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Bomb Factory Found in France amid wave of violence

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posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Police also found a gasoline bomb-making factory in a derelict building in Evry south of Paris, with more than 100 bottles ready to turned into bombs, another 50 already prepared, as well as fuel stocks and hoods for hiding rioters’ faces, senior Justice Ministry official Jean-Marie Huet told The Associated Press. Police arrested six people, all under 18.

does this whole situation in France seem a little too convenient to anyone else?
it wouldn't take much for a CIA operative to sit down with a few kids, show
them the best way to mass produce "riot supplies" and let them go crazy with it.

There have been a great deal of mainstream news reports coinciding with the
reports of the violence. These serve to explain the "natural" build up that occured
prior to all of this, but I'm not sure if I buy all of it.

You know what they say, there are no accidents in politics.
I guess we'll just have to see who benefits and who doesn't eh?

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:12 PM
Would you get a grip.

Every time something bad happens, it's not the CIA or Bush at fault.

The fact is, MUSLIMS are at fault for the riots, and are at fault for this bomb factory.


posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:15 PM
the story is just beginning to unfold my angry friend...

ps. this is a two line post

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:17 PM
Yeah, I really doubt this is CIA.
Maybe it's a terror group like the GIA.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:17 PM
Or could it just be that these Islamofascists will not stop their campaign of terror and violence until the whole world is converted? Does this not prove that staying out of the Iraq war provided no immunity from terrorism?

France tried taking the rout of pacifying radical muslims. This shows that the problem of radical Islamic fundamentalists cannot be solved through huggs, kisses and negotiations. They must be met with the only thing they respect- and that is outright force. They must be captured or killed before they do the same to the innocent people of the western world.

You can blame this all you want on the CIA or whoever. Isn't it possible that it just is what it is? A bunch of radical dissaffected Muslims burning cars and shooting at police? Look at the aftermath of the Rodney King beating and even Hurricane Katrina in the United States. There was rioting, shootings, carjackings, etc. Was that the work of a foreign intelligence agency? I think not. These people aren't stupid. When fueled by anger and hatred it doesn't take much to cause widespread distruction, and it certainly doesn't take the planning and instigation of a foreign intelligence angency.

Sometimes ATS members neglect to call a spade a spade. I think this is a case of such. It is what it is- and that is radical Muslims taking out their anger, frustrations and high unemployment rates on the Socialist French Government.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:26 PM
who trained the first real generation of terrorists?
its documented that the original al quaeda network in afghanistan was a group of
cia - trained saudis..

all they needed to do was "plant the seed" so to speak, and its
grown all on its own, with the help of the media and foriegn "policies".
Hungry people don't stay hungry for long.

so yeah in all likelyhood I could be wrong,
anyways its not that significant, the cia is a scapegoat agency anyway,
deflecting blame from where the real fault lies.
I just thought it was worthy of a thread
apparently we disagree.

[edit on 6-11-2005 by benign]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:48 PM
The topic is worth discussing, but the CIA having any involvement ISN'T. See the difference?

The fact is, this is definatly evidence that some Muslim elements in Europe (I stress not all of them) seek to destroy traditional European society.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:13 PM
i think you guys are all on the wrong path.

the riots are a rebellion of the poor against the upper class. it just so happens that most of the poor in france are muslims. i really dont think it has anything to do with the war on terror or islamic extremism, but rather france's inability to take care of its own people.

just my opinion though.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:43 PM
I think it will spread right across Europe ..... fueled by Extreamists taking advantage of a bad situation. There will be many manipulated by the few.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:54 PM
The title is misleading.

There are no bombs blowing up in Paris. The only 'bombs' being made are molatov cocktails.

Glass bottle -> Gasoline -> Rag

Now granted, I'm sure some gang decided to mass produce these items, but I seriously doubt the "factory" label given to it.

It's prolly some guy's garage with a few gallons of gas and a bunch of bottles.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:54 PM

the riots are a rebellion of the poor against the upper class. it just so happens that most of the poor in france are muslims. i really dont think it has anything to do with the war on terror or islamic extremism, but rather france's inability to take care of its own people.

just my opinion though.

