i vote on every article that passes my eyes, I rarely miss one.
I have and will vote it down if the intro is not up to scratch. Usually I send a notice for a fix.
I send these for most one or two sentence intros. The article you are sourcing may be newsworthy for ATSNN but not until you have written a good
article about it. ATSNN requires a high standard of submissions as it is a NEWS FEED.
It clearly state a paragraph two to three sentences. I actually go more if it needs it but never near the minimum.
"A bombing in Iraq today killed 50 people. Two cows died as well."
the above will get a notice or no vote straight away.
You have to care and nourish your submission. Take a look at Loams submissions. First time submitter, he got voted up quickly.
On both submissions he summed the article up well in a neat paragraph. Note the intro structure and the multiple sentences summing the articles up. He
supplied related links and overall took care with the article. Also note these submssions were voted up quicker than many others sitting there. I
think thats a quality thing.
Now we look at these submissions
good submissions fits all requirements. Yes vote
Needed one or two more sentences on the intro and unfortunately was a repeat story as DJ pointed out. Repeats stories are only ok if they contain lots
of new info and even then I try and tag it to the original where possible. People reading that story months or years later through say google search
will be interested in the updates tagged to the article.
This one gets an intro fix notice. This is exactly what i mean by the lower standard on the intro. It does not fit the requirements of two to three
sentences in a paragraph summing the story up. It does have two basic short sentences but it does not sum up the article well enough. It needs more
This one just scrapes through but I would still like to see one or two more sentences in the intro to sum up the article.
Now lets look at this one. Too light on the intro and the writer is presuming the reader already knows about the riots. No background is given at all
in the intro. This one is debatable whether it needs a new article submissions or whether it should have been tagged to shot's paris riots thread on
atsnn. If you got no repeat votes this would be why.
Its all well and good to pick up a story and say it would be great on ATSNN and it would be great to get the points, but you have to earn them by care
and responsibility.
If you are not sure on the quality of your submission intro, meesage an expert who is online or a mod like Fred or Nerdling if they are online. Asala
and Sanctum are great at helping too. In fact all the mods are.
Instead of complaining when you get a no vote or a fix, look at your article and see how it can be improved. Be self critical and try see the reasons
why. Was the story strong enough, was your intro well written, did you provide comment, did you provide links. Did you care or was it slaphappy.
This all is my own honest opinion and does not nessessarily reflect the opinions of other members mods or experts. I am just showing you by the use of
the above submissions of what I would vote persoanlly and why. Its nothing personal, its about ATSNN and the quality standard it requires.
When submitting you are the journalist, you are the reporter, if you were in paid employment as that and you submitted second rate writing to your
editor he would veto it too. ON ATSNN its all done for love but the same quality standard comes into play. It still requires the highest standard and
pride in your work.
[edit on 14-11-2005 by Mayet]