Aliens would communicate on twitter since 2012 ?
Hello everyone, I would like to share with you a strange story that takes place right now on twitter quite discreetly. I'll try to be concise.
First excuse my language because I do not speak English and I use an automatic translator, I hope you understand the basics. Since 2012, 4 twitter
accounts have been created by people claiming to be either, aliens from the planet Ummo or humans working for them like interface.
( was closed in July 2015
( still open
( still open
( was closed in July 2015
The tweeter time seems to be Pacific time.
They argue that in 5 years we will see an economic collapse and a global civil war. They advocate to settle in the countryside and to be
They claim steal the banksters with high frequency algorithm ghosts.
They argue that a war is being waged against humans by economic groups, to enrich themselves further.
They claim that a hostile alien ethnic group provides technology gadgets to certain nations in exchange for territories to become established on
They say many other things. Very surprisingly, they know perfectly all the subtle details of the case Ummo since the 60s.
They choose people who can subscribe to their twitter account and choose somes questions and not others. I do not subscribe to their account.
This exchange of tweets is in the Ummo
(Spanish phonetics) case. I will not dwell on this matter, there is information up. Although this case is rather known in Europe, that some scientists
still believe there are informations well in advance for the time, and that the thesis of the hoax is too easy, it was considered a hoax since the
confession of Luis Jordan Pena in '93. However Pena is a weird character who never was able to give details on these sources of inspiration. He was
contradicts himself and before his death he wrote a letter to his best friend, Igniacio Darnaude, claiming that, in fact, it was the CIA who dictate
him some letters.These statements are not very reliable. If you say that you painted the Mona Lisa, you must be able to explain where you learned
painting and how you painted, no? Strange.
In the early 2000s some recipients of letters and curious ufologists have to create a French site to collect all the known letters. They themselves
started to receive letters between 2003 and 2009. Since the contact seems resume via tweeter.
Some followers of Ummo tweeter accounts were grouped tweets, to archive. The tweets are in Spanish or English or French.
This case reminds me of John Titor case. It is impossible to know who is behind the tweeter accounts. It is very likely that this is a joke, but why
not also real contact? Who really knows? In your opinion?
Now I put the links to your own deepening, unfortunately you'll have to do translations sometimes:
-Compilation of recent tweets/ Recent questions / answers:
-Some Ummo scientific topics translated into English:
-Letters Referenced "NR" received by mail between 2003 and 2009 / tweets referenced "W ..." since 2012:
-Telephone voice capture aliens 1967: