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I've got a bad feeling about this!

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posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 06:13 AM
Hey people, before you read on, I am sure that to many of you this will sound sensationalist, and exagerated, that is not the intention. It's just that recently I have begun feeling differently about the world a kinda nagging feeling that things ain't right. And that the direction events are taking us seem almost planned. I must admit Im aprehensive,and even a little scared with the way things seem to be going at the moment.
I have allways had an interest in this sort of stuff, secret societies, shadow governments, ancient advanced civilisations ect....
However since 9/11 I have started to get the feeling that things are running out of control, and heading for a certain end, that i am yet to determine.
I am finding it hard to put into words, but everythings seems to be happening for a reason, as if events have been planned to coincide with changes.
>The government was having difficulty passing new terror laws (here in the uk), we then suddeenly we have our first Suicide bombings, and although they still faced stiff oppositions, the laws were passsed. They are diluted, that much is true, but in essence they remain. They also got the backing for ID cards through on the back of this publicity.
>We all know that both British and American oil reserves are runnign low. A republican think tank draws up a proposal to safeguard Americas dominance over the next few decades through it's control of foreighn oil production. "Only a new pearl Harbour would give us sufficient public backing or such invasions". Remarkably some time later 9/11 occurs, the public is outraged, and America manages to invade both Afghanistan (and build a massive and vital pipeline) and Iraq with it's massive oil reserves.
>Wasn't the third world war predicted to happen between Christinity and me crazy but isn't Bush a fundamental right-wing Christian who actually told a israeili translator GOD has been his deciding factor in American Foreighn Policy, whilst the area's he invades and the people he klills in the name of freedom and democracy are in fact Muslims, followers of the Islamic faith. Oh, and mark my words within the next three years we will have invaded Iran.
> The world is meant to end in 2012...and peopel from the way things are looking, this is increasingly becomeing a believable date.

Most peopel I know, many of whom wouuldn't even know who the freemasons are, are starting to talk about how they think the world is ending, about feeling that there is something around the corner. Look at the increase in natural disasters, and the spiralling unrest in the middle east, and anger many Black Americans feel towrd a president who failed them. Something is comeing and i hope we are ready for it.
Peopel the end is very nigh indeed, in our lifewtiem we will witness the end/begginging of a new world, this I truelly believe. My ownly hope is that we learn from our mistakes, so when the time does come, we as a people are in a position to change those misktaks we have allready made.

Ahhhhhh...that feels better, what are your views?

Malacalypse the 3rd.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 06:27 AM
Don't panic. Just life, nothing big to sweat over.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:23 AM
I just look at it as Bible prophecies being fulfilled. There will be wars and rumors of wars, for example. Right now I'd place Syria and Iran in the "rumor of war" category.

I hate to be a wet blanket but things are going to get worse. I'm a bit scared myself, to be honest, but hiding my head in the sand isn't going to make it go away.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 10:44 AM
malacalypse - you are correct. Things are bad. The world is going to end. Things are going to get worse, I am afraid.

Now that we have established that, lets talk about how the world will end. I will post a few thoughts and see if agree/disagree, or have any other ideas.

1. A giant asteroid will hit Earth, after NASA refuses to do anything about it.

2. China steals out recipe for POPEYE'S CHICKEN, drives them out of business and starts a chain reaction of world domination/destruction.

3. Rouge terroists get a hold of a/many nuclear weapons and take care of the world one atom at a time.

4. The government convinces us that in order to stop terror, we all must be implanted with GPS tracking nodules so we can track terrorists, they however malfunction, short out and kill everyone who has one.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by One Man Short of Manhood]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 10:48 AM
I have that same feeling, seems as if im watching a Docudrama on tv, everything seems to be playing out like that. Everynow and again though the adverts come on and i get a break. The secret is not to think too much on it.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 04:29 PM

I have that same feeling, seems as if im watching a Docudrama on tv, everything seems to be playing out like that. Everynow and again though the adverts come on and i get a break. The secret is not to think too much on it.

The thing about the docudrama really kinda sums it up buddy. It does all feel a little suspect, scripted even, as if all these warnings of 'Big Brother States' are playing out right in front of us every day. All the time are liberties are being ebbed away, and laws subtly introduced. It kinda feels that too many of these prophetic warnings are ringing true. Wasn't it Marksism that documented the cycle of all civilisations, and stated that after the beuratic stage comes like, the stage of anarchy. Well look at how are country operates now, and the crippeling beurocracy that encompasses alll our lives?
Did you know that in the time Blair has been in power, more laws have been past than in the entire history of parliament combined before. Scary No?
It just makes you think, but yeah I know; "Don't think about it too much!"

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:23 PM

It just makes you think, but yeah I know; "Don't think about it too much!"

I say do think about it so we can pray and try to head off something unspeakably awful that's looming in the wings.

Below is a link to a podcast by Zeph Daniels with some really informative interviews I urge you to listen to -- how the Illuminati/Satanism has overtaken America. Don't know about Britian, but I'd guess probably there too. A pastor Zeph interviews ( Russ Disbar sp?) claims the military is controlled by homosexual satanic S&M Nazis that would make Hitler's SS look like choirboys. This pastor deals with satanic ritual torture victims, and the interview is amazing.

