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Wilhelm Reich papers for sale for $10,000 ...

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posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 09:19 PM
Hi, I'm Jerome Greenfield, author of "Wilhelm Reich vs the U.S.A" which came out under the W.W. Norton some 25 or so years ago. Since then I have obtained additional legal material which was incorporated into a German translation of my book and will soon be incorporated into a new English edition. It will consist of about an extra 100 or so pages, based on legal and government material that was not originally available to me. At present I have SEVERAL LARGE FILE DRAWERES OF ALL THE LEGAL AND ALSO NON-LEGAL MATERIAL THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAD ON REICH. I dare say. it is the most complete file around since, I understand, other people have been at these files since my original research and many of them simply stole documents as they saw fit. I don't want to mention names.. The government, of course, had no duplicates of these stolen documents and probaably doesn't even know they're missing. The reason I mention this is that I'm preparing to sell my material on Reich for $10,000 or the highest bidder. I would appreciate it if you could somehow or other get this information on the internet.

Sincerely,.................Jerome Greenfield ([email protected])

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 09:36 PM
I would love to have those papers, but I don't have the $10,000. More people should know about Reich, who he was and what he discovered and worked with.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:28 PM
Installment plans available??

60 month installment hehehe

posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 09:11 AM
Maybe we could start a "click on ad" campain so ATS could buy them?

Then they could become part of the research forum.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by energy_wave

This guy has over 1,600 posts and no flags and only five stars. Wha? I will now give him his first flag. Ta da!

Whoops, didn't take. He must be banned or something.
edit on 25-3-2012 by Aleister because: flag didn't take


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