posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:12 PM
well as a younger member - 23 to be exact, I know one thing, George Orwell wrote a book called *1984*. As for what I think will happen in the next
four decades, well thats a long story, but I will give you the jist (of what it is I think will happen as of now anyways)
The world's oil supply is going to run out, or at least become extremely expensive. This will cause massive inflation (or deflation) and ensuing
depression that we have never seen before (not even the great depression). Imagine, just one part of the infrastructure that a vast majority of us
have come to rely on, gone in a matter of months (what would you do if there was no running water to your house, or electricty, or gas to get
around?). There will be no order, and basically there will be a civil war. I do not see this happening in the near future due to the economy failing
entirely on its own, so there has to be a catalyst.
Bird Flu? Maybe, but I don't think we'll see this for a while, but it could happen.
What about a pole switch, as I recall, we are years over due for this event to occur. However, I don't know what kind of significant changes or
problems this might cause, so this is a wash.
Major natural disaster? This is more likely, in my opinion. There has been a sleu of earthquake and volcanic activity as of late, which means there
is a lot of subduction going on around the world. The thing is, when one plate moves, the others have to move to compensate - which is a matter of
gravity, plain and simple. It makes more sense that the world would do this rapidly, like dominoes, instead of over time because I don't think we
really see mountains growing at a very rapid rate. Did anyone hear about the soviet machine that could trigger earthquakes (that the US is apparently
in possesion of)?
Anyhow, earthquakes killing thousands, tsunamis, God forbid a worse hurricane season next year and maybe the years after that, and perhaps even large
volcanic eruptions, might lead countries into conservative mode - which sucks for the US. If that were to occur, I see panic strike the developed
nations and wars breaking out - is nuclear war that much of a stretch?
Its hard for me to be optimistic about the future, even though I am just graduating college. There is just too much pointing in the direction of
disaster to ignore, and I really hope that it doesnt happen and my intuitions are wrong. I simply can just sense, see everywhere, the impending doom
of a lot of us. Not ever in the history of the human race has there been such a massive change in the way we live, communicate, and travel over a
hundred years - now think about the changes that have occurred in the last 30, how about the last 10....
Well I am off to quit procrastinating and studying psycholingistics, a lot of good it will probably do me, but in case apocalypse doesn't happen, I
guess I should have something to fall back on.