Here's what I've deduced why this is happening. Get ready. The Illuminati get their power, their enabling power, from human torture and sacrifice. Because of the abortion in America for over 30 years of over 1.5 million unborn babies, who die a torturous and bloody death, this is feeding the Satanic forces and Satanism has grown by leaps and bounds into a behemonth monster ready to kill almost everyone on the planet. The Satanic behemoth is just waiting for the right moment to lower the boom on the entire world, starting in America and with the Christians. In addition to abortion, the rape, torture and murder of young children in Illuminati ritutal sacrifice is occurring by the hundreds or thousands each day according to what I've read. Those who are not killed are programmed to be mind-control slaves, assassins, killing machines, to run the military, media, to be sex slaves.

I don't know if you've read about the weather control and chemtrails, but unfortunately for the inhabitants of Planet Earth, the Illuminati has also gained knowledge in how to manipulate the weather.

The only thing that kept Hurricane Rita from destroying America's oil refineries was prayer. God turned the hurricane aside that was meant to be directed by man to destroy America's oil refineries and bring America down.

We ARE hanging by a thread. Prayer is the best thing we can do. And we must start to care for our neighbor. The lives of everyone matter, and if we turn our backs on our unborn neighbors, we are only feeding the appetites and powers of Lucifer and his devotees. (podcast interviews)

Also check out these websites on the Illuminati and
Mind Control:

Svali interview

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

Monarch Mind Control Programming: What It Is

[edit on 7-11-2005 by resistance]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:40 PM
OK, were all doomed.....DOOMED I tell ya!!!!! I'm going to get up in the morning, put on a sandwich board that reads, "The end is nigh" and start walking the streets.

OK, maybe not.

I look at it this way. If your heart is at peace with the life you are living, and your soul is at peace with your creator, regardless of who you consider that creator to be, everything else is just icing on the cake.

Make peace with yourself, make peace with your God and then kick back and enjoy the show. It would be easier to stop the sun from shining or the season from changing then to stop the growth of the eternal soul.

Love and light my friends,


posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:46 PM
Mr. Wumpy -- You would NOT want to fall into the hands of the Illuminati. They have perfected torture so that you will want to die, beg to die. They will turn you into a zombie, program your mind like a computer, microchip you and send you out to do whatever they tell you to do. If they don't kill you first. They will kill you if they think you have any kind of inner strength to resist their diabolical plans for you. You will hand them your soul on a silver platter and thank them for taking it from you.

It's better to know and to be prepared than to just blow things off.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 09:03 PM
I've blown nothing off, merely stated my perspective on it. Not even the illuminati can stop the growth of your soul. Yes, they can kil you, but will not stop you from going on.

As for the programming.....(sigh)....Most of the people I know are already zombies. They are tracked by the chips that at present are in the form of bank cards, drivers liscense or social security cards. They think what the big eyeball called the tele in their front room tells them to think. They believe in the god they are told to believe in and chase the illusion of safety that is always kept just out of reach. I have met very few people, Not including members of ATS, that actually know how to think for themselves.

ATS members often surprise me with their rebellious spirit. Damn lot of heretics, the bunch of them. Thats why I love being here.

Love and light,


posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Mr. Wupy -- You said

As for the programming.....(sigh)....Most of the people I know are already zombies. They are tracked by the chips that at present are in the form of bank cards, drivers liscense or social security cards. They think what the big eyeball called the tele in their front room tells them to think. They believe in the god they are told to believe in and chase the illusion of safety that is always kept just out of reach. I have met very few people, Not including members of ATS, that actually know how to think for themselves.

I see your point. I turned my TV off maybe five months ago now. I have no desire to turn it back on -- ever. I'm one of those rebellious heretic type people you are talking about. I am a fundamental Christian, not because somebody told me to -- to the contrary. I went off into eastern religion, TM, the occult. But I finally decided to open my skeptic heart a tiny crack to Jesus. When I did, He took me up on the offer to come in and I finally found what I'd been looking for -- Truth.

By definition a Christian is a stranger in a strange land, just "passen" through. So we're automatically outsiders, fish swimming upstream, nonconformists with popular culture.

We serve God freely, not of compulsion or as possessed beings in a trance, not coerced. God isn't interested in recruiting windup dolls or robots into his family.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 05:37 AM
Hi guy's and thanks for the reponse, It's just nice to know your not the only person who actually thinks and believes in things beyond the confines of Sky One. It is scary when you think of how few peopel you know that you could openly discuss these isssues with without them thinking you are a little crazy.
They've done a really good job with that one, how can we ever hope to resolve an issue we all feel to scared to discuss in the first place, now I come to think about it that is a very clever mind game!
Anyway, I have read alot about Illuminati Mind control and such and in my honest opinion I believe it exists. Our Governments have been using psychologyy to mess with peopels heads for a long time. Now imagine an organisation with infinite wealth, resources and time, and that our unconstrained by the moral confines we naivly think our own governments reside within; why they could do pretty much whatever they wanted?!!
Oh and on the subject of the illuminati gathering power through the death and torture of others, again i believe it to be quiet true. Carlos Castanada amoung others belive we humans are not solid, set pieces of mass, rather we are energy that in this reality resides or binds itslef in human form. So just as splitting an atom releases infinite energy, imagine the energy that is released when our physical form is unable to hold that energy into a stable platform, why it is realised. It kinda makes war's and genocides seem more understandable (if such a thing is possible) when you look at it as someone harnessing the power from all those who have ded. Look at the Battle of the Som, or Hiroshoma, think of the raw energy that was relesed during these cts of devistation.
Read the Illuminatus trilogy, there is a revealing bit towards the end when they meet a frail and decrepid old bavarian, kinda put's a whole different spin on things!!!

Malacalypse the 3rd.

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