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Missing Time?

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posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 06:10 AM
Please excuse this Topic if there is already one going and if so could you direct me to it. Being a "Newbie" it would take me days to go through and look.
Anyways, I have always been interested and a little envious of those that have had real missing time. By that I mean, someone who might leave a place and arrive hours earlier then planned. Or even gotton to your destination hours later then you were supposed to be. Even maybe looked at your watch and noticed hours had passed by with no evident reasoning. I am very interested in this study.
Is there anyone on this board that has turly experienenced "Missing Time". I would love to hear about it please. I will not degrade or bash anyone's reply.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 01:27 PM
The other day I left the pub which is a 10 minute walk from my house, at around 12 o'clock and by time I got home it was 5 in the morning, I had strange remnants of puke on my shoes. Would have been a real mystery but considering I nearly emptied that bar of its vodka that night it came as no surprise.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:15 PM
Sitting here at my keyboard LMAO. That is totally hillarious. I needed a good laugh.
Ben there myself a few times. I am really on the floor with that one.

Originally posted by ToxicDelirium
The other day I left the pub which is a 10 minute walk from my house, at around 12 o'clock and by time I got home it was 5 in the morning, I had strange remnants of puke on my shoes. Would have been a real mystery but considering I nearly emptied that bar of its vodka that night it came as no surprise.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:22 PM
I don't know how much time passed, or if it was a lot even, but I blacked out next to my wolf's grave, and woke up with my shoes off facing the opposite direction standing up. Based off of the brightness of day before and after, I'd estimate an hour or two had passed since it was much shadier than when I walked back to the grave. I stood there for around 15 minutes trying to gather what had just happened, why I was now on top of the grave facing the opposite direction from which I had just "slept walked" and why the hell my shoes were in that spot.

Sounds like a bad sci-fi abduction scenario, but I don't care, I know it happened, and it has baffled me for some time now... It happened about a year ago.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 06:14 AM
And yes, you were there and you know what happened. That is a very good story. It's the shoes that really get me wondering too. Maybe I should start calling you "Traviss Walton.

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 03:22 AM
This topic is now closed by me. I will not reply to anyone.

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by SkyChild_5
This topic is now closed by me. I will not reply to anyone.

Well thanks for dropping by anyway.
We'll have to sit down and have a real chat another time.

Where are the Mods? An order has been given! Chop, chop!

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 04:39 AM
I have worked things out with someone very nice and I will hang out for awhile. Just please do me a favor. Agree to disagree, but be nice. No need for ridicule. All of us are intiltled to our opinions and it will always be that way. But, it can be done in a nicer manner please.

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 05:12 AM
Skychild..don't mind the trolls they are an occupational hazard around here..

Yes two instances off the top of my head

driving home from canberra to Bermagui one time, left Moruya and arrived in Batemans bay in what seemed seconds later. I kept saying to my hubby that we would stop at Mogo, a town between the two towns for a toilet and rest stop, except we didn't drive though Mogo..... It wasn't there... We arrived in Batemans Bay as I said in what seemed seconds for a 1/2 hour drive with a town in the middle that wasn't there. And yet when we looked at the clock it had taken us more than an hour and a half to drive it... weird...

Another one hubby and I drove up a mountain, stayed up the mountain for a few hours and then drove down again (at least a 20 min drive each way.. we got home and everyone looked at us and said gee that was quick and we said huh, we have been gone hours and hours... but no it turns out we had been gone ten minutes max.... it takes that long to get to the car and drive out of our street... no one beleived that we had been up the mountain (I was moon viewing and star watching up the mountain with my binoculars)

Theres a few more I can remember clearly but those two especially stood out.

[edit on 12-11-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 05:38 AM
What I would not give to have those experiences you've had. And not only that, but someone at the destination to confirm it. That is just plan awesome. I think I had about a half hour and even that I can not for sure say was real missing time. Sis and I ended up at a Subway shop a good half our after we should have when we left the beach after seeing a triangular craft. What I am trying to say is, it seemed like we were a half hour later then we should have been on arrival. Boy, we got three great testimonies here so far altogether. Let's here more. I want more!

Mod edit: removed quote of previous post

[edit on 12-11-2005 by sanctum]


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