Originally posted by craig732
Originally posted by goose
Have any of you ever thought of looking at the evidence that actually clears the Ramseys?
I wasn't aware that there was any. Can you please provide links to your sources of such information? Thank you.
The special investigator hired by the Boulder police, not the Ramseys (he did not know them) cleared them and he was not too popular for it.
He found evidence that pointed to an intruder coming in through the basement window. Also just inside of the window was a large suircase that the
Ramseys did not place at the window. He thinks the suitcase was there to take the child out the window. It was easier though to get inside than out
and no way to get himself and a child out. The climb in and out was angled and would not have been suitable to climbing out with a burden of weight of
a screaming fighting child.
It is believe he the intruder got in the house before the Ramseys got home and waited in one of the empty guest rooms, he had time to go through the
house to see where everyone slept and then he had time to even write the letter, he waited. He watched them come home, heard them all go to bed and
then he waited until he was sure everyone was asleep. The parents slept on the third floor, the children on the second. No one slept on the first
floor. So there was a whole floor between the basement and where anyone could hear and with doors probably closed and people sleeping, it would seem
likely no one would hear.
He used a tazer on her while she slept to keep her from screaming, rendering her for a while unconscious. (Tazer marks were found on her body, they
were actually measured to show exactly which tazer was used, the Ramseys did not own a tazer) Once he had her unconscious it was easy to remove her
from her room to the basement. There she came to and fought him and he killed her. On her body, under her fingernails, (she obviusly scratched him)
and on her underwear was a totally unknown DNA belonging to none of the family.
Later on another child who attended dance classes with Jon Benet Ramsey would be molested in her own bedroom fortnately the mother awoke and scared
the intruder away.
Here's a list of the evidence compiled by Lou Smits the special investigator.
The Ramseys are loving parents with no motive for killing their child and no history of criminal or abusive behavior.
Lovely JonBenet was a "pedophile's dream" and her visibility in the community made her a target. Likewise, the Ramseys' wealth and high profile
made them potential targets of a kidnapper.
Three suspicious events point to an intruder: unknown vehicles parked outside the Ramseys' home near the time of the crime; JonBenet's comment to
people that she was going to get a "special visit from Santa," even though Patsy never heard JonBenet say anything about a visit from Santa.
Police statements about there being no footprints in the snow were misleading as there was no snow around most of the perimeter of the house.
The open basement window, movement of the window well grate and the presence of leaves and debris in the basement below the open window and a number
of other clues point to the window being the entry point for the intruder.
Pieces of debris from the window well were found in the wine cellar where JonBenet's body was discovered.
The suitcase below the open window, which was moved there by someone other than the Ramseys, appeared to be the way an intruder boosted himself up to
the open window to exit the house.
Many hairs and fibers connected to the crime do not belong to the Ramseys or any other family member.
Marks on JonBenet's body are consistent with the use of a stun gun which would have kept her quiet while she was removed from her bedroom.
Fresh unidentified footprints which were visible in the mold on the wine cellar floor did not belong to any family member.
Tests showed that a scream reported by a neighbor could have come from the basement without the Ramseys hearing it.
The expertly constructed garrote used on JonBenet indicates an experienced sexual sadist.
JonBenet's vicious injuries occurred before her death and were not part of some post-mortem staging.
Unknown male DNA was found under JonBenet's fingernails and other unknown DNA was found on her body and her panties.
The ransom note was almost certainly written before JonBenet died by a brutal, calm and deliberate person.
Experts concluded that John Ramsey did not write the ransom note and it cannot be concluded that Patsy did.
DENVER (AP) — A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the parents of JonBenet Ramsey and criticized police and the FBI for what she said was a
media campaign aimed at making the family look guilty.
Authorities never charged the parents in the death of the 6-year-old girl, whose body was found in the family's Boulder home Dec. 26, 1996. However,
police refused to clear the couple of suspicion and ruled out the possibility that an intruder was responsible.
U.S. District Court Judge Julie Carnes in Atlanta said in the ruling this week there was no evidence showing the parents killed JonBenet and
considerable evidence that an intruder killed the child.
also see this it is shows where the courts have themselves found no evidence against the Ramseys.
also CBS report on crime in the area where the ramsey home
[edit on 7-11-2005 by goose]