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The X-Files Opened: The NSA UFO Investigations

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posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 01:12 AM
A really interesting article I have found (as Yoda would say).

Okay here are my thoughts. I've never really believed that aliens were visiting earth at least not with any hidden agenda are malicious intent. Maybe a few have stop by here and there but not with the intent to do us harm. It is my belief that if not all then at least the vast majority of UFO's are secret government craft. I think the government wants to keep these craft secret because of the huge advantages that they offer. And revealing them would only diminshes these advantages. Now enter the NSA the main cryptology and code-breaking agency in the world. What does the NSA have to do with UFO's? I think the connection could be quite simple. We've all heard of Echelon the global communications Intelligence project. What if top secret craft were also apart of this project? I mean craft that could reach outerspace or fly right over a military installation or even the Kremlin. If these are top secret craft fulfilling a signals intelligence role that would justify the NSA's role in keeping them secret.

Your thoughts?

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 02:50 AM
ANY info which the US government releases publically about UFOs and/or ETs is utter crap with no other purpose but to steer people from the actual truth.

Anyone who isn't ignorant should save themselves from reading anything like that

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Manincloak

Anyone who isn't ignorant should save themselves from reading anything like that.

Quite the opposite my good friend.

Deny Ignorance.

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 04:27 AM
Who in the world knows what their main intent is if they have not spoken with them or at least invited them to come over for som BBQ and beer? I would not put much faith in what the NSA pumps out in the form of disinformation. I think the topic goes much deeper than most can understand due to it's degree of complexity and regular people have a hard time trying to process the information. I think the NSA and the rest of the alphabet companies try to keep the general public from knowing because the govt. I think they would have a hard time and very large pouplation of pissed of people who would start an uprising and generate massive out of control situations. You would have the one who could not get enoungh kool-aid, those of whom believe this is the time to put an end of their life, etc. Just my .2 cents

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Manincloak
ANY info which the US government releases publically about UFOs and/or ETs is utter crap with no other purpose but to steer people from the actual truth.

Actually the document wasn't released by the government due to its own accord. It was released under the freedom of information act. And the document itself doesn't appear to have a purpose other than to state why the NSA has to keep information it has collected on UFO's a secret, possibly to safe guard technology they have developed.

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
Who in the world knows what their main intent is if they have not spoken with them or at least invited them to come over for som BBQ and beer?

Well I look at it from a simple perspective.

1. The extra-terrestrials are hostile.
A. They want to conquer earth for themselves? Why don't they whats stopping them.
B.They want to enslave humanity? Why don't they just come down and do it like I said before who's going to stop them.

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
I would not put much faith in what the NSA pumps out in the form of disinformation. I think the topic goes much deeper than most can understand due to it's degree of complexity and regular people have a hard time trying to process the information.

The government is known for disinformation surely however I don't believe that is the case with this document. The government didn't want it released.

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
I think the NSA and the rest of the alphabet companies try to keep the general public from knowing because the govt. I think they would have a hard time and very large pouplation of pissed of people who would start an uprising and generate massive out of control situations. You would have the one who could not get enoungh kool-aid, those of whom believe this is the time to put an end of their life, etc. Just my .2 cents

Secrecy was the very purpose these agencies were created to provide. They were born of secrecy and deception.

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 05:20 PM

Well I look at it from a naive perspective.

1. The extra-terrestrials are hostile.
A. They want to conquer earth for themselves
B.They want to enslave humanity


You need to stop watching movies, xenophobe.

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Drexon

Well I look at it from a naive perspective.

1. The extra-terrestrials are hostile.
A. They want to conquer earth for themselves
B.They want to enslave humanity


You need to stop watching movies, xenophobe.

Do you have anything intelligent to add to your post or are you here just to call people names. Oh and why don't you read the entire thread before you shoot your mouth off and make yourself look like a complete jackass. And please don't misrepresent what I post its very rude if your posts can't be honest you probably shouldn't post at all after all were here for civilzed debate not just to engage in mudslinging and name calling.

[edit on 20-11-2005 by danwild6]

Mod edit: take your own advice

[edit on 20-11-2005 by parrhesia]

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 07:31 PM
Not budging an inch. What you wrote was very close minded if you ask me. You were out of line and someone needed to point that out in order to suppress a growth in xenophobia. It's what causes a lot of problems in this world you know.


A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.

[edit on 20-11-2005 by Drexon]

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 09:23 PM
What I actually posted.

Originally posted by danwild6

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
Who in the world knows what their main intent is if they have not spoken with them or at least invited them to come over for som BBQ and beer?

Well I look at it from a simple perspective.

1. The extra-terrestrials are hostile.
A. They want to conquer earth for themselves? Why don't they whats stopping them.
B.They want to enslave humanity? Why don't they just come down and do it like I said before who's going to stop them.

As you see Drexon I was merely demonstrating that it is my belief that extra-terrestrials are not hostile just by the fact that if they were are still here we probably wouldn't be here if they weren't. It is my belief that you possess sufficient skills to go back and read the entire thread and see this for yourself. So please remember that this site is about denying ignorance not perpetuating it.

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