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posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 01:28 PM
I am curious when are all of us gonna step up to the plate and tell the people running the country that we are not gonna put up with their crapola any more.
The situation of this country has gotten sadly out of control, yet we continue to let the government control us...

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 02:12 PM
The problem in Canada and essentially the Western world is the willingness to let the gov't handle everything. People don't want to think and want everything done for them with the least amount of effort on their own part.
Everytime someone has a problem they go screaming to some political entity/group and expect these guys to fix their problem. The gov't is a bloated mess of political correctness & corruption. By the time they get around to even considering a problem exists; five to ten years have passed, then they spend another year or five to do studies to look into the problem and write up reports and discuss what can be done to make the current political party 'look the best for re-election' versus how the solution will effect other groups with different adgendas that may be a larger voting block. Then they raise your taxes under "socialism" to make you pay for the solution to the problem any ways. People think that they are getting the Gov't to make wealthy people pay but the wealthy have all kinds of loop holes, therefore the poor and middle class get stuck with the bill via higher taxes and less/lower quality gov't services all the while the gov't created a new cabinet/ministerial position with more employee's with insane gov't pensions & benefits to address the original problem that never ever really gets fixed.
Stop relying on the gov't to fix things cause they can't and never will. Solve your own problems with any means necessary and keep the gov't out of it cause 'their solution' always costs more than the original problem in the first place.
The only true way to make gov't responsible is to vote for independants that reflect their constituents reality instead of a national party platform that allows back benching etc.

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