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problem with The History Channel

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posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 10:32 AM
They are obviously using the show "The UFO Files" as a CIA disinformation campaign. Same with this website. The entire thing is run by the CIA. If it weren't, then why is there not a mind control forum, and why is the subject of mind control disjointed from the study of flying saucers? Stan Friedman, CIA or not, is aiding in hiding whats going on. Many of the posters on this very forum are agents. They would have to be, in order to discredit real sightings and disprove people, writting them off as fake photos or mental patients. I wonder what would happen if the population of the United States were to realize that 80% of them are implantees by the US Military, and are under the auspicies of remote mind control? That is the real issue at hand, that is being used to cover up for the entire flying saucer phenomena. Just read John Keel's book "The Trojan Horse Adgenda"

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 10:51 AM
As far as the part about the History Channel goes, I agree. That along with the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, and the National Geographic Channel. All are suspect in disinformation as far as I'm concerned. That's not to say that all don't offer high quality, educational programming...........they do. That's the whole trick you see. Most of their programming that is not conspiracy related is top notch. That's how they deceive the viewer.



posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 10:56 AM
Yes sir, you are correct. Thank you for that very concise explanation. Hopefully some of the younger board members will see what you have meant, and not take everything they see on the set so literally.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 10:58 AM
I agree about the TV channels... It makes me sick watching anything related to aliens or ufos on any channel, they are always selective about the cases which they "debunk" and never present the strong irrefutable cases.

In regards to Stan Friedman... As far as I know, he has been the leading UFO investigator since the 60's or so... was the first civilian to investigate the Roswell incident and interview all the related persons. I take it that Friedman is regarded very highly in ufology, and last I checked- he believes UFOs are real, and that there is a huge cover up by governments. He may be a skeptic when it comes to most cases he is presented with, but he only does that because it is his job to be skeptical in a field where misinterpretations, hoaxes, ect, are common.

[edit on 16-11-2005 by Unplugged]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 11:03 AM
I wouldn't go as far as that they're deliberatly spreading disinformation.
I do, on the other hand, believe that they think they would lose some of their credibility and respect if they would go pro-UFOs.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Phood
I do, on the other hand, believe that they think they would lose some of their credibility and respect if they would go pro-UFOs.

Fair enough, but then why even run the shows? What do UFOs have to do with any history? When I took World and American history in school the text books never mentioned UFOs or EBEs. What does this subject matter have to do with history? They choose to run that programming. I choose to believe they're doing it for a reason other than ratings.


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love

Originally posted by Phood
I do, on the other hand, believe that they think they would lose some of their credibility and respect if they would go pro-UFOs.

Fair enough, but then why even run the shows? What do UFOs have to do with any history? When I took World and American history in school the text books never mentioned UFOs or EBEs. What does this subject matter have to do with history? They choose to run that programming. I choose to believe they're doing it for a reason other than ratings.


Probably since they would want to reach a broader public, besides I think those shows get quite alot of viewers.

EDIT: By the way, I watched a show on NG Channel a few days ago, and most of the cases there got debunked. One was the Mexico Airforce footage, but that does infact seem to be based on a misconception, and no other real extraordinary case were included.

[edit on 16-11-2005 by Phood]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 11:41 AM
CIA dissinformation?
I think the government is burdened enough with real everyday government beauracracy, in fighting, and overall incompetence.

There are real issues like security and national concerns to even consider UFO's and little green men. The reality is the "Good Ole Flying Saucer" days are decades behind us. If they aren't, please spread the wealth of plausible UFO/Alein events that is occurring today.

The Internet is about instant information. It's close to impossible to stifle the global reach in communication. All you have to do is present the facts...not just accusations. If people have legitimate verifiable information, they should post it. The old 1970's paranoia and conspiracy is much less credible these days. How many websites? How many blogs? That level of Information just boggles the mind doesn't it.

As for dissinformation on TV. Do people realize that TV viewing amoungst key male demographics is dropping. That college age kids spend far less time watching TV than they do on the Web and online gaming. The major networks and cable channels are fighting for the reduced viewership. So much so channels are being ported over to the Web.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 11:47 AM
Yeah I was watching a special on the chupacabras and they basically debunked the whole thing, but they glossed over major details and they were suspiciously adamant about putting the alien issue to rest.


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by nullster
CIA dissinformation? little green men.

