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Originally posted by omega1
can anyone look at the annual budget list of the us and maybe find something related to a high up organization.??
Operation Iraqi Freedom 22 Historic days in Words and Pictures, Foreword and dvd narration by Tom Browkaw, dvd footage NBC News ISBN 0-7407-405p-8? (partial isbn)
Bush vs the Beltway How the CIA and the State Department tried to stop the war on Terror ISBN 0-06-058012-7
Winning Modern Wars
Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire, General Wesley K. Clark ISBN 1-58648-218-1
The Iron Triangle -Inside The Secret World of the Carlyle Group ISBN 0-471-28108-5
New Edition- Unholy Wars, Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism ISBN 0-7453-1691-3
"them which say they are Jews and are not" - Revelation /Apocalypse 2:9
Please take the time to "VERIFY" the statements made herein.
One branch of the Rothschild family had financed Napoleon;
another branch of the Rothschilds financed Britain, Germany,
and the other nations in the Napoleonic wars.
If you think this is far fetched, bear in mind that they permitted Hitler, a liberal socialist himself, who was financed by corrupt Kennedy, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds, to incinerate 600,000 Jews.
"Now just why did the conspirators choose the word: "Illuminati" for their satanic-organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means: "holder of the light."
All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.
"Do you know how many such men operate in our government at this very time?
Shortly thereafter; the Illuminati had created the 17th Amendment to do away with appointed Senators by the legislatures of the several states of the Union. Whereas, before that, the Illuminati controlled the press; they now control the election of the U.S. Senators. The Illuminati/CFR had little or no power over the individual legislatures of the several states or their appointed U.S. Senators prior to the [purported] ratification of the 17th Amendment. Although the 17th Amendment supposedly amends the method of placing Senators into the U.S. Senate; the 17th Amendment was never ratified in accordance to the last sentence of Article V of the U.S. Constitution.
My only wonder is: "what will it take to awaken and arouse our people to the full proof?" Perhaps this record (transcript) will do it. A hundred thousand or a million copies of this record (this transcript) can do it. I prey to God it will. And I pray that this record (transcript) will inspire you, all of you, to spread this story to all loyal Americans in your community.
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
Nations richer and more powerful in their day than we are in this, have been sabotaged, defeated, enslaved.
Babylon was the largest and richest nation of its time, but its lust for luxury made it an easy mark for the Medes and Persians who overran it, and divided its land and enslaved the people between them.
Rome was a greater military power than we ever were, but when free bread and circuses became more important to the people than hard work and patriotism, Rome was invaded and looted by the tougher Vandals.
The Incas were the most civilized, richest people in the Americas, but ruthless, better-armed invaders destroyed them as a nation, and looted everything they owned and had spent generations in creating.
In every case it was the self indulgent weakness of the victim which made victory of the invader easy.
Undoubtedly there were Babylonians, Romans, Incas who warned against overindulgence and weakness, who warned that each citizen is responsible for his nation, and that that responsibility cannot be shrugged off on officials.
But to those who warned of impending trouble there was then as now the smug sneer, 'It can't happen here.' But it did.
Let us step back in time to 70AD, the time of the founding of the NWO. This was the time when Roman legionnaires destroyed the Jerusalem Temple and forced the Zadokite priests to flee to the Chartres region of France.
The Zadokites are widely considered to be the originators of the religion which came to be known as Judaism and were guardians of the secrets of an Egyptian school of thought derived from the survivors of the fall of Atlantis.
The Zadokites were known in Chartres as the "Sons of Light" and gained a large following. As we have seen in contemporary times, religious groups often split into several sects. In this case, the descendants of the original Zadokites became known as the "Brotherhood of Light".
Oct. 12, 2001: Official secrecy becomes official Ashcroft encourages federal agencies to deny requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act. In a memo to all government departments and agencies, he states, "When you ... decide to withhold records, in whole or in part, you can be assured that the Department of Justice will defend your decisions unless they lack a sound legal basis." This is a dramatic shift from former attorney general Janet Reno, who had instructed federal officials to grant FOIA requests unless there was "foreseeable harm" in doing so.
Arlen Specter was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1980. He has established himself as a legislative leader on crime, drugs and terrorism, and is the only candidate with hands-on crime-fighting experience. He has introduced several bills to limit the endless appeals in capital cases, to make the death penalty a meaningful deterrent. His Armed Career Criminal Act, signed into law in 1984 and expanded in the 1986, makes it a federal offense with a mandatory 15 years to life sentence for a career criminal found in possession of a firearm. This law has been especially effective against major drug dealers. Sen. Specter also crafted the Terrorist Prosecution Act, a tough anti-terrorism bill, and wrote legislation creating the independent CIA Inspector General, the only reform legislation to emerge from the Iran-Contra affair.
Arlen Specter was born to immigrant parents in Wichita, Kansas, on Feb. 12, 1930, and grew up in the small town of Russell. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pennsylvania in 1951, he served stateside in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations for two years during the Korean War. He graduated in 1956 from Yale Law School where he was an editor of the law journal.
The Great Divide
Part 3 Chapter 12 page 249, hardcover
Modern Iraq now occupies the land at the mouth of the Tigris Eurphrates Rivers, where civilization began. Although modern-day Iraq is a creation of Winston Churchhill as colonial secretary of Great Britian on August 23 1919, it's roots trail back into history and legend.
