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Holographic Universe?

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posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 04:07 PM
I has been told that (not sure) maybe WW1 or WW11, that the military was using holographic technology to try and scare away the ememy.
Ok, let's put this into perspective. Could it possibly be that we even now as we speak are living in not a Matix, but a holographic universe? Just suppose that everything we see is not real. But, a hologram of technology brought fourth by science and government united to see how much we can deal with in our daily lives. Maybe even down to the simplest things we see. I really believe this could be possible. I believe that many of the UFO sightings could be actually holograms. And when you start to see an escalation of sightings maybe they are getting ready to do a world wide holographic invasion of some sort. I truly believe this could happen and they we do and did have the techno to do this stuff.


[edit on 15-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 04:24 PM
Interesting, but isnt this like all the matrix threads? I'm not sure that there would be a way to do that pre 48 when holograms were first invented, then 3d holograms in the 60s.
Unless it's the year 2200 and we're all jacked into a system and rerunning a simulated history.
I guess theres no way to tell is there?
I do have to tell the devs though if they're reading this, that the AI sucks in general but the physics engine is pretty good.

edit to add- Its not really possible now, holodeck style holograms and hardlight stuff. Rimmer anyone?

[edit on 15-11-2005 by MrDead]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 04:31 PM
A bit different then being in a "Matrix" per say. A matrix would put you into a different dimension would it not? I am speaking stickly holograms here. Your opinion is wearthy. But, I would not put our techno down as far as the advancement and how far some can go with it. To me, anything in black projects are notable and possible.

Originally posted by MrDead
Interesting, but isnt this like all the matrix threads? I'm not sure that there would be a way to do that pre 48 when holograms were first invented, then 3d holograms in the 60s.

mod edit to fix and edit quote

[edit on 15-11-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 04:50 PM
The Holographic Universe theory postulates that the whole is contained within each of its parts. I don't know about holograms and 'living in the matrix' and such, but the theory has far reaching implications and is well worth understanding in its entirety.

If you take a holographic plate of say, an apple and you hold it up and look at it (without the lazers shining thru it) you will see thousands of circles that are merging into one another (similar to the surface of a pond during a rainstorm). Then, if you take a hammer and shatter the plate into a thousand pieces, take even the smallest piece of that plate and shine a lazer thru it, it will recreate the entire apple!

It has been shown that some people who have had half of their brain removed still function as if they had their entire brain. The remaining brain mass 'takes on' the aspects of the missing mass and 'recreats' an entire brain functionality.

DNA is a perfect example of the holographic universe and how the whole is contained within the parts...

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by SkyChild_5

Ok, let's put this into perspective. Could it possibly be that we even now as we speak are living in not a Matix, but a holographic universe? Just suppose that everything we see is not real. But, a hologram of technology brought fourth by science and government united to see how much we can deal with in our daily lives. Maybe even down to the simplest things we see. [edit on 15-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

Interesting but, it would have been kinda hard for them to transfer from reality to a "holographic universe." Seeing as how holographic technology is somewhat new. Just seems a little far fetched to me. But if the some of the mass mind control threads ive read are even somewhat true it may be possible that the "holographic universe" is said before we may be living in the year 2200 and not know it. Anything is possible.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by SkyChild_5
I has been told that (not sure) maybe WW1 or WW11, that the military was using holographic technology to try and scare away the ememy.
[edit on 15-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

At first I thought this was going to be a thread concerning the great book by the same name, but I dont think thats where your going with this.

Anyways, when you said there were holographic images used to scare the enemy it reminded me of a book I read. This book about angles and some angel storys include many in world war I and II. One was about trench warefare, probably in WWI, where everytime the enemy went to attack they got scared by the huge army of swordsman on white horses guarding the trench of the english. Also there are several eye wittness accounts of british airplanes with dead pilots continuing to fly with new angelic pilots gunning down germans.

