posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 10:53 PM
Out of Conversations with Nostradamus, Volume One by Dolores Cannon (America West Publushers) copyright 1989:
Pages 234 and 235;
Century I - 34
The bird of prey flying into the left,
before battle is joined with the French,
he makes preperations.
Some will regard him as good,
others bad or uncertain.
The weaker party will regard him as a good omen.
B: He says this once again refers to some of the tactics the anti-christ will use. He will ferment rebellion within the countries he's going to
take over. He allows the various political splinter groups to believe he supports their cause and their point of view. He lets them think he's
going to help them rise to power again, although he doesnt, obviously.
D: Yes, you said he would be very good at using his golden tongue in making them believe things that werent true.
B: By doing this he helps kind of turn the country on itself from within, to weaken it against outside forces.
D: They relate this to Hitler.
B: He says he can see where they would get that, but he was mainly talking about the anti-christ. He will be following Hitler very closely. He will
use guile with everybody. He says, remember your history books. From your point of view its the past, although its the future with him. Remember
how Hitler talked his way into a lot of concessions that no one else would have dreamed of asking for.
Thats what it says, copyright 1989. Opinions?