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My Ufo Sighting - Guadeloupe, April 1994

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posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Finally i have found the time to make a post about my only ufo sighting to date. I remember talking about it in the ATS Chatroom some months ago, but never in the forum. So here we go.

This happened in the Guadeloupe island (French Antilles), in mid-april 1994 (don't remember the exact day). It was about 7:00 pm and it was at night.

I was looking at the sky through a window when i noticed a green tube-shaped light, standing verticaly in the sky. It was stationary above the mangrove forest. It was quite far from my house. I estimate the distance at about 500-700 meters and the altitude at about 30 meters (very hard to say).

Also, the light was standing right in the landing air lane of the airport. I was used to see planes there and this evening i saw them before and after the light, but i saw none during all the sighting. No need to say that the light had nothing to do with a plane, helicopter or other conventional aircraft...

I grabbed a pair of binoculars and pointed it to the light. I could see no more details, just this big green tube.

Here is a picture i made of my sighting :

About 2 minutes later, the light started narrowing proportionally from both sides, slowly. I was looking at this alternatively with binoculars and naked eyes. About 30 seconds later, there was just a line then nothing, gone. Here is the disappearance in images :

Total sighting lasted about 2.5 minutes.

I tried to find other testimonies on the web. I found some sightings in 1994 and 1995 in Guadeloupe, but nothing close to what i saw.

I was interested in ufology since 1992 (with the Belgian wave), and i was often looking at the sky. I would probably have not seen the light if i was not "skywatching" that evening. i called for my family to come and watch it, but nobody cared except my mother who came but did not see it very well (she don't see very well at night).

That's it. I hope you were interested. Please free to post your comments, questions or anything else. I make my best for the pictures, but if someone could made some kind of flash animation of the light disapearrance it would be great.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 02:13 PM
There is a well known green flash phenomenon in the Caribbean caused by the sun just around sunset or sunrise. Is it possible what you saw was this? Or was it well after the sun set?


Some info here:

[edit on 11/11/2005 by djohnsto77]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
There is a well known green flash phenomenon in the Caribbean caused by the sun just around sunset or sunrise. Is it possible what you saw was this? Or was it well after the sun set?

Hello djohnsto77

It was well after the sunset. It was full night.


posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Is that an actual photo of the green tube, or did you paint it onto a picture?

Did you ask the air traffic control if they had seen it?

Thanks for your sighting report

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Wig
Is that an actual photo of the green tube, or did you paint it onto a picture?
Did you ask the air traffic control if they had seen it?

All the images were drawn by me. I am very satisfied because they accurately represent what I saw.

Originally posted by Wig
Did you ask the air traffic control if they had seen it?

No, unfortunately. In fact, I did not even had the idea to do so. I had just a little knowledge in ufology 10 years ago. So, as this sighting was not extraordinary, i just kept it in mind and didn't report it to anyone, except to my family and other people i knew.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 10:34 PM
That sounds like an interesting sighting Musclor. It is definitely different than your average light in the sky. I have heard a few strange cases of sightings of portals or doorways in the sky. Did it look something like that to you? I have never come across any solid evidence, and it is hard to even imagine being true. More than likely it was something like the green flash phenomenon that DJ mentioned.

But, thanks for posting.

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 12:53 PM
Hello Hal9000

When the ufo started narrowing, i had the impression it was some kind of "dematerializing" itself.

I tried to find other ufo sightings with similar ways of disappearance, but without success so far. If anyone have knowledge of some, please let me know.

Thank you

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:33 AM
Just to clarify on DJohnsto's question.

The "Green Flash" is an aquatic phenomenon. It lasts only a spit-second or two, and is seen in the water when looking towards sunset (west) in warm weather.

It is caused by the sun setting, and the last rays of the sun shining through the water as the sun sinks below the curvature of the earth.

My understanding is that the light is simply sunset, and is "shifted green" as the beams are refracted through seawater. The light difuses and loses its sun-disk shape.

A number of my family members took a group vacation to western florida, for the express purpose of viewing the green flash.

It is also seen off the coast of Western France during extremely warm summer weather.

You have to have very deep water for miles, for the sunlight to shine through. Most West-facing coasts in America are too shallow (California) or too cold (alaska.).

So, am I a geek, or what?


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