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Bigfoot atop the Food Chain?

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posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 09:43 AM
Just wondering something,

If Bigfoot exists would he have amazing strength, say like Apes such as Gorillas, As they would easily outpower the strongest human Body builder or Strong Man.

Would Bigfoot have dominance over the territory or would he fall prey to Bears likw we do? I guess what i'm asking is would Bigfoot easliy kill a grizzly or Black Bear? Or is it at the top of the food chain?


posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:01 PM
I imagine the bear and the bigfoot have great respect for each other, but I doubt they ever meet each other as the bigfoot's sense of smell is probably as good as the bears. And the bigfoot is able to hide well and run very fast if it needs to.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:10 PM
Good point, but which one do you guys think is more intelligent? A bear or a bigfoot ?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:12 PM
I would say Bigfoot is more has managed to remain pretty much unseen !

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 08:41 PM
big foot but i doubt he is even near as intelligent as us because how could he when he always in the woods he has no idea whata on the other sides of the woods.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 09:37 PM
I'd definitely say the bigfoot has the advantage over the bear... With strength like that... I can only imagine how hard one could swing a tree branch.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:19 AM
I've heard that the bigfoot kills dear by sneaking up behind them, snapping their neck, then they rip open their belly and consume their guts. There was a woman who witnessed it feeding once, and just barely escaped.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:23 AM
Hell a Chimpanzee is 6 times stronger than a human so I would imagine that a bigfoot would be incredible in strength. Bigfoot or bear? If a bigfoot really does exist then the bigfoot has my vote over the kodiak or polar.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 10:04 AM
As a hunter, I dont beleive ANYTHING can sneak up on a deer like that. To the point where they can reach out and grab it. Theres no way. Especially something that weighs HUNDREDS of pounds and stands on average over 6'6"-7'. I cant beleive that. Especially after all the reports of the odor a sasquatch gives off. Smell is one of a deers primary senses. That and hearing.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by antigovFZ777
As a hunter, I dont beleive ANYTHING can sneak up on a deer like that. To the point where they can reach out and grab it. Theres no way. Especially something that weighs HUNDREDS of pounds and stands on average over 6'6"-7'. I cant beleive that. Especially after all the reports of the odor a sasquatch gives off. Smell is one of a deers primary senses. That and hearing.

Plus since deer have their eyes on the sides of their heads, they have almost 360-degree eyesight.

I don't believe this is possible at all either.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 10:28 AM
I've never heard of Bigfoot sneaking up on deer, so I think the writer was mistaken there. The stories I've heard of Bigfoot hunting deer were more of a tag-team effort. Apparantly, one Bigfoot would chase the deer in a certain direction, say through a large clearing. Another Bigfoot would lie in wait further down. As the deer was chased in that direction, the hidden Bigfoot would jump out from hiding and tackle the deer to the ground.

I assume from there it would snap its neck and rip out its internal parts as was already said. So the latter part is true, just not the part about sneaking up on deer as it is virtually impossible. I'm sure it takes numerous attempts even for the Bigfoot to catch a deer. I'm willing to bet their regular diet consists of slower and easier to catch animals and maybe fish. I've also heard that they eat plants and veggies like we do. They probably just have deer once in a while, like for their Thanksgiving.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 11:04 AM
I have also heard that they use a tag team effort to take down prey. Anyone here know how Neandrethal (spelling?) Man took down his food, I'm asuuming that it is probably the same way. Who knows mabey Bigfoot is a very distant cousin to Neandrethals.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 11:08 AM
I think Neanderthals used simple weapons, something probably beyond bigfoot's capability (if it exists).

Bigfoot probably eats more plants and small animals, probably only occasionally being able to catch something like deer, likely by some tag team cooperation like already said.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 12:13 PM
On the other hand, just to move things the other way. The American Indians of the woodlands were said to have been able to take deer by simply standing motionless alongside a deer trail with a knife and waiting.

Any animal, humans included, will have relative success with catching various animals. Some animals, and methods, will be easier, or more difficult than others.

Hawks are my example, they eat rabbits and mice, commonly about 50%-50%. But that's 50% by weight consumed, which is a lot of mice for each rabbit they catch.

Bears are another example, they like berries, and fish. They eat meat animals, but they have to catch it first.

One more. Wolves can catch and eat about anything. But almost all they eat are mice. Mice are easy to catch. Which brings up one of my favorite sayings: "Mice! The snack food of carnivoures everywhere."

Bigfoot, hmmm.... How intelligent does Bigfoot have to be to maintain total stealth over the centuries? Many animals are good at hiding, yet still get discovered. I'm thinking the Bigfoot just might be a little smarter than we think. Between stealth and speed, Bigfoot avoids total contact. I still don't know if Bigfoot exists, but with so many new species discovered every year, it's quite possible. There are still large tracts of wilderness in which to hide out and avoid humans.