Now the idea about a holographic universe. Well it looks like physics is pointing to exactly a holographic model for reality. Take non-locality. Like stated in the previous post, a hologram (before being developed) contains all the information in every part of it. The information (picture,etc) that gets encoded to the holographic plate travels as a wave accross the whole plate, so that each part has the info. Also several different pictures can be encoded to the same plate using different lasers; then any picture and be recreated in any part of the plate by using the laser used to encode the image. Now if you look at physics, we now know that all particles ("solid" building blocks of matter) are actually waves, too. These wave-particles are always communicating with eachother through photons. When a message is sent, it is recived at the same exact time. This indicates that the distance between any two particles anywhere in the universe is Zero. So all particles technically co-exist at every point in space-time. This is due to the fact that they are also Waves, remember? And like in a holographic plate, these Waves spread out through the entire plate or universe. Therefore all information is non-local, or everywhere.

Now, there are alot of examples of non-locality, like remote-viewing and phrophetic visions, and "ghosts," and so on. As stated by another person,
the human brain is holographic. There is a guy who had only millimeters of brain material above his spinal column, and hes a math major! Memory and all other functions have been proven to be non-local through testing. By removing everypart of a mouse's brain (up to 95% i think) scientists have shown theres no precise area for memory, or sight, and so on.

Taken together, this information could lead to a hypothesis of a universal-computer or intelligently controlled or designed universe. And since all info is spread out as a wave accross the fabric of it all, a sign, or vision, could happen before or after an event that points to a global consciousness, or intelligent design.

Just for fun if this was true it could explain somethings that are in the realm of conspiracy theory. On the one year annoversary of 9/11, on 09-11-02, the winning lottery number was 9-1-1, and the S&P 500 closed at 911.00, coincidence or something more? The Sept, 11th sniper killed 9 people and wounded 11. The bombing in Madrid happened 911 days after 9-11-01. If you take the $ dollar sign, which has 2 lines vertically through it, and separate it from the S, it shows $ = Sll = Sept. 11. Plus the two towers burning on the back of a $20 bill, and so on. Is this all pointing to extreme coincidence, global conspiracy, or global consciousness? Beats me.

[edit on 11/15/2005 by ViolatoR]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 02:27 AM
Wow. I just 'gave you the keys' to finding out everything you ever wanted to know about the holographic universe theory (or how to find out utilizing your own methods of investigation) and was completely ignored. Hope that works out for you .-)

Knock And The Door Shall Be Opened. Seek And Ye Shall Find.

(the topographic holograms - that decieve airborne eyes - referred to in the ww2 ideas concern rommel and the egyption theatre of combat btw...and worked very well in the few times utilized)

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 03:53 PM
Do you mean like a "truman show" style holodeck experiment, where perhaps when it was first started, the adults entering the program knew about it, but the subsequent children believe they are living in the 21st century? Sounds like an AWSOME movie plot.

Also sure! anything is possible. If the tech was developed then by all means its possible, but exactly when the experiment will/would end or if we'd ever find out is a mystery
Maybe thats what bird flu is for, to kill us all off and release any survivors! :O

posted on Nov, 19 2005 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Shadow88
Do you mean like a "truman show" style holodeck experiment, where perhaps when it was first started, the adults entering the program knew about it, but the subsequent children believe they are living in the 21st century? Sounds like an AWSOME movie plot.

Also sure! anything is possible. If the tech was developed then by all means its possible, but exactly when the experiment will/would end or if we'd ever find out is a mystery
Maybe thats what bird flu is for, to kill us all off and release any survivors! :O

What was the philadelphia experiment about?
doppelganger-what is it?

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 12:15 AM
I 've been made aware, essentially taking the red pill, woke up and see that there is another world within our own. There is real natural human world and then there is the legal world. When you finally are able to see what is going on you will realize that there really is a "they" and that money (reserve note/legal tender paper) has no value. We have all become willing economic slaves to bankers who now own us, our property, & and our children. It is rather quite sacry when the blinders become removed. Most people can't accept this and cannot see what is right out in the open in front of every one to see.
Look at a Black's law dictionary and compare 1st edition to 2nd then to third, to fourth to fifth all the way to the present 8th edition. You can see a web of lies that have been woven thru our society simply by looking up the real definition of word used by law makers versus what the average person thinks and is taught in school. Maybe I should start a thread about this.
Note the very 1st edition of Blacks law is the bible for the elite of this world and goes for 10 000 dollars a pop on EBAY.
Hint: look up "natural person" , then look up "artificial person", then "corporation", then understand the true meaning of "includes", square brackets, capitalization of names and you will see something terrifying and we have all be duped since 1933.

posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 03:31 PM
Great......we have ourselves.......a bluddy nutter...........LOL just kidding

Im confused about what you just said?

