posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 07:00 PM
after see the oil execs before congress i just had to laugh. lee raymond(exxon) stated that exxons profits were in line with the rest of american
industry. what a comparison. then he shifts to the father figure and said that prices had to be raised to decrease demand and prevent hoarding. ok
thanks for looking out for us lee, answer this one, everytime one of these excuses to raise gas prices comes along the price never returns to what it
was before the crisis. next it'll be a gasoline truck in wisconsin swerves to miss a squirel goes into the ditch and gas will be up to $4 a gal. the
whole inquiery was nothing but a political game so the congressmen can tell thier constituants hey we looked into it. after the whole show they all
probably went to the same resturant for lunch and had a good laugh about it.