posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 11:59 AM
While it's true that many see Democrats as "weaker," that's not the main obstacle they face. Those who might want to see them as "the voice of
reason and ethics" (morality denotes religious ethics, and the Democrats' anti-religion stance prevents them from ever being associated with
"morality," not that that's a bad thing) are largely prevented from doing so by the constant reactionary whining and carping that has become the
only mode of expression of which the Democrats seem capable.
Democrats used to actually stand for something-- they actually had principles and ideals. Now they're nothing more than "not Republicans." I
don't know when the last time was that I saw any positive statement coming from the Democrats. They don't even try to promote their own ideas and
honestly, I question whether they even have any ideas left. They never speak of what they have to offer, but instead only focus on what's wrong with
the Republicans. That's simply not enough. Virtually everyone knows that there are things wrong with the Republican party-- the Democrats aren't
telling us anything we don't already know. All their constant complaining accomplishes is to make them look petty and spiteful, and those aren't
qualities that impress anyone.
Kerry ran virutally his entire campaign on being 'not Bush.' Since that's something that any candidate (other than Bush of course) could claim, it
wasn't something that stirred the public to support him.
If the Democrats want to win, the first thing they have to do is to tell the people what they'd do, rather than just bitching about what the
Republicans do wrong.