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posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 06:54 PM
Well its like this, Till today i did not think my dreams were any different to anyone elses..

I had a dream about surfing, A shark started to attack me and began eating my leg!!! At this moment or for what seemed like minuits in my dream i felt alot of pain..
When i woke up there was no pain in my leg...

As far as i know you are not ment to feel pain in your sleep!!!

Just wondering if anyone else has had simular

Ive heard its normal if you wake up and have pain like cramp or something,,,,,,But not pain just in dream state

Intrested to no if anyone else has had this!!!

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 06:57 PM
your not feeling pain at all actually. Sometimes dreams are so real that your mind becomes Shocked at the situation your dreaming of, and instinctively your mind puts one and two together (Shark+Biting=Probably hurts) so yourmind is kindof saying "It probably hurts" and you feel that thought, but not pain.....and if you dont understand what I just said, sorry, hard day of school and homework, and me be stupified

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 06:58 PM
your not feeling pain at all actually. Sometimes dreams are so real that your mind becomes Shocked at the situation your dreaming of, and instinctively your mind puts one and two together (Shark+Biting=Probably hurts) so yourmind is kindof saying "It probably hurts" and you feel that thought, but not pain.....and if you dont understand what I just said, sorry, hard day of school and homework, and me be stupified

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 07:10 PM
Anyone read about the night hag? I've had that experience several times. The first time I was scared as hell but I couldn't move. I felt like time was running out for or something. Eventually I went back to sleep.

The second (after a night of binge drinking) I woke up around 9am with "the Hag" pushing down on me and I was really pissed. I made a throwing/pushing guesture which enabled me to break through the paralysis.

More on the night hag:

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 07:30 PM
i have experienced what you are talking about. my dreams are extremely real, to the point where i can't tell when im sleeping i wake up and actually feel as though my dream was real life. i dream in color, sound, taste, smell, touch, everything is just like real life. most of the dreams aren't that out of the ordinary so its not obvious im in a dream state. its more like living a paralel life.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 07:31 PM
I have had the same experience as you before many times.
Im not really sure why it happens, nor did i look into it.
The "Hag" i think is also refered to as "Sleep Paralysis"
Which i started suffering as a kid, then it revereted to something even more strange as i grew older.
Iv felt more than just pain though in dreams, touch, kisses, even sex.
They all felt real, Iv been slapped so hard in my dreams before and painfully that I woke up when slaped.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 07:47 PM
ZeroDeep - check out the link i gave. At the bottom a doctor notes that the Hag is a bit different from sleep paralysis.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 08:38 PM
If your nerve endings anywhere are giving you pain, or hot or cold or other physical sensations are communicated to your brain during your sleep, there is no reason why this should not be felt at a conscious level and make itself manifest in your dream, though suppressed somewhat by the dream work.

Sleep paralysis I have experienced, old hag no, all in the head is my uninformed opinion on this one.

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 10:04 AM
Thanks for all the info, was getting worried this was not normal,

I have suffered nightmares all my life like 5 a week since i was 3,
So i wonder if this has anything to do with it!!

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 03:00 PM
least yours mades sense asal i had one when i was around ten it involved meclimbing a book case as i reached the top what apeared to be a squirrle jumped out and knocked me flying down a flight of stairs and then the creature starts scratching at my face i woke up with grazes and bruises

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 03:09 PM
this isnt exactly strange but in a dream i had i was walking past mcdonalds and it was my birthday and my family had got me a "berlin" cake i remember the icing had one woman on and 2 men and i made a fuss that i didnt want a berlin cake i wanted a nirvana cake.

thing is when i woke up i asked about berlin and they were a group with a lady lead singer lol ooo freakkky.

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 03:11 PM
On the subject of dreams, I had a weird dream about the Queen dying last night, and I remember shouting at everyone athat Charles was the King, but no one seemed to care, but I seemed to think it was very was like no one noticed though??? How strange

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 06:38 PM
that happens to me, too. if I hear the TV or radio in another room (or I was just too lazy to turn mine off), the sounds of that find their way into my dreams. a rather extreme example would be when last year, my lovely housmates decided it'd be fun to start jumping on my bed while I was asleep. I actually didn't wake up for a while, I just dreamed I was on the ocean. (I guess there are advantages to sleeping like the dead

and asala, I get a lot of nightmares, too. I've been getting them at least twice a week since I was around 7, but I get them a lot more when I'm stressed. I have no idea what they could be about, though.

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 06:50 PM
chebob - could that be a predicitve dream of Britain being districted by minor issues while major ones play out and take hold? Looks the national ID card system is going to be absolutely stupid.

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 06:50 PM
OK here be my take on the matter me hearties.

Your scurvy spirit can travel when you are asleep, and your dream can be your mental interpretation of what you are encountering. So you dream you are at sea, when infact you are someplace else, you mind puts a "mask" for want of a better word, over the reality you are experiencing.

This is a form of protection. Anyways, you can be in a situation where your spirit is open to attack from some "being". This will be manifested in your dream in a manner you can handle - as a shark, instead of the "reality" of what you ae experiencing. I have seen this personally.

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by ktprktpr
chebob - could that be a predicitve dream of Britain being districted by minor issues while major ones play out and take hold? Looks the national ID card system is going to be absolutely stupid.

It could mean a lot of things.......It's interesting, but I was thinking along those lines too.

If, like some people, I thought Charles was the Anticchrist, I'd really be worrying

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 07:29 PM
What is your good dream to bad dream ratio asala?? since you were about 3ish, and up to now? has it changed???

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 07:36 PM
Its pretty much stayed the same!! but as a child i dont remember to much about it,
MY family always suffered nightmares

i dont sleep much these days, probably psychologal due to all the nightmares.....I belive this is what has caused me to have insomania

posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 07:40 PM
Hi guys!
Sometimes i have Dreams that i am walking around my house, but i dont know its a dream till i try to switch on a light, and it doesnt switch on, thats when i know i am dreaming, then i freak out and wake up.

About Pain though, i have had many dreams where i hit people, and i feel the pain in my hands, then when i wake its gone!

I used to suffer from nightmare's also when i was a young kid and till recently, but i have gone towards faith and my nightmares have just gone, it seemd like it just happend over night!



posted on Sep, 18 2003 @ 07:45 PM
Asala, I wounder if there is a single unresolved subconsious issue that happened when you were 3 or before that keeps "trigering" your nightmares? Is there a theme or pattern to them? any reoccuring objectis in the dreams? for example do you keep seeing Colwns? (for give the example but my head is almost asleep)

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