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Cops say student attacked because of color

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posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 04:38 PM
When I talk about the footbaLL players , being taunted and tyhe crowd making monkey noises, refers to the fact , of incidents in europe, where blacxk soccer players face racism on a daily basis..... that's why they have programs like show racism the Red card. read up more on it

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Everyone knows only American whites are racist. I demand our rights to exclusivity...only American white people can do so..I demand our right to no competition in this market.!!! Especially from the Europeans. Americans demand their rights to true racism and to play through here!!!! A default setting .. to racism.


posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 02:34 PM

Everyone knows only American whites are racist. I demand our rights to exclusivity...only American white people can do so..I demand our right to no competition in this market.!!! Especially from the Europeans. Americans demand their rights to true racism and to play through here!!!! A default setting .. to racism.

You got me puzzle here orangetom, what ius this sarcasm?

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 04:37 PM
The white, protestant male is one of the most discriminated against in the US. This doesn't surprise me in the least. If it was an Illegal Alien gettin beat up, you bet your ass it would be on the evening news. Criminals and illegal aliens have more rights than taxpaying citizens.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 01:50 AM
I tend to agree with the basic premise of your post..especially during the last presidential administration. They and thier minions were moving fast in this arena to promote the very thing of which you speak.
However I will share with you a couple of revelations from people with whom I have had the privelege of working.

In this first example this man was obviously a thinker and capable of thinking for himself outside of the standard boxes.
Working on a boat one day in close proximity this fellow told me.."You know what affirmative action does for black familys...particularly the black male. It very often chooses the black female over the black male. It leaves the males in a position where they cannot often take care financially of the female and children. The black women are not really looking for a career in taking care financially of the black male. They like many women want it traditionally the other way around. This causes the break up of blacks as a family unit. It leaves out the black male."
I had never heard anything like this from a black person or a white person...I was stunned to silence as I considered what he had told me.
This was a black man telling me this..I was truely stunned.
Over the years I have thought about this over and over. With the last administration this discrimination accelerated and it will come back again with more fervour.
This too is control.

The second story is by another black man with whom I had the privelege of working. Working with this man many times over several years we got comefortable in conversation and one night it turned to the loves of our lives. He told me that before he married..he was deeply in love with this woman and wanted to marry her. Her mother said that she didnt advise it as he was too dark. Once again ..I was stunned. I had never heard anything like this. I just assumed black was black. I had never heard of degrees of black. Shows you how dumb I was.!!
Over the years I have had opportunitys to reflect on this conversation and it dawned on me that this too was control.

White protestant males are not the only ones under attack per just takes different forms. You learn this when you watch or listen closely. When you learn this as a pattern of operation also learn to look closely at the source for its fingerprint.

Crusader..yes I was using sarcasm. There are so many in Europe who dont like us and try to stereotype us by what they see in movies or on the news... When it happens over there in Europe..its different...??? Not hardly. I have known about prejudice in Europe for most of my life. In the Orient too. My mother is from Germany. I hear the stories when she calls back to the olde country. Class structure is more prevalent in olde Europe than far. And they want us here in the states to follow the European example...good grief the thought of it makes me sick.
'We are Yanks here and proud of it..
I also know the history of Europe and what a blood thirsty lot they are ..even in the last century...the 1900s. Dont ever try to tell me how civilized they are. Im not impressed at all.
I also know about prejudice in the mid east and that it is going to rear its head in Europe and Asia. Not difficult to predict. Australians will soon enough be subject to this too. Like America..many of them are asleep at the wheel..their leaders too...just like many of ours.
Yes it was sarcasm..not intended to offend..but to make a point.


posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 08:18 AM
right, but why it happens all over the world, is it, a coincidence, take for example the system of arphateid in South Africa, very cruel much the less, is teaching one race, which superior above another a from of control?

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by crusader
right, but why it happens all over the world, is it, a coincidence, take for example the system of arphateid in South Africa, very cruel much the less, is teaching one race, which superior above another a from of control?

It's not just race, the same thing happens with religion.
Just look at the way non-muslims were treated as second class citizens (Dhimmis) and all they had to do to rise in power and respect was convert to Islam.

