posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 03:33 AM
When I lived in texas, i was staring out my window at work, looking at the clouds and wondering why some planes have contrails and others dont, when I
saw a passenger sized 747 type plane flying under the clouds, go invisible. It was close enuf to see the plane was a passenger type plane it didnt
look like a refueler or military cargo plane. I was about 10 miles from the airport but if i remember correctly is was flying away from that
Anyways it was white, normal color, and it became a more of an off white, with some shadows.. not a full even coloring. Its shape was still visible,
but it was definetly more cloud colored and 'clear' looking. I would probably not have seen it if I was not already watching it. Also it had no
contrails, but it was below cloud level. I cant remember if I heard it as well.
I walked outside to get a better look before it flew out of sight over the roof, but I lost it. The first thing I said to my co-worker was that I had
just seen an invisible plane. She thought I was crazy.