posted on Sep, 26 2003 @ 03:47 PM
LOL, Gaz, you reading my mind or what???
Well, HAARP can and does manipulate weather. There is a good deal of evidence that it had a lot to do with diminishing Hurricane Isabel from a
category 5 down to a category 2, when it was over very warm water and should have been gaining strength.
However, I also believe that HAARP is being used for other purposes, and the attendant weather and seismic activities are unintended side effects
(although it should say something about the people using HAARP to continue with thier operations with full knowledge of such side effects).
I have not heard the story of the general, and frankly seriously doubt it, as HAARP is controlled far higher up than a single general could control
for such reasons. I DID hear that something similar did happen in Moscow however, and they even reported it in the news.
As far as the use of nuclear weapons in a hurricane, it wouldnt be effective, simply because a hurricane (on average around 200-300 miles in diameter)
has far too much mass and area to affect. The best you could hope to accomplish is to spread radioactive fallout all over a VERY wide area...