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Aaron Brown from CNN outed and I know why

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posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 10:36 AM
I started watching him when the war with Iraq started. I was always amazed at what a pompous arrogant a** he is. That must have had something to do with it.

When I was watching the coverage on Katrina I saw him bicker with Cooper Anderson to stop taking up time in his show. He is soooo full of himself. What an a**.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 10:55 AM
I started watching him after 9/11. He was an amateur, I thought, but then over the years, he really grew on me. I like him because he's a real person, not a 'personality' *cough* Anderson *cough*.

I can't see Aaron Brown standing out in a hurricane like a dipstick when he could step 2 steps to his left and be in shelter. He'd be like, "What kind of idiot stands in a hurricane when there's shelter right there"?!?!?

I think Anderson Cooper is a Matt Lauer wannabe. I can't stand either of the pretty boys. They're all face (and hurricane wind) and no substance.

Give me Aaron Brown and his intelligent, genuine, comical take on the news and his sly grin any day!

As regards why he got fired, it was probably because he doesn't look like Anderson (pointy-face) Cooper...

[edit on 4-11-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:44 PM
Maybe Aaron Brown wasn't as exciting as Anderson Cooper, (whom I like ),but I never found him to be a pushover during his interviews, I always found him informative and always appreciated his subtle sarcasm, yes it was there for those of you who didn't notice. He always seemed steadfast and true to me and I now worry that they will find a way to be rid of Miles O'Brian, who more than lately, has been tooting his own horn so to speak. More power to him, unfortunately, it would appear that Miles and Anderson only have four legs to stand on now instead of six.

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