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Why do some people care so much about homosexuality?

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posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 02:25 PM
Hardly a week goes by when I read another "Does God hate Gays" or "Is Homosexuality evil?" thread. What I want to know is why people even care about homosexuality. What's the big deal? Why do people even want to know about what people -- presumably consenting adults -- do in the privacy of their own bedrooms?

And, for those people who are "religious", isn't the condemnation of homosexuality for religious reasons up to, well, God?

I, personally, am not gay but I have many friends who are and, frankly, they are nice people. That's all that I really care about. Perhaps others would do well to change their priorities and be concerned about the welfare of others as opposed to be concerned with what people do in the privacy of their own homes.

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 02:43 PM
I couldn't agree with you more. I could try, but I would not be successful.

I try to stay out of those threads, which isn't too difficult since it's not an issue that has any real relevance for me.

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant

And, for those people who are "religious", isn't the condemnation of homosexuality for religious reasons up to, well, God?

Why does "religious" appear in quotes?

Do you think they are not really religious, if they don't share your views? That would be pretty narrow minded, wouldn't it?

As far as the condemnation of homosexuality being up to God, a lot of people think they see authoritative evidence of God's displeasure toward homosexual acts in the New Testament.

Even though you think they are wrong, they are trying to do what they think God wants.

They have been busy trying to sort out right from wrong.


posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Its Because of Society - Those who Conform to the Narrow mindedness of society tend to be exteemly judgemental. Fo some people It takes a Friend coming out for there to be an understanding, That is what happened in my case - My step father the second had strong Homophobic tendancies to put it nicely, and tied to force his beleifs on me, I now realise that some of the best people I know are gay and it doesn't change who they are!!!. For the rest of them nothing will change their mind because they will always be insecure and need to "hate" someone...Maybe one day they will step out side the safety circle they trap themselves in, but I find that highly unlikely.

Oganised religion has alot to do with it, alot of the teachings are hypocritical...When priests can play with little boys, but two men in love can't get married, there is something wrong...

mum mayet says: what the hell does what two people in the bedoom do, say about who they are?

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Eye Of Ra
mum mayet says: what the hell does what two people in the bedoom do, say about who they are?

I would say that what anyone does behind closed doors says more about that person than nearly everything they do in public. Neither is the whole story, but I would say that the private self is more true than the public self. There might also be less concern about sexual orientation if it was merely a matter of the bedroom, but alas, it is not. Some folks just like to get in others' faces and that is basically where the conflict resides.

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Eye Of Ra
mum mayet says: what the hell does what two people in the bedoom do, say about who they are?

Wow!!! I would imagine, on a conspiracye website, that this would be the last question someone would ask to justify their behavior!

Obviously, it does matter what they do behind closed doors.

I mean, are they freemasons, plotting the overthrow of society and the imposition of a new order of the ages?

Are they Al Qaeda agents, exchanging blueprints of a national monument?

Are they narcotrafficos, laundering cash for llego?

Are they North Korean agents?

Technicians working for Mossad?

Maybe it's one of the dreaded "secret boys" who meets with each new president of the US, just after the swearing-in ceremony, to exlain the REAL truth behind the majestic 12 documents, and how a previous administration has already sold out the human race . . .

Maybe they have are government agents, putting on thier "Man in Black" suits, before going out to terroize some poor schmo in a trailer park who won't just shut up about the wierd lights in the sky over his house.

What people do behind closed doors changes history.


posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Originally posted by Eye Of Ra
mum mayet says: what the hell does what two people in the bedoom do, say about who they are?

Wow!!! I would imagine, on a conspiracye website, that this would be the last question someone would ask to justify their behavior!

Obviously, it does matter what they do behind closed doors.

I mean, are they freemasons, plotting the overthrow of society and the imposition of a new order of the ages?

Are they Al Qaeda agents, exchanging blueprints of a national monument?

Are they narcotrafficos, laundering cash for llego?

Are they North Korean agents?

Technicians working for Mossad?

What people do behind closed doors changes history.


Dr. Strangecraft, you make an excellent point except for the fact that the issue here is that do you really care what two people -- two consenting adults -- be it a man and a woman or a couple of men or a couple of women do in their bedroom? Personally I don't. I really don't care. And if history is being made ..... then great. A couple of people felt the earth move and had a great time.

