posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 09:25 PM
BsBray, Listen, I understand the difference between a valid question and a lame troll. The previous poster "gets it." Asking such a question in the
face of immutable fact - those firefighters were all accounted for "after" the collapse via the documentary crew - is nothing less than a troll at
the expense of their memories and efforts that horrific day.
While I generally stay cool and thick-skinned on things, the thought of some pimple-faced kid pecking out a conspiracy theory which insults, assails,
maligns and/or sullies the memories, losses, or that those men had responded to do any other thing than their job that horrific day, well, don't
expect me to let you off the mat. I won't.
AND, to the rocket scientist who asked about the explosions heard before the buildings came down; people said they could hear it on the tape - have
you ever heard the sound of a human body hitting solid concrete at a terminal velocity of 120 mph? I have! It sounds exactly like an explosion,
because it is!
I have written paper after paper providing prosaic explanations of the fall of the towers, how people were burned on the first floor and basement,
explosions, forces, the science of fire and on and on - they don't want to know. Their mind is made up because the do research by proclamation!
I teach fire science at a fire college, I'm a TF - Trainer facilitator, I'm an active Captain, I understand building structure and failure, am
trained in fire origin and determination . . . but what the hell would I know? Better to listen to fools than someone who actually knows.
As you may have guessed, yes, I'm angry. Dang angry, because people while they say they are asking questions because they want answers ARE actually
stating things that are false then asking how it could be so.
Lastly, I'm not about to tell who I am, you'll not know my name or where I work because I do not need any silly people calling wanting to talk, or
wanting a nut-shell education on the constituents of fire and structures so they can take half of an understanding and say an expert told them.
I will however, answer questions here so long as they are valid, and not he-said or she-said, or I heard questions. Get statements of fact then ask
away. Or ask about common perceptions, but be specific. Try and limit to one at a time.
Okay, I'm back to being calm now. Thanks for letting me blow off some steam.
Kindest regards.