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Help Needed to Stop Clear Cutting..

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posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 02:14 PM
Was not sure where to put this, but I need some help.
I am being innundated with mail, email and visitors so that it is affecting my sense of security.
Need to know if anyone is is being under a barrage of wannabe buyers for your home, land..
All they want to do is to use this vast acreage to clear cut and build.
They are like sharks, circling a prey.
Fragile earth depends on old growth trees for us to breathe..
Question; to any of you who are in real estate is there any way I can stop all the forest foraging? Are there any officials who can get these vultures off my back? Any help greatly appreciated..hope this fits here..thank you.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 09:56 PM
ive thought about this...if i ever have enough money im going to buy land somewhere and plant a forest...if there is a forest already i will leave it the way it is, and donate it in my will when i die to the naturalist committy of Canada(where i live)(im sure your country has a somthing to protect ur land, if u want) make it so its against the law to ever build on it. dont let ppl buy your is money but i'd rather have my own forest then a million $.

the world has too few natural areas left.


posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:25 PM
Thank you for the response..
This land was stolen from the Cherokees in the Trail of Tears..used to be over 3000 acres..
I will check on my will, as I fear it will not be followed.
When I saw a picture of this from my real estate lady, I said this is it.I had looked at many subdivisions, and they made me sick, so bare!!
God ain't making anymore land, so find your peaceful woods as soon as possible.
I am beginning to be slightly scared with all the land grabbers roaming everywhere..they are relentless~~good luck

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
Was not sure where to put this, but I need some help.
I am being innundated with mail, email and visitors so that it is affecting my sense of security.
Need to know if anyone is is being under a barrage of wannabe buyers for your home, land..
All they want to do is to use this vast acreage to clear cut and build.
They are like sharks, circling a prey.
Fragile earth depends on old growth trees for us to breathe..
Question; to any of you who are in real estate is there any way I can stop all the forest foraging? Are there any officials who can get these vultures off my back? Any help greatly appreciated..hope this fits here..thank you.

Here's a thought...could you not just say "No"?

They can't force you to sell your land, surely? Unless it's for a particulary good reason, anyway....

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:43 PM
[[[[Here's a thought...could you not just say "No"?

They can't force you to sell your land, surely? Unless it's for a particulary good reason, anyway....]]]

I can relate to why you think that would ne enough, but is is not..
One man cames and told me he would never take no for an answer..
Had another big guy who looked like a mafia hit man telling me he WANTS this property.. They do not hear NO.
I live alone w/ no neighbors on either side.
If I had a sig oth, maybe they would leave me alone..
I have a stack of over 85 letters since August, insisting they are the ones to sell my home to..
Maybe I should put up a no trespassing sign and a not for sale with it..
I have been here 28 years, and have never been scared, but by these vultures..

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by stumason

Here's a thought...could you not just say "No"?

They can't force you to sell your land, surely? Unless it's for a particulary good reason, anyway....

I guess you havent heard of a nice little thing we have in the US called "Eminent domain" Now most of the time is only used by the goverment for important public works like roads and such.

Im not sure about other states but in my state now Eminent domain is a tool for private entities

This poor lady was force to sell her land to the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Sad times when such awesome power can be used by private companies.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by stumason

Here's a thought...could you not just say "No"?

They can't force you to sell your land, surely? Unless it's for a particulary good reason, anyway....

I guess you havent heard of a nice little thing we have in the US called "Eminent domain" Now most of the time is only used by the goverment for important public works like roads and such.

Im not sure about other states but in my state now Eminent domain is a tool for private entities

This poor lady was force to sell her land to the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Sad times when such awesome power can be used by private companies.

We have a similar thing here, but can only be used by the Government for roads/schools/hospitals, that sort of thing. If a company tried too, especially for private commercial gain, there would be uproar (not that a company would be able to force you sell anyway, but the act of trying would get the CEO lynched).

Plus, it's just rude and certainly not cricket.....

siriuslyone, as I understand it from you gun-toting wierdos out there (
), can you not just put up your sign, then shoot the buggers if they come back? Forgive me if I am wrong, but I am sure that you have more rights to defend your property than we do here in the UK.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:19 PM
Yes, eminent domain has crossed my mind..That the SC said yes on this is abominable.Land is becoming more valuable than any other object..

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:39 PM
Buy a big, loud dog and fence him in around the house so no one can approach the house. Then go buy a 12 gauge shotgun and walk outside with it to greet any "visitors".

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by stumason

We have a similar thing here, but can only be used by the Government for roads/schools/hospitals, that sort of thing.

Ah your from the UK whats it called something like "compulsory acquisition" over there? Well whatever the name atleast your country uses it right

[edit on 31-10-2005 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:19 AM
you have to get the land reclassified so no development can happen there.... search your land, find a frog, mushroom, tree or mouse that is not found anywhere else or is endangered and you can have the land retitled conservation preservation area... I would be trying really hard to get it classified as such even without Mr Rare Froggie.....