[edit on 5-11-2005 by ZPE StarPilot]

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 12:31 PM
Many cryptozoologists who believe in a 'bigfoot' species feel that it may be a descendant of a prehistoric primate called 'Gigantopithecus'. Gigantopithecus -- based on its fossilized dental remnants -- only ate plants.

Some cryptos believe that the bigfoot are descended from a surviving band of Homo Erectus. Though usually considered a hunter, a lot of recent data has come to light that seems to indicate that Erectus was mostly a scavenger or plant eater... and not a hunter.

So... either way you look at it... bigfoot is probably an animal that spends most of its day eating leafy vegetation or nuts.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 12:42 PM
I should have been more specific when I said "sneaking up". What I meant was, they leap out from behind something, like a rock. And about the odor, the deer would not be able to pick up its scent (the bigfoot's) if the wind was blowing in its face. Sorry I was bit vague.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 03:02 AM
I would like to believe that Bigfoot is a vegetarian as well. Think about it... What's easier to catch... A deer that lives in the wild, or stupid, clumsy human hikers. The latter, right? If bigfoot was indeed a hunter he/she would soon find out that humans are easy prey, and there would be a lot more Bigfoot reports - especially ones with Bigfoot ripping human limbs apart. Nah, my guess is berries, leaves, etc. Small mammals and rodents at the most.
As for confronting bears? We're used to bigfoot being a runner, so he'll probably turn and run when facing a bear. Outrun rather than outfight.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by Gemwolf]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 04:19 AM
Yes, I believe that Bigfoot will run away when confronting a bear. They are the kind of 'run first think second' type of being. But that doesn’t make them less intelligent, sometime it is smarter to run than to fight.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by antigovFZ777
As a hunter, I dont beleive ANYTHING can sneak up on a deer like that. To the point where they can reach out and grab it. Theres no way. Especially something that weighs HUNDREDS of pounds and stands on average over 6'6"-7'. I cant beleive that. Especially after all the reports of the odor a sasquatch gives off. Smell is one of a deers primary senses. That and hearing.

You must not be much of a hunter.I have nearly stepped on small dear in the woods. There instincts when scared are to lay down and hide. As they get older they will learn to run. I have walked to within 20 yards of larges bucks while they fed on my bait pile. I would say they can do it easily if there where 2or3 working together.
It would be extremely easy to locate there bedding spots and attack them at night. They make trails right to them any idiot could follow it.
Bigfoot could simply sit in a bush downwind beside a good trail and ambush adear.
I have never seen a monkey that couldn't climb a tree. let's not forget that Bigfoot could climb a tree near a well worn path then jump out and kill a deer.
The list goes on and on. Maybe he has a good stick and sneaks up on the dear(which can easliy be done) and throws it at his legs tripping him for just enough time for his buddy to grab it.
Dear can be very clumsy when scared too. I have seen the trip and fall itno gullies and run strait in to trees when startled. Maybe bigfoot simply scares them so bad they fall down near a waiting buddy.

I should also state that hunting pressure creates fear in deer. In one area heavly hunted it may be hard to find deer. In my area where deer are everywhere you can walk into the woods and get close enough to kill one with a bow just about anytime you want. All you do is have one buddy sit at the edge of a field at their trail exit. Then have your other buddy walk in the woods. THE DEER WILL WALK RIGHT OUT IN FONT OF YOU.They are too busy running from the hunter to notice they are being ambushed.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by IXRAZORXI321]

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by IXRAZORXI321

You must not be much of a hunter.I have nearly stepped on small dear in the woods. There instincts when scared are to lay down and hide. As they get older they will learn to run. I have walked to within 20 yards of larges bucks while they fed on my bait pile. I would say they can do it easily if there where 2or3 working together.
It would be extremely easy to locate there bedding spots and attack them at night. They make trails right to them any idiot could follow it.

There's a huge difference between an adult deer an a baby deer. Yes, the young ones depend on their camouflage because they cannot outrun predators. But there is no way in hell anyone can sneak up to a deer - close enough to grab it. Lions, leopards, etc. are some of the best hunters that do some sneaking during the hunt but it just don’t work that way. There's always some amount/degree of chasing.
The only animals I know that can sneak up are insects (and some fish) with camouflage - with a limited rate of success, and crocs for obvious reasons.

If Bigfoot is a predator - deer would know him as that, and would run at the first whiff of his smell. Maybe if he's got some sort of camouflage method?

I still don't agree that Bigfoot is a predator or a carnivore for that matter.

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