posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 06:40 PM
hello all.
i just wanted to help everyone relate to how i begun to belive in GOD at the age of10.
first of all. i grew up roman cath. you know....must belive in GOD AND the CHURCH.well it didnt sit well with me so ...i questioned a lot of
ideals,though for your sanity,and my inabelaity to type (or spell) i will relate the major thought that influnced my belife in GOD.
simply enough:wher did it all begin? where did we come from?oh i know the sicn. behind the question.
but wher did it all begin? everything, not just us or earth ,all of it?space the moons the stars,antimatter,darkmater,matter itself. where did it
begin? we havent a clue do we?
sure,we could ask(and often i do)well where did GOD begin. and a good question it is , was he created? did HE have a begining? and before all the
christains begin w/ the \"HE always was and always will be \" save it.
the only problem w/ the question,is it only leads to the SAME question. who created him,and he that created him, on and so forth. no matter
how far back the question take us,the question still remains,..HOWEVER,
so dose the fact remain that ..we ARE here.
so whats left ? take it as far back as you like,look at it
in any perspective you like,we ..are ,how?
was there ever just nothing? could there ever be such a thing? nothing?what is nothing?
these questions haunt me,but how has it affected my belife, how did it help me belive in GOD?
see,some how we ARE here,some how all of this begun,perhaphs its only because i am confinde to this mortal mind ,that i belive every thing has a
begining,but its also my mortal mind that helps me understand that
nothing cannot create anything .
i am an artist,i create what i put apoun the canvas,though i didnot create the canvas. my artforms do not have the ableity question their existance,we
must have a loveing and awesom creator to be able to not only question ours,but also .....HIS.
just my thoughts.