In India, they have the Caste system, in which some people are superior to others but when they die and are reincarnated they may come back as a higher class.

Similar things have happened in all cultures and religions throughout the ages.

In Sudan the Dinkas are still being captured as slaves by Arabs.

[edit on 2-12-2005 by AceOfBase]

[edit on 2-12-2005 by AceOfBase]

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Her mother said that she didnt advise it as he was too dark. Once again ..I was stunned. I had never heard anything like this. I just assumed black was black. I had never heard of degrees of black. Shows you how dumb I was.!!

It's interesting you would mention this. My sister's husband is very dark. His mother was actually quite disappointed with how black he is. That one really floored me, because this is a mother who is disappointed in her very successful son not because of anything he did, but because his skin tone was darker than she'd have liked.

I don't know how deep that disappointment goes, I've only met her once and, believe it or not, that subject never came up

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 10:16 AM
I have one significant problem with Africa.

In South Africa and neighboring Zimbabwe..the governments were set up by Socialists and Communists. Both Mugabe and Mandela have known communist ties and heavy communist indoctrination especially in economic principles. In Zimbabwe this practice is taking over wholesale with typical communist economic results. What I am waiting for is for them to go to the UN and demand help/handouts while blaming the situation on Colonial rule and al. You know..the usual suspects. I am also wondering if this will spread to neighboring countrys. It just wont wash this time. Zimbabwe especially is in bad economic shape. It will be kept out of the news.. alot of it.


posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 12:51 PM
By the way Ace of Base, the so called Arabs, Jungaweed, asthey are also known.. Are not Arabs, per say, but Africans (darkskin) from the continent, who are muslims, and those who are being slaughtered,(while the world watches again) are African christians. So it's religion per say.

Orangetom, what is going on in Zimbabwe, is the problem of old colonial rules. Most of the white farmers have ties to the U.K,etc. What is going on, with Zimbabwe, is the land reform was not dealt in a precise, and correct manner. Seizure of lands, by force, could never be the solution to the problem of inequality.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 04:20 PM
Interesting side note:

My family is from Italy - both sides (I'm a second generation American). My father's side is from southern Italy, and my mother's side is from northern. My mother's father (blue collar working man) hated southern Italians all his life, claiming that, "they're too close to Africa. They are all savages." However, when he met my father (white collar Air Force pilot), he told my mother that even though he was southern Italian, he was a good man and she should marry him.

Funny how economic considerations can overcome lifelong prejudices.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 04:30 PM
I can believe this story, as an upper classman high school student I see this activity all of the time. Its sad to see it, and it sees the way how society has changed over the year. These days high school students have to be careful as to what they say, or who they look at anymore. I hate to see this for future generations as we are already becoming famalier with new words such as, "green, shinin". Stuff like this, green would mean that, your not right. Shininig would mean that you are making fun of or being made fun of. Its crazy. I dont talk like this, but I see it all time.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:24 PM
I have seen a ton of shocking news footage, wild police chases and such with plenty of colored and even asian people along with whites. Theres no specific race that is crazier than the other (given that blacks have gangs and gats and white people have the government, corruption and weapons of mass destruction...) You are just as crazy to run up to a colored man in the hood and beat him down over some "baby momma drama" as you are to fly mass planes into american landmarks in the most precise aerial attack in history... either way ur riskin ur own ass cuz thats all anyones really out for. Their own ass.

We're all animalistic to an extent. Accept it.


posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 11:29 PM
Hey all
There is racism by all skin colors! (i dont call them races as we are all Homo Sapiens)

Yes, whites would be happy if there were only white skinned people, WHY?
There wouldn't be any rasicm at all, and this probably goes for all skin colors.


posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 04:18 AM
you posted:

"Orangetom, what is going on in Zimbabwe, is the problem of old colonial rules. Most of the white farmers have ties to the U.K,etc. What is going on, with Zimbabwe, is the land reform was not dealt in a precise, and correct manner. Seizure of lands, by force, could never be the solution to the problem of inequality."