The first known urban civilization was located in Sumer near modern Basra, then farther north to Accad. Around the year 2000 b.c., a man called Abram, whose name was changed by God to Abraham (father of a "multitude"), was born in Ur of the Chaldees near the mouth of the Tigris Eurphrates River and near the site of ancient Sumer.
From Abraham came two sons. One was born, as if by miracle, when Abraham was a hundred years old and his beloved wife, Sarah, was ninety years old and past all natural child bearing ability. This child was named Isaac, which means "laughter."
The other son, his first, was born to Sarah's servant girl Hagar. The boy was named Ishmael, which means "God hears."
God had promised Abraham that his decendants would be as numerous as the stars of heaven, and indeed they are. Ishmael was the Progenitor of the Arab people, who number in the hundreds of millions. But God made an even greater promise to Abraham when He assured him that through his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed. The promise of blessing was transmitted not to Ishmael, but to Isaac, and then to Isaac's son Jacob, and then to Jacob's son Juduh, and then to Judah's decendant, King David, and to King David's decendant, Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus Christ is the final expression to all mankind of the faith of Abraham. He was a truly perfect man, totally yielded to the purpose of God.
His complete obedience even to death, and His subsequent ressurrection from the dead made Him the first of the ever-swelling multitude of those who are preparing for God's new world order of peace and justice. The time of this glorious paradise on earth under the divinely concieved Messiah and His chosen people is termed the Millennium, the thousand-year reign. Those who have submitted themselves to the lordship of the Messiah and invited Him to live within their hearts eagerly look forward to the establishment of God's new world order when evil, hatred, sickness, poverty, and war are taken from the earth. The Apostle Paul calls the millennial kingdom "the blessed hope and glorious appearing" of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Seat of Rebellion
Another stream of human life was birthed in Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, that was completely opposite to the thream of life flowing from abraham and his decendants. These people based their lives on human potential, human ability, and human rebellion against God and His order. Abraham was the father of all those on earthwho believe that god exists, that His ways are beneficial for mankind, and who are therefore willing to follow Him even to the point of personal sacrifice so that His kingdom can come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The other Mesopotamians rebelled agianst God and turned their worship to animals, heavenly bodies, demons, and other human beings.
Near the seat of the ancient Babylonian empire along the Tigris Euphrates river, people came together from Accad, Babel, Erech, and Calneh to assert their humanity. They believed that a people united could effectively challenge god, and they set out to prove it. United in their labors, they started building a city and a tower "whose top is in the heavens." Their stated purpose was "to make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth."
To put it another way, these people used their combinedenergies to exalt themselves for mutual self defence while they showed themselves the equals of heaven. Nothing in their plans included faith in God or submission to Him. This early experiment in world government was built on pride, self-exaltation, and what the people considered mutual self-interest. God's reaction is interesting. He acknowledged the power of combined humanity, even in rebellion against Him. His appraisal is fascinating.
The people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Genesis 11:6
God knew that this first attempt to build a new world order, if allowed to continue unhindered, would succeed beyond the wildest dreams of its founders. The danger of such a plan to future generations and the threat of this man-made order to the people of faith was so great that god determined to stop it at its inception.
Therefore, God confused the speech of the participants and scattered them over the face of all the earth. In the words of Bible, "they ceased building the city." God took away from them they key ingredient to success--harmoney. If they could not communicate successfully with one another, they could not successfully build an embryonic world order. From that day unto this the nations of the world have never been in unity on anythng, ever.
Reunited at Babylon
The significance of the Persian Gulf War transcends Kuwait; it even transends the concept of a new world order enunciated by George Bush. The Gulf War is significant because the action of the United Nations to authorize military action against Iraq was the first time since Babel that all of the nations of the earth acted in concert with another. I find it facinating to consider that this union took place against the very place where nations had been divided, the successor nation to ancient Babel.
It is as if some power reached out from Babel, where the first world rebellion against God was quashed, and once again called the nations of the world to unity. And on the very day the unity of nations was consummated, General Brent Scowcroft, national security advisor to the president of the United Sates, longtime Council on Foreign Relations member, and former aide and business associate of Henry Kissinger, announced, in an interview with Charles Bierbauer of CNN, the beginning of a new world order.
The danger to the world is not the plan of monied people to establish a world in which it is easier to make more money. The greatest danger is not even that the poor nations of the earth will use their influence to reduce america to Poverty.
The real danger is that a revived one-world system, springing forth from the murky past of mankind's evil beginnings, will set spiritual forces into motion which no human being will be strong enough to contain.
In the Book of Revelation there is a cryptic reference to "four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." Is it possible that at the Tower of Babel, Almighty God not only confused the language and scattered the people, but He bound the demonic powers that had energized the earliest form of anti-God world order? Our movie screens have been full of stories of explorers who unloosed dreaded forces upon themselves. These plots are obviously fictional, but the Holy Bible in not fiction. Here is what the Bible says:
Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.
Revelation 9:13-15
This world horror would be motivated by the demonic spirits and would be all consuming. The "angels" or demons had been bound by spiritual commandment from sometimes in the early days of history until the precise hour, day, month, and year for them to be released. The result of their release would now cost the lives of some 2 billion people.