I'm not talking about a conspiracy here. I'm not talking about UFOs or the Illuminati. To borrow a quote from Van Halen....I'm talking about LOVE.

As far as "religion" or religion (with or without quotes) goes, I thought religion was about love. And, furthermore, Christianity teaches us to LOVE not to hate. And the Christianity I know tells me that Jesus was pretty explicit when He said "Judge not lest you be judged". Christianity is supposed to be a religion of acceptance....judgement is left up to GOD.

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 01:01 AM
I happily admit that I was being cute.

On the other hand, my goal was, to point out that, living in a society--a community, means that everyone else affects us just as we affect them. And the kind of people we are, whether smart or brave or furtive or self-destructive--all those things affect other people.

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
As far as "religion" or religion (with or without quotes) goes, I thought religion was about love. And, furthermore, Christianity teaches us to LOVE not to hate. And the Christianity I know tells me that Jesus was pretty explicit when He said "Judge not lest you be judged". Christianity is supposed to be a religion of acceptance....judgement is left up to GOD.

I thought religion was about God.

As far as not hating people goes, I'm right there with you.

Passing judgment on people, in the sense of giving up on them, is definitely wrong.

But judging between right and wrong is what ALL religion is really about. Paul puts it this way:

Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! ( I Corinthians 6:3)

So Apparently, there are times when judging is necessary; even fitting.

You say that "Christianity is supposed to be the religion of acceptance." Does that come from scripture, or just from what you've decided it ought to be?

When Jesus saw people doing wrong things, he didn't yell at them, or blame them unless they were already religious; unless they already claimed to be "right with God." As for the rest, the people doing things he said were wrong, he said challenging things like "Neither do I condemn you---now, go and sin no more." (John 8:11b)

So, although Jesus was loving, even saving the lives of people who were about to reap the bitter harvest of their sins, Jesus extended a loving hand to them-----And then he challenged them to turn away from sin.

Now, here's a quote that isn't from the Bible, but kind of keeps this whole diatribe on in perspective.

"The devil can cite scripture to his own purpose." The Merchant of Venice, Act I Scene III

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
There might also be less concern about sexual orientation if it was merely a matter of the bedroom, but alas, it is not.

How is one's sexual orientation more than a matter of what goes on in the bedroom? In other words, how is a homosexual's public behavior any different than a heterosexual's?

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

How is one's sexual orientation more than a matter of what goes on in the bedroom? In other words, how is a homosexual's public behavior any different than a heterosexual's?

Homosexuals, as a political pressure group, have demanded that we do more than tolerate them. You know, toleration means treating people with respect, even though you don't like them personally.

The homosexual community demands more than society's tolerance, it has demanded approval.

For instance, look at the last post I responded to.

BT was writing all about religion and hate. Basically arguing that if you don't agree with BT's views on Jesus and sexuality, then that makes you a hateful person.

To answer the question that kicked off this thread:

A lot of people, both gay and straight, feel passionately about homosexuality because Gay acceptance (approval) advocates, and the left generally, have turned it into a major front of the culture war in America--and by extension, western civilization.


posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 10:04 AM
If I'm hearing you correctly, you're saying that tolerance equals respect, but tolerance doesn't necessarily equal approval and advocacy.

And that homosexuals are demanding that they be approved of?

How do they do this?
What do you see as homosexuals demanding approval and advocacy?

How exactly has the left turned homosexuality into a front on 'the culture war'? By asking that they be allowed to get married? By asking for them the same right that is afforded everyone else?

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 01:31 AM
I would suspect that these people are terrified that they too, may have sexual feelings for their own sex.

I mean what is the worst thing you could think of if you were straight. Imagine being a twin male Siamese Twin. You share everything with your brother. You're straight - but he's gay!

Mod edit:
Would you like a TC's foot up yer arse, fritz?

Watch your mouth.

[edit on 21-11-2005 by parrhesia]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 01:54 AM
I agree with what fritz just said. When Ali G goes to America his show where he plays Bruno the gay Austrian fashion guy and interviews the priest who converts gays is hillarious and disturbing.

