posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 08:17 AM
The following is a type of social structure that I have written down in general terms, inspired partly by the political system in the film, Starship
Troopers. I'm not sure if this ahs already been written about, but these are my thoughts on what I call the Citizen/Civilian Theory:
A societal structure which divides all people into two distinct groups; Citizens and Civilians. All people are born Civilians and gain fundamental
benefits for life, are treated with the respect and dignity any human being deserves and have the option to apply for Citizenship at any time. Being
a Civilian however has certain drawbacks in comparison to the rights of Citizens. Some of these include the right to vote, the right to certain jobs,
the right to go to University, the right to apply for governmental positions, the right to reproduce etc. Citizens on the other hand have these
rights and therefore will have a better standard of living and more power and influence. Because of this, Civilians have a natural incentive to
become Citizens and to succeed, making the majority of people fully functioning practical members of society. Bear in mind, because only Citizens can
reproduce legally, the influence of the Citizen parents on the Civilian child will give the child further incentive to become a Citizen and keep their
current standard of living.
To become a Citizen you have to do a period of either national service in the armed forces, the civil service or any position society requires of the
individual. An individual has no option as to what service they are entered in for, and this will be determined on the individual and their
abilities. This of course means testing the individual to their limits and only those who pass this test and do their time of servitude become
Citizens. Of course, the type of service the individual is required to do will also be determined by the physical and mental state of the individual
him or herself. For example, a physically blind individual will not be asked to do civil service that requires good eye-sight, but will still have to
do a job that is taxing and practical enough to show that that individual deserves Citizenship.
I could talk for hours about the benefits of this type of social structure, especially on the decrease in crime that would come about due to the fact
that certain degrees of crime could strip Citizens of thier Citizenship, thus, in the positivist view of things, discourage them to commit crimes.
Its also worth noting that this will decrease strain on social benefits for the unemployed, as ALL people will have an incentive to succeed, rather
than just sap off the state.
What do others think?