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The Humanoids & Dracs....our gods?!

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posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:44 PM
I was lookin' though some new info on these aliens with google search and i was lookin' though some websites[can't remember what ]and when i was readin' the info though one of them, i've read that at least 12 Humanoids & 1 Reptillian race created us using their own DNA.Right now,i'm confused.If they created us using their DNA,why some Humanoids and Reptoids want us dead? Do ya'll find this making sense?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:46 PM
I find it to be all very confusing, lets just stick with the idea of evolution for now
Its easier on our minds

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:51 PM
Think about it tho....why would any1 who created us want 2 kill us?
Do u even think thats wrong?and on your opinion,do u think that we can all co-exist?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:55 PM
well my thought is maybe we are starting to get out of their control and getting to advanced for their own liking. So in the event of us finding out we are just minions and toys we could stage a decent fight for our freedom.

so maybe they just want to put us in a situation where they can feel easliy dominant again without a possible threat to their power...

when your hedges get wild what do you do? you trim them back down so maybe it is all about control and they need to restrain us maybe incapacitate us a bit

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 08:13 PM
well,it is kinda true that they could incapitate us since the Reptllians info said that they are strong, plus advanced in telepathy and technology...but it don't really matter really.[does it?]then again, this info might be false,but since there has been aubductions lately, and plus David Icke know about this as well,then i guess it's our choice if we wanna believe or not,right? But how does Icke know about this anyway?was he an aubductee as well or was it one of his relatives?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 08:18 PM
We are to evolved for them (not evolved but to poulated and governmental) that we may be considerd a threat in the future.

They want our land? Or it could a fright to have us give up in order to become slaves, the Annunaki, or Nephilum giants (Alians) who were in the Bible, and Sumarian religeon were suposed to have helped create us or at least be in close contact with us and treated us as slaves untill we learned how to populate so the Annunaki desided to destroy us (Allso called other names), but the 'creater' of us wanted to save us because he still cared.

The Dracs could be the same as the Annunaki?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 08:19 PM
i am just new but i gather from what i have read previously is that Icke is a very sensitive subject because many believe him to be full of crap on this board, and his fantastical thoughts on the subject. but then again if one minute detail about reptilians and the sort is true it is enough to change our perspective on the world.

i dont know if they exist, and if they do that they created us, but they are spoken about enough to not completely discount the theory of their existence...

do they want to kill us all? human characters have tried to cleanse groups of people before and the reptilians could be the same, to them we may be a blemish on the society of all beings even if they are our creators

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by street_fighter
Think about it tho....why would any1 who created us want 2 kill us?

If you have to ask that question then its pretty obvious you have never raised a teenager.

Love and light,


posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 09:49 PM
there jst jealous now looking at us because we truely are a beautiful race compared to all the pics ive seen.none of them even have

i wonder how well ppl are doing in other worlds far-far away. because im sure there are.

i was thinking...if we were born with a natural defence.(sharp teeth, long claws,horn.ect.)would we have ever evolved and learned anything?because we were born weak, we had to teach are selves to survive like using a stick as a weapon. the only reason we became so smart is because it also takes 10 years or so before we are smart human beings.(atleast 10) are mothers way back in the day had to stay with us longer then any other animal so we could survive, and thats why we came out on top.

i imagine monkeys/gorillas have alot of potential and same with any other animal that that sticks in groups to survive. Its hard to teach when ur by ur self ur whole life. wolves must be very smart. They stick in packs, ect.

IF we are to every die out, a group of animals that stick in a group will become intelligent first. This theory goes for all worlds and this is how reptillians took control, grey, ect on their home planets back in the day the forest and jungles become more crowded, the animals are sticking in closer groups, learning to get intelligent.

Us members on ats stick together and learn, imagine this board if nobody read it and posted...what could we learn?we need to stick in groups to learn and evolve.

lol i went a little off not going to erase it all now though.


posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:12 PM

If they created us using their DNA,why some Humanoids and Reptoids want us dead?

Postpartum Depression???

Anyway, you're assuming that they do exist and also that they want us dead. I'm not going to give my opinion on either statement, only to say that those are two very big assumptions with very little-to-no evidence to support them.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by BirDMan_X
there jst jealous now looking at us because we truely are a beautiful race compared to all the pics ive seen.none of them even have

i wonder how well ppl are doing in other worlds far-far away. because im sure there are.

i was thinking...if we were born with a natural defence.(sharp teeth, long claws,horn.ect.)would we have ever evolved and learned anything?because we were born weak, we had to teach are selves to survive like using a stick as a weapon. the only reason we became so smart is because it also takes 10 years or so before we are smart human beings.(atleast 10) are mothers way back in the day had to stay with us longer then any other animal so we could survive, and thats why we came out on top.

i imagine monkeys/gorillas have alot of potential and same with any other animal that that sticks in groups to survive. Its hard to teach when ur by ur self ur whole life. wolves must be very smart. They stick in packs, ect.

IF we are to every die out, a group of animals that stick in a group will become intelligent first. This theory goes for all worlds and this is how reptillians took control, grey, ect on their home planets back in the day the forest and jungles become more crowded, the animals are sticking in closer groups, learning to get intelligent.

Us members on ats stick together and learn, imagine this board if nobody read it and posted...what could we learn?we need to stick in groups to learn and evolve.

lol i went a little off not going to erase it all now though.


Well, really....u didn't go off topic.
you was actually givin' off advice....good advice 2....
but i don't know about jealousy about race's hair....cuz some Reptillians do have hair,but not on the head....kinda on the chin.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:17 PM
They are scared because we have a secret. We know they taste like chicken. Thus the grat avian flu is happening. They want to get us off chicken so we lose that flavor for chicken and thus them. Mmmmm tasty zards!!!!


Eat Chikin!!!!!

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:26 PM
ummm....1st of all,if the avian flu affects reptiles and related races as well,wouldn't the reptoids be dead before or during the war?

Secondly,ur a bit off topic.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:37 PM
Well anyway,if ya'll wanna find out more about this thing,then i suggest ya'll go to google search or yahoo search and type in:

Alien Aubduction Cases Files

These babies should help ya'll find out more about these entities.I will post some links if found,ok?

oh yeah, i forgot to tell ya'll,can ya'll do the same 4 me?

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by street_fighter
ummm....1st of all,if the avian flu affects reptiles and related races as well,wouldn't the reptoids be dead before or during the war?

Secondly,ur a bit off topic.


1. Just because it affects us doesn't mean that if there was an alien advanced race here that it would effect them. I never mentioned a war plus it was a joke.

2. Hmmm i thought the topic was about possible alien reptiles and humanoids beings becoming our gods. Thus the joke they are scared of us using them as a ....ah nevermind.

Whenever i think of humaniod reptiles i think of the tv series V. If thats the case we already are enslaved.


posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 04:13 PM
You're mixing up totally unsubstantiated myths (they are myths).

And, honestly, it's rather irrelivant, because there is no supporting evidence of any kind and no way the authors of the material could have certain knowledge of what they proclaim.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 04:17 PM
You're mixing up theories and just outright myths. For instance, the idea that aliens seeded the earth, the idea reptilians are out to get us and/or are demons/fallen angels, the idea that another, more advanced human race put us here or that the "other" human race died out leaving us as the last remnants of their society and culture.

And, honestly, it's rather irrelevant, because there is no supporting evidence of any kind and no way the authors of the material could have certain knowledge of what they proclaim.


posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 08:33 AM
Hi everyone I am very new to all this tech stuff and have read what yo are all talking about and I think maybe this page here might have some interest to talk about .



posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 08:51 AM
So ....LIZARDS....
well maybe after a few religion stories of evolution and rubbish like that maybe have alook at this page then stuff like THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND SO ON ........its all happening all around us wake up
who cares about lizards we eat them as well as chickens in AUSTRALIA

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 09:19 PM
Wow, i didn't know that Luna or the sun was planets...thx 4 the link. So about the Solar System, do u think they could be 12 planets, and just on ur opinion, do u think we could've sustain life if we knew about it 4 a long time???

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