posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
I watched the Scariest Places on Earth Show several years ago. Ever since I have felt a strong attraction as well to Poveglia. I have a profound
desire to help these beings transition and have sent intentional healing even from the other side of the globe.
When a tragic death occurs, the soul can spindle and trap themselves into a lower vibratory state. This state is difficult for their guides to access
and the soul is literally existing in a state of perpetual hell. Demonic entities are thus attracted to these energies and can further "bully" and
supress the souls. Human intervention is greatly necessary as we exist in a mediumship between these lower states and the higher realms.
For those interested in a most rewarding endeavor to help these fellow beings return home (and have access to Poveglia island) I highly recommend the
Be of strong faith and intention. The specific religion is unimportant, although the calling forth of of Jesus Christ will have a profound healing,
protecting presence.
Protect yourself first with prayer and intentional imagery. Carry with you anything of a holy nature- water, cross.
Go with others of like mind.
Speak with Authority. KNOW that your words are ordained by Source (you do not have to be a priest to have this knowing). Know that the Light within
you is so bright that it can make any demonic energy tremble. Fear is only a distraction to weaken your certainity.
Address the souls who are now ready to transition. Be gentle, loving yet firm. State that they are innocent and forgiven. State that they need to
forgive those who appeared to cause their trouble. Tell them the light awaits them and they are free to go. Remind them that they have the power to
free themselves and be at peace.
Emotions of anger and fear may arise. Know that no one can create an emotion in you, you create your own.
For those of us who are unable to access the island, know that prayer and intention transcends time and space. From where we are right now, we can as
well help those from across distances heal.
Thank you to all those who share their thoughts and insight.