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
you have to get the land reclassified so no development can happen there.... search your land, find a frog, mushroom, tree or mouse that is not found anywhere else or is endangered and you can have the land retitled conservation preservation area... I would be trying really hard to get it classified as such even without Mr Rare Froggie.....

Mayet's got the right idea, here. You can do it even easier (at least you can in Texas) by having your land certified as a wildscaping area:

Find out if there's a similar program in your area, and get that kind of certification with the land. Announce that you're not selling it (put up signs about it being a "natural area" and for wildscaping) and then put it in a will to someone in your family that you know will not sell it.

Or deed it to an Indian tribe on your death. I'm sure some of the tribes would be glad to administer it for you and use it as it's intended. If it's used and open for tribal ceremonies, this makes it even harder for others to take it away.

Once you've taken some of those steps, then work with some of the ecology organizations (talk to the Audubon Society, for instance) about how to further protect your land:

And check into info about how to register with the EPA for pollution credits (so that your trees are a valuable resource and generate money as they just sit there and grow.)

[edit on 1-11-2005 by Byrd]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:25 PM
[[[siriuslyone, as I understand it from you gun-toting wierdos out there (), can you not just put up your sign, then shoot the buggers if they come back? Forgive me if I am wrong, but I am sure that you have more rights to defend your property than we do here in the UK.]]]

I am one of those gun-toting weirdos, Nra lifer..
To consider that option, they would have to be in the home, no more shooting them and dragging them inside..too much forensics and city politics..wish I could..thanks for the idea..

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:33 PM
[[This poor lady was force to sell her land to the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Sad times when such awesome power can be used by private companies.]]

I have seen that..
The city owns all the property across from me which is a giant park of trees, and that is my only chance unless the city sells about 200 acres to a company or other project, which could happen..
Sad state of affairs that one is in fear of crime whem one is out and fear of land-grabbing when one is home.
I have a cherry 69 Srang, and it is coveted by any/all perps,,which does not make this any easier..
Not being a pity case, it has just changed so much in my hometown, I cannot believe the nonchalance of any county, city officials..

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:40 PM
[[[Buy a big, loud dog and fence him in around the house so no one can approach the house. Then go buy a 12 gauge shotgun and walk outside with it to greet any "visitors". ]]]

I have no option for a big dog, first I am not comfortable with them and have 2 inside dogs who will warn me of anything..
The shotgun is an option, they kick me down with recoil, but it is beginning to get to that point..

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:49 PM
Mayet, I have foxes, does that count?? I will pursue that option.

((And check into info about how to register with the EPA for pollution credits (so that your trees are a valuable resource and generate money as they just sit there and grow.)

Those are good ideas,,There must be an honest person/group that will get involved, perhaps the Cherokees, as my Mom ws born on a reservation..
But are they into saving land now or building gambling places..
As you can tell, I 'trust no one' to the extreme..
This is a new thing to me the land grabbers, so my safety zone has been compromised..Thank you for the links..I will check..

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:55 PM
HFH was recently willed 11 acres of old growth in my hood, and they want to clear cut the old growth and the trees heve been marked for cutting.
The neighborhood went in force to protest this, as the want 41 houses for this plot..The HFH is a charitable, helpful organization about as much as I have an ufo parked in my yard..VICIOUS. so bad it killed one of my hippies neighbors as he had worked so hard on this and other causes..
Cause of death unknown??? He was only 50.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 01:06 PM
I really feel for you on this one, can you not contact your local member of goverment lay out your story to him and see what help/advice he can give you?

You definalty need to get some sort of organisation involved, you cant take on the big guys on your own, if there are other people being pushed off there land in your area why not group together form another protest make other people aware alot more people aware, I personally think this is scandelious and im sure others in your community would too.

[edit on 1-11-2005 by Merkeva]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Merkeva
I really feel for you on this one, can you not contact your local member of goverment lay out your story to him and see what help/advice he can give you?

You definalty need to get some sort of organisation involved, you cant take on the big guys on your own, if there are other people being pushed off there land in your area why not group together form another protest make other people aware alot more people aware, I personally think this is scandelious and im sure others in your community would too.

[edit on 1-11-2005 by Merkeva]

We have been fighting the HFH for about 2 tears now, BUT city officials love CARTER, so they would not get involved, plus it is more tax revenue..
This has just recently started about 3 years ago they started building on any TINY lot they can find, out up a cheap byt good looking home on every patch of ground.. This is happening all over the metro area, not just in my hood..but nobody can stop the land grab in other counties either..
Most of my hood could care less what is being done as long as it gives unwed Moms a new this hard to relate to?
It is for me...thank you for caring..

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 01:24 PM
Yeh I forget everyone does not think along the same lines as people more eco-freindly. keep looking in to what you can do, there are people who care about these things out there, best of luck to you anyways.

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