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WARNING, Cultural Sensitivity invading your life soon.

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posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:40 AM
I live in the USA. You may live in another country. Each country is different. They have unique cultures, diets, beliefs, fashions, music and more.

I think the different cultures are great. I do not think that the US is better than all other countries. I believe that all men are created equal.

However, lately, this cultural sensitivity thing is getting out of hand. With France considering changing its laws to appease the Muslim population - with the US considering canceling Christmas holidays and making changes that have been apart of the US since it began, and many, many other changes going on in many countries all over the world, this modification is, in my opinion, a bad thing!!!

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” When I go another country, I want to experience their culture. I work with and am friends with Muslims and Hindu’s from India. I love their cultures – and their food is, as my wise teenager would say, da BOMB! However, I don’t want to live like they do, and they don’t want to live like I do.

I am getting a bit upset about all these countries, including my own, making changes to please the outsiders. With so many immigrants form many different cultures, this world will eventually be the same all over except for language. Same fashions, same beliefs, same everything!

If France does change to please the Muslims, folks all over will begin to think they can change things in their [visiting] countries too. Not only can this be a security issue, but each countries culture is at risk.

If a Christian can’t live in a Muslim country, move out. If an atheist can’t live in a Christian culture, move out. If a Jew can’t live in atheism, go elsewhere!

I mean, come on!!! I don’t agree with many aspects of Christianity, but I can live with them. When I lived in Italy, I lived with Catholicism; even through I totally disagree with it. I have many Catholic, Hindu, Muslim, atheist and Christian friends, but I don’t tell them how they should live. Why should someone tell me how I should live?

Why can’t people leave well enough alone or just leave? Live and let live or live far away.

Is it wrong to feel this way? Should we just make the whole world one belief, one culture and one language? NO! Diversity is a GOOD thing!

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 09:44 AM
Do you have examples? Sources? I would like to explore this, but I don't know what France is doing about Muslims and so on. Your post is really 'general' and I don't know where you're going with it.


posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:03 AM
Do they really want to cancel Christmas? I find that very hard to believe, specialle because the Republican party is well connected with christian religious leaders in your country.

Here in Holland, they want to make the end of the Ramadan an official holiday, amung other Muslim celebrations, which is great the more holidays, the better.

It is true and logical that immigrants dont apply the "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" rule in many cases. Many immigrants (and also 2nd & 3rd generation immigrants) live in their own "black" neighbourhoods, so not surprisingly they don't integrate very well into our society. Part of the cause is immigrants have problems with learning the language. Because of that, its more difficult for them to study, so many drop out of highschool, or don't try to get a university degree. A solution to this is to avoid the so-called black schools (schools with mainly immigrant students). They want to equalize schools, and thus make students attend to a specific school, so they can no longer chose a school themselves. The problem with this is, some students have to attend to a school at the other side of the city.

I believe the only way to avoid this culture clash is to avoid immigrant neighbourhoods from forming, and to be more open to one another. And dont forget, culture change is nothing new, cultures evolve, just like animals.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by godservant
Why can’t people leave well enough alone or just leave? Live and let live or live far away.

I agree. While I have no opposition to others from another country, culture etc. emigrating to any other country, those that choose to do so need to understand that they are leaving their country and moving to another country with beliefs, ideals etc. that may be different.

If they are unable or unwilling to recognize and accept this, then perhaps they should reconsider moving, or perhaps move to another location.

Unfortunately, it seems as though countries will not stand up and say "we welcome you with open arms, however, this is how we do things here, so please respect that."

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:29 AM

If a Christian can’t live in a Muslim country, move out. If an atheist can’t live in a Christian culture, move out. If a Jew can’t live in atheism, go elsewhere!

are you kidding me? Jews have done well in atheist societies. especially asian countries. Its hard to have religion when the other religion has a competing God.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 08:53 AM
Our current nation/state status worldwide among the human race is our defining moment at this time of grouping peoples together with common goals, heritages and other factors that are necessary for those nations to remain intact.....

In the US we are a democratic republic that is secular in nature but has strong moral underpinnings to a Judo/Christian heritage............

When immigrants from other nations hold different cultural values move to another nation they are faced with two options...........assimilate into that culture and share a common goal with that nation.........or establish their own division within that nation..............

The first wave of immigration to America was mostly among many different speaking Eupoeans in the 1800's..........they assilimated and learned the language and stood firm with the US constitution and bill of rights........however, most where of the same race and religion of those who established the US..........

Today the immigration taking place is often with those that have cultural clashes in both language, race, religion and governing principles........

It may surprise you but Islam is a religion (unlike Christianity) that requires social law and the governing of those laws to be established by the state through the religion itself.........there is no seperation of chruch and state in Islamic countries......they are Theocratic states.........not democratic states..........

Christians (give to God what belongs to God and to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar) assilimate much better in a secular republic form of government such as in the US...............Traditionally, a Muslim holding to the fundamental beliefs of the Koran would require such a nation as the US to adopt their rule of law.........they would not accept the rule of law from a secular republic...............this is a problem which makes me snicker in how we are trying to shove democracy down the throats of Middle East countries........

To become a melting pot of diverse citizens where you strengthen your nation state you cannot have the levels of conflict we are beginning to see with language/religion and in some cases, race based class conflict.......(when left alone and not forced to integrate most races tend to choose their own to group over the other).