[edit on 20-11-2005 by Shadow88]

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by ViolatoR

At first I thought this was going to be a thread concerning the great book by the same name, but I dont think thats where your going with this...

I was considering starting a thread on this mind-boggling topic, but did a search and found this one. If the science is right, forget about any other "conspiracies" people might take an interest in, this is the only factor that matters to anyone who was ever born on our planet.

A recent article in Scientific American caught my attention; Is Gravity an Illusion? When I read the entire article, I was literally blown away. I then recently picked up the excellent book you mentioned, The Holographic Universe ,by Michael Talbot, and even though it was written 15 years ago, in 1991, it is an absolutely stunning theory that has a ring of truth to it, especially in light of many discoveries on the cutting edge of physics today, as the Illusion of Gravity article points out.

Originally posted by ViolatoR ...Now the idea about a holographic universe. Well it looks like physics is pointing to exactly a holographic model for reality. Take non-locality. Like stated in the previous post, a hologram (before being developed) contains all the information in every part of it. The information (picture,etc) that gets encoded to the holographic plate travels as a wave accross the whole plate, so that each part has the info. Also several different pictures can be encoded to the same plate using different lasers; then any picture and be recreated in any part of the plate by using the laser used to encode the image. Now if you look at physics, we now know that all particles ("solid" building blocks of matter) are actually waves, too. These wave-particles are always communicating with eachother through photons. When a message is sent, it is recived at the same exact time. This indicates that the distance between any two particles anywhere in the universe is Zero. So all particles technically co-exist at every point in space-time. This is due to the fact that they are also Waves, remember? And like in a holographic plate, these Waves spread out through the entire plate or universe. Therefore all information is non-local, or everywhere....

Right on, but I think I can enhance your overall point by adding a few comments. Non-locality is indeed the key issue, and physics has proven that on the subatomic level, distance is meaningless. Photons communicate over vast distances, instantaneously.

But the really interesting factor to me, according to the book, is the particle/wave conundrum. As you say, all particles are also waves, but the mindblower is that particles may only become waves when they are observed. The observer is therefore inextricably part of the experiment.
Our consciousness, may actually be creating the observable universe, because our brains are acting like holographic receivers, (and projectors, btw) interpreting what may actually be nothing more than swarms of particles, into waveform, which is what we perceive as the true reality.


Originally posted by ViolatoR. Now, there are alot of examples of non-locality, like remote-viewing and phrophetic visions, and "ghosts," and so on. As stated by another person,
the human brain is holographic. There is a guy who had only millimeters of brain material above his spinal column, and hes a math major! Memory and all other functions have been proven to be non-local through testing. By removing everypart of a mouse's brain (up to 95% i think) scientists have shown theres no precise area for memory, or sight, and so on.

Talbot's key point is the brain works like a hologram, and so does the universe. Our brain stores information just like a hologram does, everywhere. He mentions an experiment done on a salamander. They removed the salamanders brain, then reinstalled it, backwards. Salamander resumes its normal way of life, without skipping a beat.

Originally posted by ViolatoR Taken together, this information could lead to a hypothesis of a universal-computer or intelligently controlled or designed universe. And since all info is spread out as a wave accross the fabric of it all, a sign, or vision, could happen before or after an event that points to a global consciousness, or intelligent design.

More and more it seems, we are all part of the same "flux" if you will. The implications are truly staggering when you really think about it. Mindpower is vast and awesome. Everyone knows stories of people that use their visualizing brainpower to overcome serious medical issues. When some one has that unshakeable will to defeat even the most awful diseases, miracles do occur. On the other hand, everyone knows someone who lost the will to live, and the inevitable will always happen.

Placebos are another example of the awesome nearly unlimited power of the mind. If the mind can fool itself enough to make a placebo actually work, is it possible the combined collective consciousness of all mankind can fool our holograhic processing brains that what we perceive as reality is actually something quite different?