I beg to differ Snafu. It is more than just your opinion. It is many others opinions also. Doug Ireland, (a veteran political journalist who has lived in France for a decade), for instance shares your opinion. In fact, in his article, Why is France Burning? He expands and explains the opinion.
As someone who lived in France for nearly a decade, and who has visited those suburban ghettos, where the violence started, on reporting trips any number of times, I have not been surprised by this tsunami of inchoate youth rebellion that is engulfing France. It is the result of thirty years of government neglect: of the failure of the French political classes -- of both right and left -- to make any serious effort to integrate its Muslim and black populations into the larger French economy and culture; and of the deep-seated, searing, soul-destroying racism that the unemployed and profoundly alienated young of the ghettos face every day of their lives, both from the police, and when trying to find a job or decent housing.

It is an ineresting read. And many share the opinion. I for one though, think that there is a lot more going on here that can be filled up in a post or two. As with all relationships it takes 2 to tango. Both sides I am sure have a history. Both sides have and continure to do wrong.

In addition, the odds are definitly high that outside elements have an involvment here. I mean come on, kids 14 - 20 having a room full of masks, bombs, gasoline, etc?
Bomb factory found
Police also found a gasoline bomb-making factory in a derelict building in Evry south of Paris, with more than 100 bottles ready to turned into bombs, another 50 already prepared, as well as fuel stocks and hoods for hiding rioters’ faces, senior Justice Ministry official Jean-Marie Huet told The Associated Press.

The discovery Saturday night, he said, shows that gasoline bombs “are not being improvised by kids in their bathrooms.”

that speaks of organized and methodical planning and implementation. Add to that multiple cities rioting at once. Show me a bunch of teenagers with that ability, let alone the money. There is more going on here.

Edit to add link

[edit on 6-11-2005 by makeitso]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by makeitso
In addition, the odds are definitly high that outside elements have an involvment here. I mean come on, kids 14 - 20 having a room full of masks, bombs, gasoline, etc?
Bomb factory found
Police also found a gasoline bomb-making factory in a derelict building in Evry south of Paris, with more than 100 bottles ready to turned into bombs, another 50 already prepared, as well as fuel stocks and hoods for hiding rioters’ faces, senior Justice Ministry official Jean-Marie Huet told The Associated Press.

The discovery Saturday night, he said, shows that gasoline bombs “are not being improvised by kids in their bathrooms.”

that speaks of organized and methodical planning and implementation. Add to that multiple cities rioting at once. Show me a bunch of teenagers with that ability, let alone the money. There is more going on here.

Sorry, but how can you say that dosen't sound like kids? Teens aren't idiots, they know how to make these things, and they are easilly made. Hell, in every HS in the western world you can probably find a few kids who can get you any illegal drug you want, but those same kids can't go out, buy some gas, and go through recycling bins for bottles

Seriously, come on. At most they are getting help from their parents or friends siblings.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 02:18 AM
errr one would think that all of these intelligent and opinionated ats'ers might be on to the fact that they're calling a molotov cocktail making area a bomb factory and be angry at the melodrama we are once again being force fed by all too happy to pander to fear and racial fears to sell copies and keep their bosses who golf with senators happy.

Instead we get the same old he said she said name calling of the various factions while no one deigns to notice that they are calling a 2 dollar riot special incendiary device making area a bomb factory.

Instead of outrage at the fear mongering by those willing to take advantage of trying times to profit and/or tighten the leash all I see is the same old bickering by the same tired combatants....

Grow up man

oh and PS: MOLOTOVS... not bombs in any way shape or form at best you get a dull whoosh as the fuel oil ignites. Just thought I'd reiterate it for all y'all that want to play finger pointy pointy and take advantage of a very real and very scary situation for those living through it to justify your world views.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by Sugarlump]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 02:26 AM
This entire situation has nothing to do with religion, however bad you might want it to be so it fits into your deluded world view...

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
France tried taking the rout of pacifying radical muslims. This shows that the problem of radical Islamic fundamentalists cannot be solved through huggs, kisses and negotiations. They must be met with the only thing they respect- and that is outright force. They must be captured or killed before they do the same to the innocent people of the western world.

Who was Hugging and Kissing them?


Everybody would be Radical in their place.

But the difference is, that Jews are called "ACTIVISTS" when they blow-up buildings, Muslims are called Terrorists.

It is what it is- and that is radical Muslims taking out their anger, frustrations and high unemployment rates on the Socialist French Government.

Got that Right.

But they are not RADICAL - they are just Muslims, trying to show their Problems to the French people and to the World.

Did you know about them Yesterday - or before the two young kids died?

I don't think so.