If a nation does not become a melting pot as described above.......then the cultural clashs within that country will create a grouping of cultural divisions within a country. The country is no longer a melting pot but cultures within a culture that begin to tear at the social fabric holding it together.......

The global free markets that removed fair trade barriers along with the economic development (justified or manipulated) efforts of the IMF and World Bank post WW2 environment are taking down the barriers of the economies of the nation/states of the World............

However, this same global impact in free markets is requiring that now cultures, races, religions are exchanged as well.........

.....this results in the "multiculturalism" and PC you always hear people in power and the media talking about....

But here is the problem............and at the core of the very issue you bring up with this message board thread.........

While money is easy to convert and exchange in a transnational environment.......

Cultures, races, religions and languages among humans do not convert or exchange very well if at all..........................

and that's the problem that global elite ideals are running into as they try to force their economic agenda on the whole World.........

The consequence of a gobal market could be the breakdown of the nation/state system of society or at the very least a severe compromise in nation state sovereignty..........

Proponents of the nation state system of government explain that keeping cultures and values seperate worldwide contribute to a diversity that can act as checks and balance against a worldwide economic and political oppression...........

Globalists talk of worldwide economic growth and efficiencies without the consideration of how to mix cultures in this mesh...........and don't consider (or maybe they have it in design) easy it would be for a worldwide governing body or economy to become oppressive in its power without any other body to hold it in check..........

Its an ugly situation all driven by economic and political power among those who have the most to the cost of the World's population that have the most to lose......

...including our nation/states and their specific cultures, races, religions and other identities we all most cherish within those nation/states where we share common values......

That's the big picture of what you are seeing today..........I hope this helps you understand it better......

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
Do they really want to cancel Christmas? I find that very hard to believe, specialle because the Republican party is well connected with christian religious leaders in your country.

Various groups would love to see their agendas adopted. They have had some success in stopping the display of religious aarticles on public land, and have put some restrictions on language (don't say God!) but they will never eliminate Christmas itself.

There is a case involving this going on right now, and it illustrates bad judgement. In Florida, Muslims wanted to have a day celebrating Islam included in the school calendar. The school board in all it's infinite wisdom, chose to cancel all holidays instead. Dumb move. The muslims countered by saying, forget our request, put all holidays back on the calendar.

Note that the muslims didn't want preferential treatment; they only wanted to be included. The school board made a stupid decision.

I'm glad to report that the school board has agreed to revisit their decision.

I believe the only way to avoid this culture clash is to avoid immigrant neighbourhoods from forming, and to be more open to one another. And dont forget, culture change is nothing new, cultures evolve, just like animals.

I disagree. I think that ethnic villages are great. German beer. Italian food.
Etc., etc.

When I think of an ethnic neighborhood, I think of an old Italian woman sitting on her front stoop, talking, in Italian, to other old ladies. She only speaks Italian, and is too old to learn English. She is here because her son came over 20 years ago and is now a successful bsinessman. She wants to live out her days with her grandchilchildren. This neighborhood is full of Italian immigrants, and she feels safe and at home here.

Would I want to take this away from her? Absolutely not. My idea of "forced inclusion" includes things like having all gov't forms printed in English. Learn our language, and you are halfway toward being assimilated.

Sorry for the rambling..

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Would I want to take this away from her? Absolutely not. My idea of "forced inclusion" includes things like having all gov't forms printed in English. Learn our language, and you are halfway toward being assimilated.

Sorry for the rambling..

i agree, but the problem is (especially with the mexican population) that the youth who plan to be here permanently, are not learning the language and expect the government to change in order to fit them, which is happening. when i have to press one for english in an english speaking country, the problem is getting way out of hand.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 03:12 PM
In Flordia there is talk about making students have to learn the Spanish language mandatory in schools.

I find this totally ridiculous....the spanish speaking (illegal immigrants) can't learn English so English speaking people may be required to learn Spanish!!!!

TALLAHASSEE - -- All Florida students in kindergarten through second grade would get mandatory Spanish lessons starting in 2007 under a new bill filed by state Sen. Les Miller, D-Tampa.

[edit on 11-11-2005 by ferretman]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 03:25 PM

I agree. While I have no opposition to others from another country, culture etc. emigrating to any other country, those that choose to do so need to understand that they are leaving their country and moving to another country with beliefs, ideals etc. that may be different.

That's the way i see it. If we have to conform to everyone elses beliefs and ideals because they are in opposistion to some of the things done a certain way. Then The whole world will be a crazy mixed up melting pot. No one place will be uniqe...we wont be able to go to italy for italian food, we wont be able to visit japan for the culture, we wont be able to take a safari in africa, the list goes on and on.

I live in the USA. You may live in another country. Each country is different. They have unique cultures, diets, beliefs, fashions, music and more.

This too, many countries are very different, that makes then unique and fun to visit. We should not try to please everyone and make everywhere look remarkably same. If this happened the world would be....well, bland.
If someone wants to move to another country to better themselvs by all means have at it. But dont attempt to force your culture on them. They have there own.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 03:28 PM
You have voted Uber Fr0g for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Before I could get my license to practice Social Work in New Mexico, I had to take a Cultural Sensitivity Class which included a film that consisted of individuals from various cultures telling us why they hate white people so much.

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