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 07:23 PM
We are living in a holographic universe. See what the bleep do we know. But not set up by the goverment. To post my & many others theorys on this would take all day. Theres a book with the same title (holographic universe) you should go read too. Forgot the author but google it or try amazon.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 01:16 PM
Great posts ViolatoR and NeonKNight. I learned lots by reading them, and appreciate you sharing what you know about this topic.

I think the idea of a holographic universe is very plausible on the atomic or quantum level, but notin the sense that there are people somewhere outside of the hologram projecting the image we live in inward if you will.

I was wondering if anyone knows where I might be able to learn more about the holograms that were sucessfully used in WWI and II? SOmeone mentioned Romel and N Africa as an example and I would love to learn more about that.

To the person who commented that 3d holograms didn't exist until the 1960's you have to remember that was when they were publicly unveiled to the masses, but the military is usually like 10-50 years ahead of the civilian population with technology.

While "What the Bleep do We know" was a decent movie and made some good points, PLEASE realize that it was created by JZ Knight
to extend her franchise. She is the leader of the cult of Ramtha and operates Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, and no I'm not kidding

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 03:42 PM
If it is a holgram what are we supposed to do about it? Can we hack it and make it how we want? Im thinking something palatial, maybe a harem.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by warpboost

While "What the Bleep do We know" was a decent movie and made some good points, PLEASE realize that it was created by JZ Knight
to extend her franchise. She is the leader of the cult of Ramtha and operates Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, and no I'm not kidding

Yes, the holographic universe is in each individual of use (Projected in the Brain).
As I can see from the Above member ....If you look for something that you think is BS (or at least making false statements that that the W.T.Bleep is a recruitment for RSE) than you will find all articles on the web that is "frequency specific" with your view.....

I can say that the Ramtha School is for open minds that like to learn about various topics, including the Holographic Universe..........

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 02:05 PM
Reality is perception. I think therefor I am. The universe being a hologram suggests major technology from an outside source. Ive heard this one a few times it seems to be related to the matrix but the matrix is bassed on Plato's allegory of the cave. This was conceived in a time of low tech. Befor they knew what a hologram was. That dosnt mean Im ruling it out. Hell I kinda hope it is a hologram cause I like the thought of holographic nukes. Unfrtunately this "hologram" seems way to solid and we appear to be firmly fixed in it if it is.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Halographic Dimension and/or its existence? Pure hogwash.

First of all the scientic word halographic means Hal o graphic. Hallucination.

Second of all the scientific word for graphic means visiual.

So there it is. The answer. No Halographic Dimension exists, it is pure hallucination. What a waste of time. Man. Get a life.

Thirdly, the notion that wave matrix plates. . . . .huh. . . .halographic principles work solely on light base. Light moves in straight lines not waves so the theory is hogwash. Now! Sonic, like ultasonic...Hmmmmm. Like a space ship perhaps? Now that's doable but you have to use the prime number Phi to do it and as I have said before this is the number of the Aliens.

So quit with this one. Cordially Ravenmock.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Halographic Dimension and/or its existence? Pure hogwash.

First of all the scientic word halographic means Hal o graphic. Hallucination.

Second of all the scientific word for graphic means visiual.

So there it is. The answer. No Halographic Dimension exists, it is pure hallucination. What a waste of time. Man. Get a life.

Thirdly, the notion that wave matrix plates. . . . .huh. . . .halographic principles work solely on light base. Light moves in straight lines not waves so the theory is hogwash. Now! Sonic, like ultasonic...Hmmmmm. Like a space ship perhaps? Now that's doable but you have to use the prime number Phi to do it and as I have said before this is the number of the Aliens.

So quit with this one. Cordially Ravenmock.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Ravenmock1

First of all the scientic word halographic means Hal o graphic. Hallucination

Halographic??? - there are Halographic Trolls about......

Here some info...
About Electron Holography
This site explains about the Holographic 3D Pictures.
I know that is remote from the intent about this original post but I included it because of the history of Holographs.

Father of Holography
In 1947 Dennis Gabor, a Hungarian-British physicist, proposed the method of interference imaging and gave it the name holography, from a Latin word meaning "Whole writing." The father of holography did not envision its use as an optical technique, however, because he was an electron microscopist who wanted to find a way to sharpen images produced in transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), which were in their infancy in the 1940s.


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