posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 09:08 PM
God does not punish people for no reason, a person commiting sins brings punishment upon himself. God has not part in it ecxcept to guide you AWAY
from sin. some churches use the fear of punishment to fill the collection plates and keep people in church. Fear is a great motivator, but not the
best one.
The question is, are you talking about sin during the time of Grace, or the final outcome of a sinful life and banishment to hell? There is no
purgatory in the bible, that was a creation of the Catholic church. You either go to heaven, or go to hell after you die, no middle ground
Look at the example of Job, God knew Job's faith was srtong and limited the devil in what could be brought upon Job, and after everythign was taken
away from Job, God gave him back double because of his strong faith.
God knows the number of hairs on your head, adn the exact width of your shoulders, and will never give you a burden that you cannot carry