posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:09 AM
Hi all.
Hate to bring Alex Jones up again. As Ive stated in the past, I think he speaks more truth than any journalist or reporter out there, however he too
is flawed. Namely in his dire want to uncover the corruptions and misdeads dealt us by our leaders - he sometimes jumps the gun and labels mere pawns
as super-evil occultic killers etc. Also, in addition to exagerarating, it appears he enjoys the spotlight more than the pursuit of truth sometimes.
His greatest fault however, I suspect, is his outright fueling of the flames that can only result in riots and unrest; I.E. police state - the very
condition he is claims needs be avoided.
His rhetoric might be so over the top, that if people were to genuinley follow in his footsteps - we may very well find ourselves in the described
police state.
All those faults aside, I still think he packages the most comprehensive and truthful (not absolute) education on world events as of yet. It is
because he does such an excellent job, that I very much do enjoy sharing his films with friends and family - with my own preamble stated above.
Alex has invited people like myself to make copies of his films and distribute them, however I have not been able to burn any of his DVDs. Seemingly
there is some copyright issue that does not allow it. Has anyone here purchased an AJ DVD and had troubles? If so, have you discovered any ways to
It seems rather deceptive of Alex to promote his videos, invite us to copy them - yet employ anti-burn software on them. -yet another fault of his.
All the rhetoric aside, can anybody help me burn?