posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 02:12 PM
11 is a very powerful occultic number, and also is anything divisiable by 11. Eventhough 3 is considered good in Christian circiles representing the
trinity, it is also used as another powerful occultic number. It could represent the unholy trinity. As a Christian I believe there will be an un-holy
trinity when the anti-christ comes into power trying to imitate the holy trinity. If you are a Christian, it could be a dream of warning or telling
you that you are under spiritual attack.
If you practice in the occult, then it could be a way for the "spirits/demons/force/what you want to call them" that something in your practice is
going to happen perhaps increase in power.
If you are agnotist, believe in another religion, then it could be you are reading too much about the occult, are reading too much wizardy and/or
witch stuff even if it seems like a harmless book. Watching too many horror movies with witch stuff in it. Or you are reading to much of ATS dealing
in that subject. If this is the case, take a good long break and let your self balance out before continuing to indulge again.
If you are sitting on the side lines about something, it could be some forces are trying to persuade you to go into a certain direction. Maybe
something is happening in the spiritual that you don't see, buy your spirit man is trying to warn you or tell you what is possibly going on that you
can't see.