posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 04:03 AM
Like "optimus fett" I too would like to believe that oil companies are investing in alternative energy (the very thing which will speed their
demise). Likewise I would also like to believe Richard Branson when he says bio-mass will power his airlines. But you have to remember that an
alternative fuel would have to be available at airports all around the world, I guess its not as hard as building up a network of bio-mass fuel tanks
for every petrol station as there's far more of them, but it entails similar issues.
So right now i say to Richard Branson "good publicity" because nothing beats talk over action (as companies like Shell and BP so frequently remind
us). That said I’m sure if there is money in it (which with higher oil prices there probably is) he'll be sincerely interested.
Problem is it will take more than a just a visionary; but also a visionary who is willing to meet his competitors, sit through a series of meeting
with successful conclusions, and establish an alternative fuel supply. Unless Virgin Airways expands to own most of the world’s airports it won’t
be just Branson who does it. So in a sense by saying he’s the man to do it, it is already just good publicity, so let’s put our wishes towards the
collaboration of the major airlines and not just Branson.