posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 08:47 PM
First off, I'd just like to say hello since I'm new and everything. I've been to this site before, but it's been a long time.
Anyways, now to the good stuff. I just moved to my new house this summer, around July. Its really close to the North Carolina/South Carolina state
border(I live in NC), maybe 5 miles. Anyways, I would stay up real late during the summer, sometimes till 5 a.m. That's abou the time my father would
wake up. Now, about mid-August, he got up early, around 4 or 4:30 in the morning. He was sitting in the living room, looking out the window. Then,
this huge, solid-white, 18-wheeler came shooting by. It was almost silent, with a soft noise like a muffled jet enigine(he used to work in an airplane
enigine manufacturing plant). He saw what looked like U.S. Government marks on the side.
About a week ago, him and my sister were coming back from a trip, coming home. They passed a solid-black 18-wheeler, heading north. My dad said he
thought it was a CIA truck, the kind they use for survellance, but I don't know how he could tell. He saw some U.S. Government plates on it, though.
A couple days later, he saw an flat-bed semi with a black helicopter on it, heading towards South Carolina.
A couple days ago, I was driving through town and I heard a helicopter overhead. I looked up and saw that it was an armed Cobra helicopter. I
could see the missiles on it and everything. And i always see Military Police vehicles going up and down the interstate. My dad's lived here a long
time and he says he can't think of a military base in a close proximity. The closest one is Ft. Bragg, I think. Then there's Ft. Jackson in SC.
Well, I just wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts on this. It just seems that the general military traffic has picked up a bit in the past couple