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DG, I guess I just saw this thread until today.
I prefer this explanation of the difference between conservatives and liberals.
A conservative believes that each person should try and maximize themselves and their own situations - thereby bringing up the status of the group
(nation) as a whole. The old pioneer spirit, if you will.
While liberals seem to believe in 'homogenizing' the group by taking from (bringing down) the achievers to pull up the non-achievers - thereby
leaving everyone more or less the same and in the middle. This approach always begs the question, "Why try extra hard if the extra results are given
to someone that doesn't try hard or won't?"
There was a story, really an analogy, making the rounds awhile ago that helps put this in perspective.
It seems a girl wanted to talk with her father about a couple of issues. First, there was this friend of hers that she liked, but always got bad
grades in school because she rarely studied. This friend was also always wanting the daughter to loan her some change and buy small items for her
because she never had gotten an after school job. The other issue was that they were talking about the difference between liberals and conservatives
in school, and from what she'd heard, she thought that maybe she was a liberal.
The father thought a bit and told her this. If you are a liberal, then in school you would think it was an excellent idea for the teacher to take
away part of the A you just earned in math by studying so long and hard and give it to your friend so that they could have a C instead of failing.
The daughter was appalled and said, "That's not fair when I did all the work!" Then he told her that if she was a liberal she would have no
problem with her boss giving her friend a good part of her pay check each week so that the friend could have some spending money of her own. "No
way!", said the daughter. "I earned that money by working hard."
Finally, the father said, "If that's how you feel, then there's no way you are a liberal."
Personally, I'm starting to lean more and more to the libertarian side. The Constitution is pretty much OK just the way it is ...
[edit on 11/7/2006 by centurion1211]