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Any explanation for the war games on 9/11?

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posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 02:10 PM
I don't know if anyone has addressed this much, but does anyone have an explanation for the war games?

Mine is that it was part of the inside job thing, but I'm curious about others.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 11:41 AM

I forgot about this thread, but I'm glad I came back. Just like I thought, no explanations for the war games from the "official" story people.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 11:44 AM
They were exercises. They happen all the time, without explanation. Ok, since I got a tap on the wrist for a one lnie respone (oops my bad) I'll expand a little bit. Exercises are scheduled months in advance, in some cases a year or more. they happen all the time, at bases around the world.

[edit on 11/15/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
They were exercises. They happen all the time, without explanation. Ok, since I got a tap on the wrist for a one lnie respone (oops my bad) I'll expand a little bit. Exercises are scheduled months in advance, in some cases a year or more. they happen all the time, at bases around the world.

[edit on 11/15/2005 by Zaphod58]

OK, exercises for EXACTLY the same thing that happened that day??

So, why did this happen DESPITE these exercises?

Were they unable to switch from exercises to real life? How the HELL can you sit by and keep playing a game when the exact game you're playing is happening in real life?

Taurus feces if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 12:19 PM
1. Not all the exercises were "real". They were computer simulations not involving real people or aircraft.

2. Exercise planes DO NOT FLY ARMED. Period.

3. There were SEVEN AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASES that had armed alert fighters ready to launch on 9/11. The bases that didn't have armed fighters would take at least an hour and a half to two hours to get their fighters armed and launched. They would have had to KNOW they had to arm, get the weapons out of the bunkers, get them to the planes, get them loaded, get the planes fueled, align the navigation systems (45 minutes to an hour with engines running), launch, and then the hardest of all FIND their targets.

4. The FAA-NORAD notification system was hopelessly inadequate. The only reason NORAD was notified about one flight was because the controller broke protocol and called NORAD directly on the radio and asked for help.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
1. Not all the exercises were "real". They were computer simulations not involving real people or aircraft.

Though there is evidence from transcripts with members of relevent agencies that there were some live excercises, meaning real planes in the air, which has been posted a few times.

Other than evidence like that, I don't think anyone can positively determine what excercises were or were not live or just comp. simulations, because the details on the games were never released.

If I'm not mistaken, these specific games take place once a year, falling on different days each year. So the chances of them falling on 9/11 was pretty coincidental in the first place, let alone the NRO's excercise on the very morning of 9/11 simulating a plane crashing into their building.


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