posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:35 AM
obviously talk of reducing the Hydrogen atom's orbit is certainly not new. That's what led to quantum physics in the first place. But proving that
it can be done? Like I said before, if he can prove that he has done this, (and it sounds like he's done it), it throws the quantum-physics baby out
with the bathwater. This thing is going to have HUGE resistance from establishment physics. Just think Einstein telling the world that the photon is
both a wave and a particle at the same time. Bad physicist, bad bad bad, no grant money for you! But, there's always the private sector. And
something this promising, investors will drool all over it. That's where it remains to be seen if this is for real, or an elaborate and expensive
con. It seems very legitimate from the research I've done into it.