Nobody CARED about these people then - but now that the Entir World is watching them, you quickly start Labelling them and using them for your anti-muslim agenda of Today:

Muslims = Radicals.

What else is New?

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
The title is misleading.

There are no bombs blowing up in Paris. The only 'bombs' being made are molatov cocktails.

Glass bottle -> Gasoline -> Rag

Now granted, I'm sure some gang decided to mass produce these items, but I seriously doubt the "factory" label given to it.

It's prolly some guy's garage with a few gallons of gas and a bunch of bottles.

that title is a quote from the referenced article.
If I could edit my original post to include the quotation marks I would...

thats a good eye though..

its no surprise that phrase made it to the headlines,
the media is merely doing its job of shocking the sh** out of us in just the right ways.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by benign]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Sugarlump
Instead of outrage at the fear mongering by those willing to take advantage of trying times to profit and/or tighten the leash all I see is the same old bickering by the same tired combatants....

Grow up man

oh and PS: MOLOTOVS... not bombs in any way shape or form at best you get a dull whoosh as the fuel oil ignites. Just thought I'd reiterate it for all y'all that want to play finger pointy pointy and take advantage of a very real and very scary situation for those living through it to justify your world views.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by Sugarlump]

Sorry, but the fact that you are in any way trivialising this is sad - VERY sad.

They are weapons, pure and simply and do nothing but harm and destroy.

They are being made and used by Muslims in this case.

That's a fact no matter how much you want to poo-poo it.

The fact that it doesn't fit YOUR world views of the never-do-any-thing-bad Muslims really gets to you doesn't it?

[edit on 7-11-2005 by American Mad Man]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by XyZeR
This entire situation has nothing to do with religion, however bad you might want it to be so it fits into your deluded world view...

How are things over in Antwerp?
Didn't you guys have to deal with Muslim riots yourselves a year or two ago because some old guy with mental problems killed his muslim neighbor?

I think it is a problem with Islam and I wouldn't be surpriised if they were getting some outside encouragement but I really doubt it's the CIA.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Everybody would be Radical in their place.

So you think they are devoid of any accountability or free rational thought?

Actually, yeah, that does fit your agenda. Muslims can only do wrong if they are some how forced to do so.

But the difference is, that Jews are called "ACTIVISTS" when they blow-up buildings, Muslims are called Terrorists.

Not in my opinion - he's on the same level of scum as the Islamic terrorists... And I do know the report/post you are alluding to. He's a terrorist in my view as well. Capable of free and rational thought as well, and is responsable for his own individual actions.

But they are not RADICAL - they are just Muslims, trying to show their Problems to the French people and to the World.

Oh yes, the poor POOOOOOORRRRR Muslims, stoning emergency room workers and setting handi-capped people on fire.

Did you know about them Yesterday - or before the two young kids died?

Yeah, I knew that France, and Europe in general, has an INFESTATION of radical, no good, worthless Islamic scum bags that absolutely RUIN the good name of other Muslim immegrents that adapted to their new home and made a life for themselves rather then blaming everyone but themselves for their problems. But no, these scum buckets feel the need to riot like the barbarians they are.

Nobody CARED about these people then - but now that the Entir World is watching them, you quickly start Labelling them and using them for your anti-muslim agenda of Today:

Well, WTF do you expect?

You want everyone to feel bad for them when they destroy over 1000 cars, burn handicap women alive, etc etc etc?

Oh yeah - that will bring a lot of good will and compasion

Maybe they should stop blaming EVERYONE ELSE for their problems, go out and take those bottom of the rung jobs (like just about every damned immigrant in my country did) and work their way up from the bottom. That is how it is done, and untill they accept that nothing will be HANDED them - that they must work for everything and not throw hissy fits and riot - no one will respect them, and further more they will never have a better life.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 05:33 AM
Ok American I was trying to be nice but I WILL NOT under any circumstances let my words be twisted by someone who wishes to perpetuate raw fear and IGNORANCE on some stupid web board.

If you want my honest opinion the entire reasoning and outrage behind the riots is a load of crap. But for you to in some way assume you have any clue what my world view is by one post and then to twist it and throw it back is purelly unacceptable.

Further just because I don't share your view that this is the evil, oh what did one of the other trumpeters of fear call them, "islamofascists" hard at work spreading terror does not give you license to further try and elucidate my opinion of the incident for the world.

I stated my opinion that the article was utter fear mongering crap, and I stand by said opinion irregardless of your skewed view of the world.

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