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Accepted for value method

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by invisiblewoman
Also the price tag is
for something that ???? may or may not be doable

Actually, it's not as expensive as many think it is. To start with, all that's needed is to write up an affadavit that contains Statement of Fact (the fact that those initial "at-birth contracts" are wholly invalid & citing where the Uniform Commercial Code designates what actually makes a valid contract). Establishing the actual citiations from law & court-precedence is the most important part. Without these details, no judge will ever take your Statement as Truth Under Law...If these precedents aren't included, it'll be a heck of a lot harder to get any court to agree, but with them, the court cannot refuse.

In the affadavit, you must also establish your Declaration of Intent. That is to say that you were not born under government's corporate-style jurisdiction & that you are limiting any contracts with them by reservation (without prejudice) of all of your natrural-born Rights under law. As those initial contracts (the birth certificate, social security application, etc) were entered without the benefit of Full Disclosure, the affadavit is merely giving notice that you will not violate the Supreme Law of the Land (ie: the Constitution & the Common Law) during the course of those contracts. None of those contracts have the legal authority to force you in violating the law & you have to state this in the affadavit.

The affadavit must also give an allowance for any legal authority the chance to rebute (Offer of Rebuttal) your Statement of Fact & Declaration of Intent. The normal allowance is 30 days for any authority to respond in like form to present argument to your affadavit. In short, after you get your affadavit filed by registered mail (so that receipt of your affadavit can be confirmed in court, if need be), the authorities have 30 days to respond in like form to offer a rebute, point-by-point, of each & every statement in your affadavit. However, for every reply you get, you must also respond in like form to disprove any rebuttals to your affadavit. As a rule-of-thumb, you can get an indication of how well you wrote up the affadavit by the number of replies you get...If you get no replies at all (within 30 days, via registered mail), you did well.

Copies of your affadavit must be sent to the proper places: The local court & mayor of your city, as they must be aware of the affadavit itself & any rebuttal-responses as they come to you; Also, your State-level court & governor must also file your affadavit & any rebuttals as they come (many State-governments are actually "contracted & incorporated" with the federal government, so they also must be alble to offer rebuttals); Finally, the Supreme Court must file your affadvait as well, as they are the final authority that may legally offer any rebuttals. You have to include State authorities as they are the ones who must cease trying to enforce Statutory Jurisdiction on you once your affadavit is settled...If they do, you can take them to court, slap a lien on an officer's Bond of Office & get them fired.

For every rebuttal you receive & any replies to those rebuttals you send, make it clear that there is always a 30-day limit for each subsequent response. If you or the authorities miss that deadline, you would just be declaring "acceptance by silence" to whatever was said in the last document. So you better keep on your toes & know the laws & the precidences to counter any rebuttal that may come your way. this is the point where it could get very expensive...Any legal research/advice plus the cost of all of those registered letters may add up. this is where the initial write-up of your affadavit is important; the better you do, the fewer rebuttals you have to respond.

If the time-limit is surpassed at any stage along the line, then it's at that point where the most recent documentation that was filed is what will stand up in court as the strongest citation. This is what is known as the Due Process of Law & the courts have to uphold it at the risk of court officials losing theire jobs should they act in Breech of Oath by not following it.

The whole idea of the AFV method of debt-conciliation is similar to this; the initial Statement of Fact is that Federal Reserve Notes hold an unlawful & Unconstitutional monopoly of "currency in circulation" & that there's no lawfully valid debt unless it's conducted with gold/silver currency. Where AFV comes into play is when you do accept the debt as valid, but cannot legally pay the debt with Federal Reserve Notes. Take into consideration that, since FRN-debt is not lawfully vaild (after all, the Constitution grants the government no authority to create "legal tender" laws & the States are forbidden anything but gold/silver as currency!), there are legal ways to discharge much of your debt without having to pay back anything, gold/silver currency or not...But that's a whole different "can of worms" & I don't have enough time to get into that now. But some of the links posted in this thread earlier (links that lead to Mary Croft's website) do give some info on the difference between Acceptance For Value & the Discharge of Debt.

Now here's the tricky part...There may be some slight variations from State to State as to what constitutes a "proper affadavit," so you may need some initial legal counsel to get started. Many law firms do offer a "first consultation for free," so do your own research in the laws of your State (concerning affadavits & their role in the Due Process of Law) & get the legal specifics when you must. Yes, this last paragraph constitutes my "official disclaimer" to show that I'm not trying to "practice law" without a liscense...

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer

Has anyone tried this with a lone shark? Lmao!

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:39 AM
The IMF does not own the Bank of Canada, it was nationalized in 1938 all shares are held by the Canadian Government. That concludes my trust of anything else in the thread. Though good luck to anyone who tries. I hope you don't waste to much time.

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