For those who've seen it that guy is the perfect model for this phenomenon

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 05:53 PM
The Bible states, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Many of the devout Christians who protest against homosexuality seem to overlook this, rather well known, quote.

In short, it's not anyone's place to judge anyone else. If you believe in the Judeo-Christian belief system, then it is up to God, and God alone, to judge these people.

The Bible also states, "Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone." As it is within human nature to sin (sin=flaw; humans are naturally flawed), nobody is without sin, and thus nobody has the right to cast the first stone (of course, that said, I don't practice any form of Christianity, and as such, don't believe in sin - but then again, I view homosexuals just like I do any other person - human - so in that regard, there's no stone for me to want to cast).

It seems to me that the people who scream loudest about homosexuality are Christians (granted, this isn't a steadfast rule, but generally speaking, it's more true than not), and it's not even all (or most, for that matter) Christians that scream about it, but simply a very vocal minority, that simply, like the idiot that waits until it's dead silent to say something loudly, seems louder than the rest.

To those that scream out against homosexuality: remember the teachings of the Bible. You are in no position to cast stones nor judge people.

[edit on 21-11-2005 by obsidian468]

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
Hardly a week goes by when I read another "Does God hate Gays" or "Is Homosexuality evil?" thread. [...]
And, for those people who are "religious", isn't the condemnation of homosexuality for religious reasons up to, well, God?

God doesn't hate gays. But homosexuality is evil.

The bible actually says that ALL people stand already condemned because of sin (whether they are straight or not). So all homosexuals and straight people are condemned. Its simple.
I'm sure you've heard the gospel. That is why Jesus Christ came: to avert the wrath of God by HIS Blood and free us from sin by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said it HIMSELF: eternal life is to know God.

I don't know how familiar you are with the gospels, but Jesus hung out with "sinners and taxcollectors" according to the Pharisees. The Pharisees couldn't see that what God wanted was repentance...NOT thier false humility and self-righteouness.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 01:44 AM
I received the following message from the Forum Staff:

"A member of the forum staff, parrhesia, has sent you a warning regarding your activity on the thread titled,
Why do some people care so much about homosexuality?. Your have been warned 1 times.
Warnings are recorded, and each individual warning expires in three days (72 hours) from the time it was applied.
If forum staff continue to warn you and you gain 5 or more warnings, a temporary posting ban will be enforced automatically."

If people don't like what I post, why not U2U me and explain what I have done to upset them?

Gee guys, does political correctness have to exist on ATS/BTS?

That is
. I thought this was a site where one could submit views and I regarded my post above as being slightly funny. Certainly not everybody's taste, but what the
. It was told to me by a guy without arms and legs in a motorised wheelchair.

sake! If he can't laugh about himself, who the

Get real out there people!

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 03:39 AM
I don't think it's "right", but I'd be lying if I said it was evil. I have known a few gay people, and they were all the same as you and me. In fact, I think "campness" is hilarious, it doesn't offend me in the slightest, but it amuses me greatly. Sean in Coronation Street is one of the best, and certianly most camp, characters they have had for years.

In the end I won't be the one to judge peoples lives, and in my mind God won't be turning Gay people away, he'll be too busy kicking the Gary Glitters down the Stairway to Heaven.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 09:39 AM
Humans are generally herd animals that define their value by feeling accepted by others. Groups form and these groups feel closer in a communal sense by having a common thing to be 'against'. ALL GROUPS DO THIS! Don't be disallusioned into thinking otherwise. Even the 'rebel' groups or outsiders make jest of the 'normals'.

That being said, if what someone else does that does not effect your life why would you waste the time caring? I, of course, understand why because of the reason I have already stated, but it really is such a waste of time. Live your life, not the life of others.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 03:48 AM
Because of earlier posts on this subject, I was banned from these hallowed pages.

If I upset any "happy" people out there, I am sorry. It was not intended, and I deeply regret the extreeme nature of my posts.

Grand Field Marshall Tokugawa and now stood down my beloved NinjaKitty fleas and hostilities are now at an end.

In the interests of all peace loving people on these pages, and in an effort to foster friends and influence people, I will refrain from posting on this subject again.

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