Ok, well for one minute we'll forget about the college aged male demographic, and focus on middle aged men. The one's who's mind's have been forged into thinking advanced aeronaughtics must some how be unearthly in nature and contrived from beings which have never even been proved to exist. This is the type of mentality that has been tinkered with by the disinformation campaigns. People in positions of governmental power are supposed to be incompetent to a certain degree, that is why they work the government. Their minstates can be molded into current state of globally dominant affairs.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Ah, the ol' "disinformation agent" accusation. I never understood that one.

Anyways, check out this program description from the History Channel's website for a program titled "UFOs and the White House:"

Did you know that the office of President of the United States has had a direct involvement with UFOs for over 50 years? Since WWII, every Chief Executive has publicly discussed, issued, or received documents from the White House pertaining to "Unidentified Flying Objects". Many of these documents have never been seen on television before and some of the stories surrounding these UFO-presidential encounters are broadcast for the first time.

I dunno, that kind of looks pro-UFO to me. Check out the History Channel website's program listings - use the search function and input "UFO." There is an overwhelming amount of UFO programming on the channel.


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:00 PM

I wouldn't go as far as that they're deliberatly spreading disinformation.

I agree completely. Besides, most networks like discovery et al really aren't under the thumb of the CIA (imo of course). But most of the people that work at these networks are not what you would call true believers, they tend to look at the paranormal field the way some of us look at the career of britney spears. It's kind of interesting, it's hard to understand and in the end they just don't get it or care to.

The main problem with most of these shows is not the network it's the producers. Most reality producers in this field whether it be bob kiviat or whoever is that they really don't believe in this stuff, they look at it as a way to make money not break the truth and in the end they really don't care.

If people here really think Bob Kiviat didn't know for a fact that the alien autopsy was a hoax before he even went to fox you are sadly mistaken.

For example discovery channel (maybe history channel) is shooting a brand new pilot as I type this. The pilot is called X-OPs and it is a paranormal investigative show with "experts" going "after the truth".

Now the problem with this is not the network, they green lit the pilot because they thought it was something that will bring ratings, the problem with this show is the producers who don't really believe or truly care about the field, they're just looking to make their next house payment.

And what is the topic of the X-OP's pilot you may ask?

Roswell...again. They have no knew information on it and will be rehashing the same crap for the umpteenth time.

Since the network just wants ratings they don't really care that nothing new will be brought up they just want it to look good and improve the network share.

If you want to be frustrated with anyone, I would be frustrated with the producers of these shows as opposed to the development execs who green light them.


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by PKD
They are obviously using the show "The UFO Files" as a CIA disinformation campaign.

How is that? Are you saying the information is false? Or are they disclosing? Everything of what I have seen always turns out to be backed up by other sources when I look into it.

Same with this website. The entire thing is run by the CIA.

Now that is true for sure.

Stan Friedman, CIA or not, is aiding in hiding whats going on.

Please give an example. He has also been acused of being a UFO promoter. If it weren't for Stan, none of us would have even heard of Roswell. He still stands behind his work on MJ12 also. How is he helping to hide information?

Many of the posters on this very forum are agents.

Please identify these rascals, so we can banish them into non-existance.

I wonder what would happen if the population of the United States were to realize that 80% of them are implantees by the US Military, and are under the auspicies of remote mind control? That is the real issue at hand, that is being used to cover up for the entire flying saucer phenomena.

So the CIA has 80% of the population under mid control? All to coverup flying saucers? I don't doubt that a government coverup exists on UFO's, and that some candidates have been under mind control of the CIA (MKULTRA), but 80% of the population?

Originally posted by Dr Love
What do UFOs have to do with any history?

Whether you believe they are real or not, they have been a part of history for some time. Personally I think I have seen everything THC has produced on UFO's and I think most are pretty good. There was one that I thought was obviously biased and that was "Roswell Declassified".

I just don't see how some of you think this is disinformation. Please explain.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by nullster
CIA dissinformation?
I think the government is burdened enough with real everyday government beauracracy, in fighting, and overall incompetence.

Well, I didn't say "CIA", PKD did. Personally I think it's much bigger than the CIA.
Most of these cable channels are ultimately owned by one of the major networks, and these networks are owned by Illuminati powerhouses such as General Electric, Disney and Rupert Murdoch. There might be more than a few links up the chain to get to them, but you'll arrive there eventually. They are the ones responsible as far as I'm concerned.


edit: bold text

[edit on 16-11-2005 by Dr Love]

[edit on 16-11-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:05 PM
I guess the problem with filming a program composed of "UFO experts" is the question, "what the hell makes up a UFO expert?"


