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'Bible as hate speech' bill passes

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posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 09:22 AM

"It's been a good week for equality in Canada," said the bill's sponsor, Svend Robinson, an openly homosexual member of Parliament. "
So, the first step in removing freedom of speech has begun. (In Canada!) Were will it spread to next!
Canada, Oh poor Canada!
It says a lot for the words that are written in the Bible, when some fear retribution from the written word.
So hide your head in the sand and may be it will go away.
Then Again, May be it won't!

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 09:30 AM
Thisis stupid. The liberal Canadian goverment wants freedom of speech for liberals only. This is now another reason on why I never want to go to Canada. They are destryoing Freedom of Speech to "protect" gays. Canada has turned into the Though Police.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 09:45 AM
There is now a law soon to be in effect that makes it a criminal offense in Israel to be a Christian missionary there,you can be a Christian,you just can't share your beliefs any more.
It seems that preaching fairness and forgiveness goes against the interests of the powerbrokers of the world.
Like that's any surprise!,if it is you have been slumbering.
The # is hitting the fan and there will be no place left to hide.
Of course Christianity would be a target,it preaches that you do not need all of the material things,which is exactly what the powerbrokers are here to sell you.
Can you see it now?,people who are not interested in the materials that they offer for sale are considered to not consume enough,it is bad for business.
This world is fast approaching the point of no return.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 10:47 AM

It seems that preaching fairness and forgiveness goes against the interests of the powerbrokers of the world.

The recent rally in NYC by Christians against the school that is opening for gays did not seem like a "fairness and forgiveness" rally to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am straight as they come. But, doesn't someone who is gay deserve the same fairness and forgiveness as anyone else. If Christians really practiced what they preached, they would not be rallying like this. Afterall, let he without sin cast the first stone. Seems they are casting stones at the gays all the time, yet, I know full well that, acording to their religion, none of them are free of sin.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 10:59 AM
I agree,
I dont understand why they have cant just leave them alone,
Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil ( i dunno the order)

The entire gay community is not Christian.
Thier are other races of Homosexuals who follow different religious paths that are deemed sinners becuase the bible does not see it fit for a man to marry a woman.
Religion should never influence Politics.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:09 AM
It says in the scripture of most faiths that one would be guilty of sin by association with sinners.
It is foolish for anyone to hold demonstrations against what those who they call sinners are doing,it is sin by association.
These people are foolish and practicing double standards,and it is coming back to haunt them in these legislation that are popping up.
Nobody likes a hipocrite and that is what they are.
The rules are clear,easy to follow until politics enters into it,then all is lost.
The end is near I hope,because I am getting sick of hearing about this crap!.
Peace to you.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:22 AM
Yes, but there are many faiths that have no scripture that is written into rules or constitution of sins.

Take Wicca. The only real RULE is
An Ye Harm None, Do as Ye will.

Basically, as long as no one is hurt, do what you want, just be aware that karma can kick you in the butt if you mess things up.

Most Pagan religions have similar statutes, but no real written scripture to follow. There are ways to conduct worship etc, but, the religion doesn't follow SIN style rules. (exactly why I follow pagan religions)

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:30 AM
Canada of all places?!?!?!?

I swear Canadian's must just be flipping a coin or picking from a hat in it's decisions these days. One week I'm hearing and reading news thinking "Man, Canada seems to understand what's going on in terms of Structure of Society and Laws, etc." Then next week comes around and I read stuff like this and I think, "What the hell??? What the F**K is up with Canada???"

From Article:
The bill, passed 141-110, adds sexual orientation as a protected category in Canada's genocide and hate-crimes legislation, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

5 YEARS!!! For talkin' $H!T about what Other people do as part of living their lives.

Well I'd like to be quoted as saying:
"Anyone who feels offended by hearing the colorful way I may describe certain sexual activities and those who do them; (i.e. Butt Pirate, Muff Diver, Coal Burner, Dead F**K, Pole Smoker, etc

SAY SOMETHING BACK OR SAY NOTHING AT ALL. AGREE OR DISAGREE. VERBALLY CRITISIZE OR ADMIT TO ALL, SOME OR NOTHING. I DON'T CARE WHICH....BUT DO NOT MAKE LAWS AGAINST SPEAKING OR PUBLICLY VOICED OPINIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE. The rest of the human race may not fear words or their meanings as much as you, and would like to continue to talk to one another."

Besides if you take away the right for someone to speak about how much they despise you, you may have just chucked out the warning before someone achieves what they desire at your expense.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:47 AM
I dont think they'll put you in jail for 5 years if you were tell say that you thought "Gay's for loser".
But if you were too start a protest rally and march through the streets screaming Jesus can never love a homosexual then you might have a problem.
I Seem to be only seeing christians that have a problem with this homosexuality issue.
I dont see Hindu's, Muslims, Bhuddists marching the streets pretotesting against Homosexuals.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I dont think they'll put you in jail for 5 years if you were tell say that you thought "Gay's for loser".
But if you were too start a protest rally and march through the streets screaming Jesus can never love a homosexual then you might have a problem.
I Seem to be only seeing christians that have a problem with this homosexuality issue.
I dont see Hindu's, Muslims, Bhuddists marching the streets pretotesting against Homosexuals.

Well, with all the laws and what they can and can't do with them becoming so Vast and Blurred today who's to know for sure what reason may be used against us ALL in times to come.

I find both scenario's equally as pathetic, self serving and intolerant anyway. One being Homo-Hating, Hipocritical, Christian Fanatics. The Other being Needy, self involved, Self Pittied, Alt. Lifestyle People. Both sides I see as it should shut the hell up and start living their own lives instead of wondering how others are living theirs anyway. But at the same time they may annoy me, I would never think about making a law to silence them if all they do is march and speak out.

