posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:12 PM
I have just read your comment's on the possabillity of Atlantis and would like to add some observation's based on several theory's,. during the last
Ice age which ended sometime around 10000 years bc there were and are still ongoing geological activity's resulting from the depression of the crust
beneath 2 to 4 miles of ice such as the still ongoing uplift of northern norway or the sinking and simultaneouse uplift of the british isle's,.
Whilest I do not know if Plato's atlantis actually exist'ed I Do frimly believe that there are million's of square mile's of former land mass that
are now lost beneath the ocean, coupled with the build up of ice during the last ice age the sea level being as much as 265 feet lower globally due to
the reduced liquid water in the ocean's and the magmatic subcrustal displacement of semi fluid extreme high viscocity mantal and sucrustal material
caused by the continent sized amount's of ice depressing the high lands of the continent's and the northern hemisphere, the equator would likely have
had a pronounced bulge greater than that is currently doese pushing many of the island's and even continent's south of the area depressed by the ice
upward and exposing vastly more land mass.
the midatlantic ridge formed according to plate techtonic theory when the continent's began to drift apart but this is a vast over simplification as
it actually pushed them apart, it is likely if you could see the world when is began to exert this presure and create basaltic spread that formed the
atlantic sea bed it would at first have looked like a range of massively towering himalayan like volcanoe's and the upthrust would have pushed the
western sea board of amarica and the eastern sea board of africa and asia downward like a bulge in the middle of a soggy sandwich, the magma hardened
to basaltic deposit's and being heavyer that the granitic continental rock (that one theory proposes is actually the remain's of another planetoid or
moon that soft impacted the early earth after it's orbit decayed-explaing it's incomplete coverage of the earth surface and it's lower chemical
density than the other crustal rock's) and under it's own weight without the continental rock to support it sank under it's own weight to form the
early atlantic ocean, meaning the eastern sea borad of the Americans and the west of africa and europe were actually high above water. Now what if
this continued for a very long time even into ancestral memory followed by a great cataclysmic event that nearly destroyed the entire human race and
all then extant civilisation.
North west of cuba a sunken city 1065 feet under water, on the bolivian altiplana high in the andes are the ruin's of Tia huanaco and Puma Punku, in
the nearby fresh water lake Titikaka are flora and fauna that have been forced to adapt to a geological uplift and are nearly genetically and
physically identical (but stunted) to flora and fauna found off the coast of bolivia most are not found in the rivers that drain the lake so
colonisation from the sea can be almost ruled out, you may know a theory that this is atlantis, I for one do not but do believe it to be over twelve
thousand 700 years old and to have been a coastal city and part of a lost civilisation.
All around the atlantic there are flood story's and legends of drowned land's but Imagine if you will a scenario were the mid atlantic ridge lika
tire losing it's air deflated at the end of the last ice age and reduced vulcanism in the area caused it to suddenly collapse removing the sub crustal
pressure that boyed the south american eastern seaboard up tilting the entire south american continent and uplifting tiahuanaco about 12600 to 16000
years ago while also taking that city north west of cuba down along with many other land masses and people's with there entire culture's followed by a
vast unprecedented super tidal surge of the ocean thousands of feet high that like a terrible tsunami swept over africa and europe as far as asia that
also raced around the globe and caused smaller surge's in the pacific, flowed back over the america's, coupled with the ice flood's at the end of the
ice age, global famine and climate change including the redirection of the gulf stream with it's resultant weather pattern alteration's and warming of
the ice sheet's.
Of course were your atlantis is thought to have been would most certainly have been above sea level and peopled as they were not living were the ice
was and that is were we are now but it was not the only great land mass or the greatest that was then lost.
edit on 26-1-2013 by LABTECH767
because: spelling error
edit on 26-1-2013 by LABTECH767 because: Big fingers and a Little Key board