posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 01:14 PM
I have been free of the "Matrix" as some call it, for all of My life. I was taught how to not be brainwashed into believing everything the
government or church says, thru knowing how to see, listen, hear & speak double, triple, reverse-speak. I've been watching, assessing, & unraveling
all the BS the goverenment, military, & other Cabals have been spouting out since I was 6 years old. All of what the government & church does is a
major control mechanism, to keep the people ignorant & compliant & malleable only to those who hold the power. It is time, for the people of the World
to unite themselves, before the World's governments unite everyone under the New World Order. The ultimate goal of the New World Order, is to take
away Free Will from the World at large, by being able to monitor via cameras, tracking devices thru your cell phone, Ipod, you name it, they've got
it. Also to eventually track you thru the use of microchips implanted in your skin. This will all be done voluntarily of course, for people's
"Privacy", which will be actually stolen & used against them, so if you step out of line, they will literally know as soon as it happens, so you
have so freedom whatsoever. If people are being tracked, how can they step out of line? They can't.