Your post is textbook control..they have you on the string. My point was not about inequality it was about starvation...much more important than inequality. Not all of us have inequality or racism on the brain and soul. My point is that in Zimbabwe they are practicing racism ...and blaming it on colonial rule...while they head twords starvation. It is textbook predictable..or the usual suspects. People are catching on to this. It gets matter who is doing it. When so many are starving or headed in that direction ..colonial rule will not be the topic on the empty plate. Nor will racism and inequality.
As I said..when will they head for the UN for handouts and try this blame game again?? Im going to be sick to see it passed off again as high moral ground. Its dumber than dumb. They have taken the land..wholesale..and cannot make it produce enough food...this is not to be blamed on Colonial rule. Nor racism or inequality. Nothing dumber than a bunch of economic geniuses who try to find equality at the starvation level. You dont need to be a genius to figure this out.
But it will sell in the media who like to control and decieve people for control for the partys and dogmas they push on a ignorant people.


posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 08:56 PM
Orangetom, I will like to ask you this: When the Dutch came into South Africa, and took the land from the zulus, what was that? Whose right was it? Not blaming it on the white man, but injustices, in the past. What we are seeing today, is repercussions from time past

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by crusader
Orangetom, I will like to ask you this: When the Dutch came into South Africa, and took the land from the zulus, what was that? Whose right was it? Not blaming it on the white man, but injustices, in the past. What we are seeing today, is repercussions from time past

I haven't heard of Greeks killing Turkish farmers even though the Turks took land away from them as recently as 1974.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 10:29 PM
Stop it..crusader..stop it..

I am not talking about someone stuck back in a time warp somewhere.

I am talking about people today starving...These people have taken over the land...they have it back. Those large landowners who will not leave are being killed... or arrested.
Nevertheless they have the land back and are parceling it out to people for farms and growing crops. The problem is that with the number of people to feed and the method of parceling out the land they cannot grow enough food to prevent starvation. Got the point yet.
This cannot be blamed on colonialism..they have control..they are now responsible. The Glorified human/humanistic tendency is to blame it on someone else. Its not going to wash this time. This is politics ..this is control.
Standard M1A political rhetoric is to blame it on someone and stick them backwards into at time warp some where ..back in time and hope no one is capable of thinking it through. Especially if the media gets on the bandwagon to help support the time warp.
Crusader... do not attempt a time warp on me...its been done by to many people before you. This ground has been thoroughly plowed before I ever posted on this forum. A time warp is a control mechanism. Its up to the people and government in Zimbabwe to make a go of it..not the Dutch. Got the point yet???? The Dutch are gone..
The people and government of Zimbabwe are one else. They must find the solution. That is my point. They are a soverign nation.
I believe in the soverignty of nations. No problem with this.


posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 09:32 AM
I think I understand what the underlying message crusader wants to get across. I disagree with it, but I think I see what his point it.

When I was in 8th grade, I was riding my bicycle to school. I didn't get very far, though, because a car came across the road going about 50 miles per hour and smashed the front of the bike. As my initial thought of, "Oh, so that's inertia," faded and was replaced with, "ouch," I sat there on the pavement contemplating my pain. One of the rare days that I got to miss school but would have preferred to be in it.

A couple weeks later, I was riding my bike back to school. Did bikes terrify me after that? Nope. Cars? Nope. Jay walking? (yeah, the accident was my fault) Nope, kept doing that. So what did JJ do? He got over it. There's a little movie that has a line, "Why do we fall down, Bruce? So we can pick ourselves back up."

Now it seems what crusader is trying to tell us is black people can't get over things, no matter how long ago they took place. I would have to disagree with that contention, considering my family's gotten over slavery, but maybe we were just special. Maybe crusader is trying to let us know black people are less resilient than other races.

Or maybe crusader is some KKK member trying to give African-Americans a bad name.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by junglejake

... Or maybe crusader is some KKK member trying to give African-Americans a bad name.

That could very well be the case.

There was another member who's views were so extreme I thought they were actually a white guy playing to the most extreme sterotypes just to incite hatred. I'm not sure if that was crusader or not.

.....OK, just did a search and it was Crusader who made this comment:

Kamau Kambon's final solution for Whites (CSPAN video)

Bill Cosby, is what we will term the essential House Negro. Who lambast his own people, for favour with the white folks. Where was he, all the time?

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