If someone calls me ugly names cause of how I look, or the way I dress or talk or because I drink or smoke, or like to wear a cape and tiger slippers while humping my girlfriend doggy style singing oh come all ye faithful, so what. If that is the life I lead not hurting them then I will obviously know they are a moron as will others like me. If I hide the way I live or feel I need to defend it from ridicule then I should question if I really want to live the way I do. Nice and easy, talking works better than "Fighting, Imprisonment and Politics" (Resembles something like War and being a POW, huh)

Take away someone's right to speak out about what they disslike, and you'll be lost wondering why so many "People, Places and Things" become extinct for what appears to be "NO Explanation"

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 12:45 PM
You're actually quite right this is undemocratic and overprotecting that will only add grist to the mill of most homo-haters christian or otherwise. There are similar laws in Sweden (I think it's Sweden, could be Norway or Denmark) where it is classed as a crime to use offensive words such as n***er, # pusher etc but I'm easy with that as if you have a genuine objection to someone or something you really should be able to frame your arguments in an adult vocabulary and not fall back on offensive, inflammatory language.

[Edited on 19-9-2003 by ubermunche]

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by ubermunche
You're actually quite right this is undemocratic and overprotecting that will only add grist to the mill of most homo-haters christian or otherwise. There are similar laws in Sweden (I think it's Sweden, could be Norway or Denmark) where it is classed as a crime to use offensive words such as n***er, # pusher etc but I'm easy with that as if you have a genuine objection to someone or something you really should be able to frame your arguments in an adult vocabulary and not fall back on offensive, inflammatory language.

[Edited on 19-9-2003 by ubermunche]

I agree to that and follow the same logic. Sometimes to be polite to others and other times because I figure if someone wants to hear what I think, they'll ask me. This is a personal choice on how to act in company of others which has it's own failures and rewards without need of Legal intervention. I don't however catagorize language into levels of immature and mature exactally since words themselves do not age or change in stature. Poop, Crap, Dung, Fecies, $H!T and DooDoo all are equal to me in all respects but do allow for variety of speech and poetic flavor when applied. I think of George Carlin as the picture perfect example. He is a true master at exposing the masses to abusive language to the extreme, as a way to free the mind from the illusion that any word can actually do anyone harm.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 03:42 PM

The recent rally in NYC by Christians against the school that is opening for gays did not seem like a "fairness and forgiveness" rally to me.

Take Wicca. The only real RULE is
An Ye Harm None, Do as Ye will.

To your first defense: If you think christians get even check out what peaceful Muslims do.

And as for as Wiccans, I know someone who is Wiccan. But I wouldn't want to piss her off. She practices White Magic as well as Black Magic.
And the Black Magic is used to cause harm.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 03:58 PM

I dont see Hindu's, Muslims, Bhuddists marching the streets pretotesting against Homosexuals.
Check this site:

"...the fact that Islam forbids homosexual contact."
"God destroyed the people of Lut because of their licentious sexual ways and general disobedience. This story constitutes the basis for the severe condemnation of homosexuality in Islam."

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:06 PM
religious freedom is also guaranteed under the charter of rights. the two are not at odds. this is propaganda of the homophobic religious right . fear mongering.
people are funny. worldnet daily. batboy.

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 11:38 PM
Its not the freedom of religion I'm worried about. It's the freedom of speech!

posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 01:25 PM
The laws are here if you would like to see them

I posted the first link because I think it's quite amusing how the religious sector is going aroung freaking out about all of this and making it look like some pastor is going to go to jail for reading the bible at a congregation.

Living in a city where there are many homosexuals, I can not tell you how often I have read about a gay person being jumped, beaten and killed in our city. Way too many and it is appalling and sad.

If you read part 3 (b), you will see that it says
'(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)(b) if, in good faith, he expressed or attempted to establish by argument an opinion on a religious subject;"
I think this takes care of the pastors issues.

I think freedom of speech is important and yes, if you are talking to your buddies and saying you disagree with being gay, that is one thing. But to incite hatred against people who are, or people who are of a different religion or race is WRONG! The same way that blacks wanted to stop being persecuted, so do the gays. It wasn't right back then, it isn't now and we are implementing it as a punishable law. And I'm personally glad.

On the other end of the spectrum, I also think it is time for the gays to chill out with the gay parades etc. They've made the point, the laws are in place to protect them and now it shouldn't have to be a flaming situation anymore. I think things like that just incite more hatred and anger towards them and are seen as them expecting special treatment of some kind or maybe even a recruitment strategy.

posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 01:59 PM
Thanks, Annie... I was looking for the bill itself and you supplied it.

WND is not the world's most reliable news source -- it tends to be around the same level of reliability as The National Enquirerer.

The bill isn't against the Bible. It says you can't discriminate against people because they're gay. It doesn't define gay-hate literature (and in any case, the amount of gay-hate in the Bible is too trivial to pass the hate-lit test. You need more than 2 statements in 500 pages to qualify.)

And as to the laws against missionaries -- let's turn it around. Assume that we had 100,000 Suni Moslems entering the US as Islamic missionaries and that their sole aim while here was not to work and find jobs but to be supported by their governments or their mosques while the Sunis went door-to-door and opened special clinics (hey, free treatment!) and pressured people to join the Islamic religion.

Let's say that these same Sunis are using the same tactics as the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.

That their aim is to convert us to the Suni religion and to change our culture to be like theirs.

Wouldn't YOU be offended? Wouldn't YOU ask for your senators to pass laws to stop these people from turning the US into a Suni culture?

So why is it "right" simply because the group doing it is Christian?

I should add that it's the fundamentalist churches who have gotten the population of a number of countries (including places in Europe) outraged with their tactics and have had their sects (not Christianity... that particular sect) banned.

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