posted on May, 20 2010 @ 05:29 AM
Okay, first a bit of my background...
I was born and bred in South Africa, and my ancestors goes back to the 1700's in South Africa. My first language is Afrikaans. Most of my family
are farmers in South Africa, sheep farmers in the Karoo, irrigation, sheep, cattle, and horse farmers in the Norther Cape/Kalahari. I have always had
quite an interrest in the paranormal / conspiracies, etc. because I believe that a politician lies as soon as his lips start moving, so I am always
trying to look for the complete truth.
I came across this link while looking for something completely unrelated.
My comments on the story....
I have not come across any such creature in common folklore nor in the news, or even in the alternative communities. The most scary character from
the tribal folklore is the Tokkelosh which is a small, dwarflike entity, something similar to an evil gremlin. He is so short that they put their
beds on bricks so he can walk unhindered under the bed, so I doubt that he will be able to eat a human (or half a human). He has no lizzard-like
Besides crocodiles (which lives in or near water - no big water bodies in the Karoo that have crocodiles) the largest lizzard likely to be found in
the Karoo is a (likkewaan in Afrikaans) type of monitor lizard, much smaller than a fully grown crocodile, too small to attack and eat a human being.
So whatever the OP is talking about is not a normal animal and/or lizard. It would not be a lion as the farmers that were attack knows what a lion
looks like, their tracks are easy to identify, I doubt there are any free roaming lions left in SA and most are find either in Game reserves or game
farms. There are still free roaming Leopards around, but again, farmers know leopards. A leopard is big enough to take down a man, but not to eat
half a man in a period of a day or two.
I would be interested to look into the OPs findings if he can supply more accurate dates, maybe names, or more details about where in the Karoo the
attacks took place. Surely if they have a team tracking or looking for this creature, then they must have a bit more details about it, maybe
photographs of the footprints, not to mention the scale... Come to think of it, larger lizzards don't easily shed scales while alive. E.g. you are
not likely to pick up scales of a crocodile or monitor lizzard even when you know where they live, eat, or breed. Can we assume that the scale came
off when the creature was attacked by somebody? The government suppresses the story and threaten the investigators... that I don't believe. If that
is the case, would the government of SA not rather suppress the stories of their police force attacking citizens, or the fraud and corruption that
their own members of parliament commit... what does the government stand to gain by suppressing this story? Everybody knows their views on the
different races in SA, they are quite eager to publicly admit that they don't like white people, you can just read all the comments made by the youth
league of the ANC lead government. I believe that if the government knew about a creature that would only eat white people, they would start breeding
them in large farms commercially! They would have backorders from guys like Robert Mugabe!!
On a more serious note... Personally I think the story is a hoax, but if the OP can supply more information I would give him the benefit of the doubt.