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The great wall of America!

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posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 07:12 PM
Caught a website discussing possible plans for a fence/wall/barricade whatever between Mexico and the US . Is it to keep mexicans out or US citizens in?


Don't think it worked for China maybe the US will have better luck. Lot of money though if they build it.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 07:54 PM
A waste of money. All they need to do is make a law that says if you hire an undocumented worker it will be a $25,000 fine and ten years in prison for the first offense, and then enforce it.

Illegal immigrants are not coming here to lay around and draw unemployment and welfare, most are very hard working people who want to send money back to their families south of the border. Take away the jobs and illegal immigration will stop.

Frankly, I don't blame them for crossing the border in search of a better life. My family did the exact same thing around 200 years ago and i'm very glad they did. Just because my family came from Ireland does not give them the better claim to the promised land. Mexicans and others of South American descent have the right to search for a better life as well.

Just my thoughts on it,


posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:00 PM
you can't get anyone to clean your streets, empty your bins or pick your oranges from the trees. Gotta have a better plan than build a wall keep them out or fine the guy who cant get americans to do the work or do you?

offer some kind of plan that has a basis in reality, seems to me america is all out of ideas if this is the best it can do.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:09 PM
All I said was if they wanted to stop illegal immigration they need only make and enforce a law that would punish those that hire them. A fence is not needed.

I also said I don't blame the people for coming here illegally. I'd do the same darn thing if it was me. Living illegally in the US is paradise compared to the corrupt hell holes most of them were born in. Here they have a chance to succeed, there they do not.

We need the workers and we need to find a way to make it legal for them to be here. A way where they can pay into social security and have that money when they retire. No one should have to live in constant fear of the government, especially the INS branch.

We have a statue of liberty that faces Europe, we need one that faces Mexico.

Again, just my thoughts.


posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:13 PM
That makes sense. However i like the idea about the US government building it to keep you guys in. Wonder what is planned for the future Fortress America.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
That makes sense. However i like the idea about the US government building it to keep you guys in. Wonder what is planned for the future Fortress America.

The wall they are building to keep US citizens locked inside has already been built and is getting taller and stronger by the day. Because of the actions of the US government we are hated worldwide. Many US citizens wear a Canadian Maple leaf when traveling abroad to keep from being known as US citizens. Still,

I would rather be trapped and living in the promised land then anywhere else on this planet. We have it REALLY nice here, even if we do constantly gripe and moan about it.



posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
That makes sense. However i like the idea about the US government building it to keep you guys in...

Good luck.

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
you can't get anyone to clean your streets, empty your bins or pick your oranges from the trees. Gotta have a better plan than build a wall keep them out or fine the guy who cant get americans to do the work or do you?

‘Americans’ will fill the jobs. What formulates or is the foundation which supports the opinion Americans will not?

There is a saturation point.


posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:58 PM
I think the most effective method to stop illegal immigration would be to militarize the border. You could pretty much stop it over night if you did that. With modern tech like Infrared cameras, night vision and all the spy equipment the US military has It would be very possible. Infact I think we should form a seperate branch of the military just for Home defense. One where if you entered it you could not be shipped over seas but only used on border protection in the US. I bet it wouldnt be too hard to fill the ranks in that branch

A wall is of little value without the people partol that wall. You think the Berlin wall would have stopped anyone if there werent armed Soviet guards patrolling it.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 04:54 AM
I personaly like the idea of a wall on the border facing Mexico. It would just make it harder for the illegals to get through. But I think they should do something different with it. Make it into a game show.
Call it The Illegal Run.
I will make another post about it in the forums. Its just an idea me and my freinds came up one night.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 08:12 AM
'The green mile' who da thought that a arnie type movie could come true(ish). As to CJF you don't need to 'formulate' an idea that mundane/boring/dirty jobs don't attract many applicants thats why these guys use illegals as they are the only ones who will do it for the buck an hour.

Or am i just plain silly to think that.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 11:06 AM
You're being silly.

The mundane, boring jobs will be filled as they have for so long, by the people that never made it though High School, couldn't get into college, or just have enough personal drive to do that job, bitch about it, and be happy in that existance. Just look at your local Security Guard.

In my town, illegals get $10.00hr for day labor, they demand that level or you don't get workers, simple capitalism. You offer them a buck an hour they just walk away from you, you try to cheat them after a day's work and they'll beat you.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 12:06 PM
That illegals are being paid good wages in sweat shops and for picking farm produce. I think you need to get real if there are jobs that need to be filled and US citizens are not filling them - of course the overseers are goin to get someone to fill them. The driving force behind all this is Profiteering making Dollars cheap labour and sheer greed, as long as these guys try and succeed in getting cheap labour so they become rich, then a steady import of illegal immigrants will continue. Building a fence won't keep them out, where theres a will theres a way.

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