about it till I started overlapping images and making movies. I nearly fell out of my chair when I seen it the first time match up . The agin and agin.

The AM89 and SS85 GHZ imagery shows Solar Radiance . It also does a great job of showing the Jet and Low pressure systems cold fronts and heat.Wich in a way concerns me as Alaska over the last few years looks to be red hot. It's not Hot but it sure looks red on the imagery.
When systems develop they often time will feed of this as a source of energy.So one could forecast using this type of imagery fairly well.

The natural energy Radiance is Solar in origin the Sun.To watch the imagery daily you get a pretty good idea how it moves natrually. I have watched many hours of this . So I'm pretty good with what is normal and what is not.I have seen many unnatural changes in flow and patterns.I can not explain this any other way than somebody is messing with it.

Stevans and Bearden think that Russia or China is behind it.
I'm not going to buy that because to much points the other way.

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 03:24 PM
I noticed this anomillie off the West Coast and I wanted to report about it right away.From today 11-30
The 2 AM89 image slices are current at 3:20 pm.

The group of WV images show the disruption in the clouds as the beam moved on the coast. I also want to point over to East to that rip in the clouds by Los Alamos NM. The last time one of these occured there was a good cross breeze and strange burning smells were reported in Texas.This is not the whole series of WV images I just cut a few out as I wanted to get this up as it is a current event.

You can see several within.And when you animate they do not move everything moves around them.This is prob still viewable on the 12 hour loop.That is why I wanted to get this up ASAP. One of my other forum watchers alerted me to this

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Christodd

Stevans and Bearden think that Russia or China is behind it.
I'm not going to buy that because to much points the other way.

Good, because those two characters are nuts.
Seriously. If you are basing anything off of their "work" or claims, you will have a hard time proving it, because they are con-artists selling a bill of goods.

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 05:00 AM
Do we have any more weather info from Chris?

This thread seemed to have died a death.....


posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 10:06 AM
This being my first post, I dont want to stir anything up but...I dont see anything unusual about these images besides missing information from sat. images. This can be seen on MANY sat. images across the world. I just dont see why because they are happening over the united states it is an indication of weather control.

IMHO, Christodd is giving the US government a little too much credit here. While I have no doubt they would love to control the weather, I just dont think they can, yet. Maybe its just me not understanding the imagery shown or the reasoning behind it.

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Joe52985
This being my first post, I dont want to stir anything up but...I dont see anything unusual about these images besides missing information from sat. images. This can be seen on MANY sat. images across the world. I just dont see why because they are happening over the united states it is an indication of weather control.

IMHO, Christodd is giving the US government a little too much credit here. While I have no doubt they would love to control the weather, I just dont think they can, yet. Maybe its just me not understanding the imagery shown or the reasoning behind it.

To give you a hint, as I found it tricky at first....

Where he is claiming there is a missing portion on the solar maps (for arguments sake, an upside down "L"), a day later on the corresponding map for water vapor, there is a match for the shape in the weather patterns.

Coinkydink? Possibly? But very Coinkydink-dental....

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 10:38 AM
just in case it hasn't been brought up,
HAARP is proven to cause heating in one of the atmospheric/stratospheric layers... dont ask me which one...

a dicovery program interviewed the inventor of HAARP and got the full story from the horses mouth... outside of the restricitions of security...

the contract with the inventor was violated by the military. So his nondisclosure agreement was null...

he went on to say It was actually invented for a much different purpose. The atmospheric heating was incidental... it was also why the military immediatly invested and bought out the project.

I would assume that the energy put off by HAARP could disrupt a sat signal. Since it can heat an entire continents worth of atmosphere...(also assumed, based upon output compared to original prototype of inventor.

And to the new poster: This is not giving the government too much credit... they CAN heat up the atmosphere... but it doesn't mean they know exactly what that will cause... only an idea of the immediate reaction...

now what happens when this little butterflywings breeze reaches europe is a whole other question... that there is no predicable answer for...

[edit on 7-12-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Joe - I don't think Christodd is necessarily claiming that HAARP/the US military is controlling the weather - just influencing it. And maybe, redirecting it just a smidge...

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
just in case it hasn't been brought up,
HAARP is proven to cause heating in one of the atmospheric/stratospheric layers... dont ask me which one...

Yes, HAARP does heat up part of the ionosphere, which starts at about 50 miles up, 44 miles above the troposphere (up to 6 miles up). Weather is confined to the troposphere. 99% of the atmospheric moisture is in the troposphere. In between these two layers, you have the stratosphere.

The air in the ionosphere is so thin, that free electrons can exist. Those free electrons are what are “heated” by HAARP. In other words, HAARP adds kinetic energy to those electrons.

a dicovery program interviewed the inventor of HAARP and got the full story from the horses mouth... outside of the restricitions of security...

the contract with the inventor was violated by the military. So his nondisclosure agreement was null...

he went on to say It was actually invented for a much different purpose. The atmospheric heating was incidental... it was also why the military immediatly invested and bought out the project.

Radar defenses and communications are two areas that the military is always researching.

I would assume that the energy put off by HAARP could disrupt a sat signal.

well since HAARP’s radio signals are designed to be absorbed by the ionosphere, and satellite signals are designed to pass through the ionosphere, I’m not sure how that would happen. On the other hand, satellites are senitive to disruptions in the aurora and the magnetosphere, so who knows. maybe you're right.

Since it can heat an entire continents worth of atmosphere...(also assumed, based upon output compared to original prototype of inventor.

A big assumption.

Remember that the energy to do this has to be originally generated on Earth and transmitted by HAARP to the atmosphere.

Also, keep in mind that temperature measurements of the ionosphere can be confusing. Upper parts of the ionosphere are naturally around 500 degrees Kelvin (about 440 F, hot, but it would take a long time to cook a turkey).

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 03:01 PM
I still haven't received MY answer. What was all of this going to cause? Some nasty weather? I'm sorry, but weather control or not, I am NOT impressed by some wayward storm or two.

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by FredH
Sorry, but i`m baffled. What exactly am I supposed to see in these images? What exactly is your point?

So far as I can make out his point is to post satellite images, misinterpret them, tell you they show something they don't and conveniently omit URLs so they can be checked. All with the intent of bamboozling you into thinking something's is happening which isn't. Typical flim-flam really.

That fact that this thread is about the Jet Stream yet he doesn't show you any Jet stream Charts may be significant......

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by FredH
Sorry, but i`m baffled. What exactly am I supposed to see in these images? What exactly is your point?

So far as I can make out his point is to post satellite images, misinterpret them, tell you they show something they don't and conveniently omit URLs so they can be checked. All with the intent of bamboozling you into thinking something's is happening which isn't. Typical flim-flam really.

That fact that this thread is about the Jet Stream yet he doesn't show you any Jet stream Charts may be significant......

If it is above your head, either ask for clarification, or move along...
slamming somthing that is outside your knowledge base is asking to be ignorant...
(it's OK though... we all do it occasionally)

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