Since there is zero evidence of ET contact with our planet, the only credential a "UFO expert" could possibly have is extensive familiarity with UFO stories and hoaxes and whatnot.


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:09 PM
that's why i put experts in quotes. They come from varying fields from the hard sciences to para-psychology but again, the "experts" aren't in charge of the end product the producers are.


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:25 PM
My key problem with this post is that select "Believers" have been talking positive about the shows in the previous weeks. Now that there are a few episodes not saying what many would like to hear, they are dissinformants. So "Tell me what I want to hear" applies here. Zipdot's conclusion hits home.

I am concerned with using terms like "the faithful" and "the believers" for many reasons, but I see how it applies to aliens and UFOs. Example: I doubt the Shroud of Turin is authentic and openly stated so to my family. My sister is fiercely 110% adament about it's authenticity irregardless of scientific facts pointing otherwise. Her position is based on "belief" or "faith". For her there is nothing to discuss. That mentaility is growing in the UFO community.

Point is:
When I don't see objective, feet on the ground, logical rationale, it's close to impossible to have a "point counter point discussion". When these TV Documentaries support UFO's and Aliens, the believers are in line with them. The minute they stray into question, they are part of the dissinformation conspiracy.

Dr.Love, I realize PKD's and I should be specific to say that is whom in particular I am addressing.

[edit on 16-11-2005 by nullster]


posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Zipdot
Ah, the ol' "disinformation agent" accusation. I never understood that one.

Anyways, check out this program description from the History Channel's website for a program titled "UFOs and the White House:"

Did you know that the office of President of the United States has had a direct involvement with UFOs for over 50 years? Since WWII, every Chief Executive has publicly discussed, issued, or received documents from the White House pertaining to "Unidentified Flying Objects". Many of these documents have never been seen on television before and some of the stories surrounding these UFO-presidential encounters are broadcast for the first time.

I dunno, that kind of looks pro-UFO to me. Check out the History Channel website's program listings - use the search function and input "UFO." There is an overwhelming amount of UFO programming on the channel.


There is a problem with your first quote, in that by stating the president knows about ufos. That whole idea contributes to the mass dellusion. A better quote would be "The president and his father quite often use ufo's as travel vessels for clandestine transcontinental voyages"

Now the second step is to assume that I am stating that I have insinuated that the president and his father are aliens. Thats where you have been duped. They are normal human beings just like you or I, though they have acess to a wealth of technology and riches because of their ties to the 12 bloodlines of the illuminatti. There are no green men, and by the History Channel asking questions like that they are purposely diverting the truth by redirecting your attention to something irrelevant like" the president knows that flying saucers are real". This, in essence is a form of disinformation. You are being disinformed with truth, but becuase the portion of truth you are being exposed to, forces your mind to think in another direction. Dr. Love actually has a better grasp of this than I do. But black ops is generally centered around disinformation and fooling people, which is a key factor to any spooks objective mission.

[edit on 16-11-2005 by PKD]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Zipdot
Ah, the ol' "disinformation agent" accusation. I never understood that one.

Anyways, check out this program description from the History Channel's website for a program titled "UFOs and the White House:"

Did you know that the office of President of the United States has had a direct involvement with UFOs for over 50 years? Since WWII, every Chief Executive has publicly discussed, issued, or received documents from the White House pertaining to "Unidentified Flying Objects". Many of these documents have never been seen on television before and some of the stories surrounding these UFO-presidential encounters are broadcast for the first time.

I dunno, that kind of looks pro-UFO to me. Check out the History Channel website's program listings - use the search function and input "UFO." There is an overwhelming amount of UFO programming on the channel.


I think that is a mistake, because program descriptions like the one you just presented are used primarily to draw viewers, to catch the attention of the reader. Once the program starts however, they go about "debunking" the whole idea they presented in their program description, and basically crush any notion that any of the material could be true. That has been my main observation after watching many of these types of shows from the history channel at least.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 07:00 PM
If the idea is to "Debunk" their own show descriptions , they are incompetent.

With all that footage of Presidents talking about UFOs, and evidence of Presidents receiving oral briefings on the subject.

Personal stories of Presidents seeing and reporting and in Regan's case chasing UFOs.

Not exactly a well thought out "Debunk" if you ask me.

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