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Poveglia in venice (haunted Island)

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posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:18 PM

Here's some pictures of the hospital/asylum in Poveglia taken by Allan Robson when he was presenting 'The Scariest Places On Earth'. He also does a radio show in the UK, and did a live feed from the place. Scary stuff

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:02 PM
hey, i saw the same show you did. i thought it was amazing and i had no idea that venice was so haunted and evil. it doesnt make sense that they don't let people on poveglia tho because im sure people are interested. i know i am. lol its cool to see that other people are interested in the same stuff. coolio =)

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:11 PM
Thanks Anon for th links to the pics! Wow they look really creepy,
You can almost sence the feeling from them,

Yes i fully agree this topic really has me hooked and looking for more infomation,

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:04 PM
I do paranormal research and I really want to go there and try to release at least a few of the ghosts there... I feel so bad for those poor people trapped in that hell....


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I watched the Scariest Places on Earth Show several years ago. Ever since I have felt a strong attraction as well to Poveglia. I have a profound desire to help these beings transition and have sent intentional healing even from the other side of the globe.

When a tragic death occurs, the soul can spindle and trap themselves into a lower vibratory state. This state is difficult for their guides to access and the soul is literally existing in a state of perpetual hell. Demonic entities are thus attracted to these energies and can further "bully" and supress the souls. Human intervention is greatly necessary as we exist in a mediumship between these lower states and the higher realms.

For those interested in a most rewarding endeavor to help these fellow beings return home (and have access to Poveglia island) I highly recommend the following...

Be of strong faith and intention. The specific religion is unimportant, although the calling forth of of Jesus Christ will have a profound healing, protecting presence.

Protect yourself first with prayer and intentional imagery. Carry with you anything of a holy nature- water, cross.

Go with others of like mind.

Speak with Authority. KNOW that your words are ordained by Source (you do not have to be a priest to have this knowing). Know that the Light within you is so bright that it can make any demonic energy tremble. Fear is only a distraction to weaken your certainity.

Address the souls who are now ready to transition. Be gentle, loving yet firm. State that they are innocent and forgiven. State that they need to forgive those who appeared to cause their trouble. Tell them the light awaits them and they are free to go. Remind them that they have the power to free themselves and be at peace.

Emotions of anger and fear may arise. Know that no one can create an emotion in you, you create your own.

For those of us who are unable to access the island, know that prayer and intention transcends time and space. From where we are right now, we can as well help those from across distances heal.

Thank you to all those who share their thoughts and insight.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
i had no idea that venice was so haunted and evil. it doesnt make sense that they don't let people on poveglia tho because im sure people are interested. i know i am.

Poveglia is just one in the myriad of islands in the lagoon.
As other people said before me, Venice has actually very few ghosts, compared to other similar locations, and I think you will find that the majority of people there don't have any "ghostly" experiences.
And the town definitely isn't "evil".

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

For those of us who are unable to access the island, know that prayer and intention transcends time and space. From where we are right now, we can as well help those from across distances heal.

I believe that to be true.
It's a good idea.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Vanitas

You do know that the school is fake?? It´s supposed to be a roleplaying game..

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:38 PM
I dont know if this has been mentioned already, but you wont need prayer to get there. There are enough corrupt boat-taxi-drivers who will take you anywhere for money.

Unfortunately there are so many tourists swirling around everywhere that I cant imagine finding the silence necessary to sense ghosts.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:35 PM
i stumbled across this site while trying to find info about a show that was on in the U.S, though it is not the S.P.O.E episode some of you have mentioned. i think it was called "worlds scariest places" or something of that nature. a friend of mine had me watch it a few years back, and i became very interested about the island, however until now i've never seen any decent sites about poveglia. i'm very excited to have found this site, and i hope at least one of you have heard of the show im looking for. it would be even better if someone could tell me where to find a copy of it.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:30 PM
not long ago there was a family who have been allowed to stay there becuase they wanted to place a vacation home on the island and buy it. they didnt last long and left that same night. they wouldnt comment on why they had left. But there two daugters ended up in the hospital becuase there faces were ripped off and needed 12 sticthes.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by adoggonemad

The soil there has a high mixture of human ashes, making it is sticky... but the sun dries the top layer making it easy to inhale when kicked up or the wind blows, and it can stick to the inside of your lungs. This could be a reason... or the fact that the people of Venice believe that the evil of the island has moved into the ocean due to never having a proper burial, and that is the reason that Venice is sinking. That the tortured souls left due to holy unrest there are pulling Venice down into the water in retaliation for their torture.

Venice was at one point know for their belief of the Occult... they truly believe that once you step foot on that island that you are in someways cursed and could bring back evil with you, unless you have the ability (like most psychics) to resist the evil lurking on the island. That is why they do not allow anyone other than the psychics there, and that is only on rare occasion... and the psychics NEVER want to return to the island again once being there, and the people of Venice fear that something could be "kicked up" and brought back to Vinice. Fishermen do not fish there due to the amounts of human remains that are pulled up from the ocean floor in the nets... it is not a place that you want to go to without the proper knowledge of the island or ability to resist the evil tortured souls that remain.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Their faces were ripped off but they only needed 12 stitches? I don't think so!

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

"i'm very excited to have found this site, and i hope at least one of you have heard of the show im looking for. it would be even better if someone could tell me where to find a copy of it. "

Check it out on youtube- world's scariest places- poveglia island, the entire episode is on there.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 08:45 PM
I saw Scariest Places on Earth too. I feel the desire to go there too, but I was wondering if one went to this island, would it be possible that they could catch the black death, even though it has not happened in so long? And suppose someone put a well there and drank the water, could they get sick? I wanted to ask because I hadn't seen this question asked anywhere else.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by qonone

I'm thinking maybe this would be a good case for Ghost hunters International to do? i love the show and if there is a way that someone can contact them and see if they are willing to give this a shot. I just saw Scariest places on earth with the eposide of the family that went to Poveglia and it looked pretty wild and would love to see the ghost Hunters investigate this island and see what they come up with. Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 04:50 PM
lol i clicked on the link to the "school for boys" page. did anyone else read that? its an RP. aka, there is no school on the island, or at least not supported by that post.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 03:51 PM
We are a paranormal investigators group of Austria.
and we would like to investigate this location, but we do not know a
contact, where we could get a permission for this night.
can anybody write me a mail adress or an office adress, where we can get a special permission for Poveglia?
This year we also investigated Lucedio. That was easy...but for Poveglia
we can not find any contacts.
ursula from API

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 05:00 PM
I would love to go there. I am watching a thing on the SciFi channel where this family went there. It's a pity they only let psychics go on there. I think it would give more credibility to everything if they let normal people go there and let them experience things for themselves.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 05:06 PM
This was just on TV about half an hour ago.

Worlds scariest places ... with Linda Blair.

This place sounds evil.

True evil with the souls and spirits of the dead being held back by evil.

Really bad karma.

I wouldn't go near it. (and I do ghost hunting!)

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